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Cardiovascular Disease Screening

Cardiovascular Disease Screening


Medicare coverage for cardiovascular screening blood tests began in January 2005.This page provides information for providers and other health care professionals, organizations who communicate with beneficiaries, and researchers regarding Medicare's benefit for cardiovascular disease screening blood tests.

Cardiovascular disease is the number one leading cause of death. This new benefit provides health care professionals with the opportunity to help Medicare beneficiaries learn if they have an increased risk of heart disease, and how they can control their cholesterol levels through diet, physical activity, or if necessary, medication. This new benefit allows Medicare beneficiaries who have not been previously diagnosed with cardiovascular disease to receive cardiovascular screening blood tests every 5 years to assess for risk factors associated with this disease. Medicare has determined that it is not necessary to test more frequently since lipid and cholesterol levels often remain fairly consistent among people ages 65 and older.

This page provides brief facts about cardiovascular disease and links to other resources for general information.

General Facts:

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women ages 65 and older, and is among the most common and costly chronic conditions affecting this population.
  • Heart disease can also lead to disability and a decreased quality of life.
  • Women often fail to make the connection between risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and their own chance of developing heart disease.

What Medicare covers: 

  • Coverage is provided for the following tests:
  1. Total cholesterol test;
  2. Cholesterol test for high density lipoproteins; and
  3. Triglycerides test
  • The beneficiary must fast for 12 hours before having these tests. The tests should be ordered as a lipid panel, but may be ordered separately.
  • Cardiovascular screening blood tests must be ordered by the physician or qualified non-physician practitioner treating the beneficiary for the purpose of early detection of cardiovascular disease.The beneficiary must have no apparent signs or symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
  • There is no deductible or copayment applied to this benefit, so the beneficiary will pay nothing to receive these blood tests.
  • Medicare covers cardiovascular screening blood tests every 5 years for beneficiaries with no apparent signs or symptoms of the disease.
  • Coverage is not available for other cardiovascular screening blood tests.

Other helpful information:

Below are links to information and resources for general information on this benefit and cardiovascular disease.


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Related Links Inside CMS

CMS Brochure on New Medicare Preventive Benefits Provided by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003

Medicare.gov Information on Cardiovascular Disease Screening Benefit
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy

CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

AHRQ's Pocket Guide to Staying Healthy at 50+

American Heart Association--Information on Cholesterol


Page Last Modified: 08/05/2008 8:09:48 AM
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