Electric Utility Technology

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College offers training for careers related to electric utility technologies. The first option developed and currently available is an Associate of Science degree in Electric Utility Technologies (EUT) that prepares students to become Relay Technicians. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College is one of very few institutions in the Unites States to offer this program.

Completing the Electric Utility Technology Associate of Science degree prepares students to enter into a Relay Technician apprenticeship program offered by some electric utility companies, or students may transfer to another college and work toward a four-year degree. Graduates will be well prepared for the beginning tests of technical knowledge that are part of apprenticeship programs.

Electric utilities are facing a shortage of relay technicians. Many relay technicians will be retiring from area electric utilities, and typical training time needed to become a journeyman relay technician takes multiple years. Relay technicians enjoy high pay and challenging jobs. Tasks are becoming increasingly challenging as more state-of-the-art electronic technologies are used for protective relaying, while the relay technicians still need to continue servicing older equipment.

Apprentice relay technicians need computer expertise, solid technical skills in electricity and magnetism, plus a wide background of education to become valuable employees in this changing work environment. The demand for relay technicians is expected to grow. Students will receive a broad general education that will equip them to become life-long learners in this technical industry.

Plans are in process for other career tracks within the Electric Utility Technology program. Future tracks may include Power Plant Technician and Renewable Energy Systems Technician. Options may be added in the future to address the needs for technically trained people in and around the electric power industry.

Fond du Lac College Advantages
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College received a grant from the Unites States Department of Education to establish training programs for electric utility technicians in protective relaying, renewable energy systems, and distributed power generation systems. The latest electric systems training lab equipment will be employed in learning labs. Opportunities for hands-on learning are in place.

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College has distributed generation micro-turbine powered by natural gas on campus, and photo-voltaic panels to generate electrical energy. More renewable and distributed power systems on campus are planned, including home-sized photo voltaic and wind energy demonstration systems. Students entering into this program can expect to enjoy a new and exciting educational program, use the latest in training equipment, and will have opportunities for challenging careers in electric utilities and in other industries where electric power systems are used.

For Further information

To receive general information about the Electric Utility Technology program or Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, contact:

Admissions Office
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
2101 14th Street
Cloquet, MN 55720
(218) 879–0808
TTY (218) 879–0805
Email: admissions@fdltcc.edu

Associate of Science Degree Requirements

General Education
For the Associate of Science degree, students must complete a minimum of 30 semester credits in general education selected form the goal areas of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.

  • AMIN 1050 Anishinaabeg of Lake Superior
  • BIOL 1060 Environmental Science
  • ENGL 1001 College Writing I
  • ENGL 1020 College Writing IIB: Writing for Work
  • GEOG 1030 Environmental Conservation
  • Math 1010 College Algebra
  • PHYS 1030 Meteorology


  • PHYS 1020 Astronomy
  • POLS 1020 State and Local Government
  • Electives to meet goal areas
  • General education credits: 30

Core Program Courses
To complete the degree requirements, the following Relay Technician track courses must be completed.

  • BUS 1035 Database and Spreadsheets
  • CSCI 1001 Computer Literacy
  • EUT 1001 Introduction to Electric Utilities
  • EUT 1010 Introduction to Alternative and Renewable Energy Systems
  • EUT 1020 DC and AC Circuits and Devices
  • EUT 1030 Transmission, Distribution and Metering of Power
  • EUT 1040 Power Electronics and communications Equipment
  • EUT 1050 Protective Relaying
  • PHYS 1001 Introduction to Physics I
  • PHYS 1002 Introduction to Physics II
  • Program-specific credits: 34
  • Total credits required: 64

Selected course descriptions

EUT 1001 Introduction to Electric Utilities
Students will learn the history, terminology, concepts, business structures, governmental regulations, technologies, and future of the electric power utility industry. Activities will include Internet and library research, class discussions, and tours of electric utility sites. Students will learn how electricity affects their lives and culture. The technical skills needed by electric utilities will be discusses.

EUT 1010 Introduction to Alternative and Renewable Energy Systems
Students will become acquainted with the background issues, scientific concepts, and technologies of alternative and renewable energy systems. The different types of systems will be surveyed and compared, and their future discussed.

EUT 1020 DC & AC circuits and Devices
Students will be introduced to electric circuits and devices from the perspective used in the electric power industry. DC and AC circuits, motors, generators, and other topics will be introduced through hands-on activities. (Prerequisites: PHYS 1001 and 1002, MATH 1010)

EUT 1030 Transmission, Distribution, and Metering of Power
Students will be introduced to transmission, distribution, and metering systems used in the electric power industry. Electrical equipment, theory of operations, system behavior, and other topics will be introduced through hands-on activities. (Prerequisite: EUT 1020)

EUT 1040 Power Electronics and communications Equipment
Students will be introduced to power electronics and communications equipment from the perspective used in the power industry. Equipment and topics will be introduced through hands-on lab activities. (Prerequisite: EUT 1020)

EUT 1050 Protective Relaying
Students will be introduced to the technologies of protective relaying, and the activities encountered by relay technicians. Relay components, relay types, fault simulation, and maintenance techniques will be taught by and experienced electric utility relay professional. (Prerequisites: EUT 1020, EUT 1040)

Degree requirements and courses are subject to change. Students should consult with an advisor/counselor when registering for courses.