Script for NPS Youth Outreach Partnership Video

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National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior presents Youth Outreach Partnership – Investing in Future Leaders

If a generation of youth never visits their local park, will they ever visit national parks?

And if they grow up without caring for their local environment, will the stewardship of national parks be relevant to them as adults?

In 2007, park service and nonprofit youth programs came together for an action-packed summer of fun, skill building, and service projects. Along the way, they learned about the parks, they learned about themselves, and they learned about each other.

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Getting to Know The Parks

(Youth Voice 1 female)
We was camping out up on this mountain, and like at 3 o’clock in the morning they woke us up, we went to the top of the mountain and watched the sunrise – it was mad beautiful.

(Youth voice 2 – male)
The trip to Rocky Mountain National Park was absolutely great, we had a blast
(Youth voice 3 – male)
I like it when we go to the lake – you can see the stars --- sometimes you can get that (in Dorchester)
(Youth voice 4 – male)
I like to be outside with the, umm, the animals and the trees, and kids your own age.

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Getting to Know Themselves

(Adult Voice 1 female)
Ok, well, what we noticed with most of our young people that it was their first job. So we were trying to promote, how do you get to work on …how do you work in a good way? So, you get to work on time, wear your uniform, be respectful and you work your hardest.

(youth voice 5 - female)
I love the people and what they believe in, especially the four pillars. And the four pillars where you can learn to make mistakes and you can just work on being a better person as a whole.

(Youth voice 6 – male)
It makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something, just helping the earth is better than flipping a burger or giving a kid an ice cream cone or something.

(Youth Voice 7 -female) – I think improving the community, you take a sense of ownership and sterwardship, because you know you live there and your friends and family and maybe even your children will get to use that spot

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Getting to Know Each Other

(Youth Voice 8 -female) The best way to settle an argument or settle that kind of thing is just to talk it out. Um, we always stand up for one another and if we do have any problems …we just talk about it.

(Youth Voice 9 -male) You got to show the skills that you have to work with other people

(Youth Voice 10 -female) Um, it was really interesting to see who was choosing to do this program…a lto of time and everyone sort of has their own reasons but seems to have some sort of passion

(Youth Voice 11 -female) It kind of starts a chain reaction so if you just start something, someone else will notice it and pick up where you left off or start something new.

The National Park Service Youth Partnership engages youth from diverse backgrounds with their local national parks.  It exemplifies the agency’s efforts to cultivate its future stewards and strengthen its connection to all Americans.

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Special Thanks to:
Groundwork USA