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Libraries for cluster Hs.462729

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Displaying 1 thru 125 of 125 items
NCI_CGAP_Ch1bonecancerbulknon-normalizedbone, non-normalized, chondrosarcoma, bulk, adult, CGAP, EST, Soares non-normalized, grade II, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_EN1_2bonecancercell linenon-normalizedbone, non-normalized, cell line, adult, CGAP, EST, Soares non-normalized, enchondroma, benign, plasmid vector
NCI_CGAP_FL0bonecancercell linenon-normalizedbone, non-normalized, chondrosarcoma, cell line, adult, CGAP, EST, Soares non-normalized, grade III, MGC, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_FL1bonecancercell linenormalizedbone, chondrosarcoma, cell line, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, grade III, MGC, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
Human Brainbrainnormalbulknon-normalizednormal, non-normalized, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage, whole brain
NCI_CGAP_Brn23braincancerbulknormalizedbrain, glioblastoma multiforme, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Brn25braincancerbulknormalizedbrain, oligodendroglioma, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, male, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Brn64braincancerbulknon-normalizedbrain, glioblastoma multiforme, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Brn67braincancerbulknon-normalizedbrain, oligodendroglioma, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_119brainnormalbulknormalizednormal, bulk, adult, normalized, medulla oblongata, full-length enriched, EST, LTI normalized, MGC, male, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_19braincancercell linenon-normalizedbrain, neuroblastoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_47braincancercell linenon-normalizedbrain, neuroblastoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_57braincancercell linenon-normalizedbrain, glioblastoma multiforme, non-normalized, cell line, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Clontech non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector
NIH_MGC_96brainnormalbulknormalizednormal, bulk, hypothalamus, normalized, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_98braincancercell linenon-normalizedbrain, astrocytoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
RIKEN full-length enriched human cDNA library, hypothalamusbrainuncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentuncharacterized histology, hypothalamus, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage
Soares infant brain 1NIBbrainnormalbulknormalizednormal, bulk, normalized, EST, Soares normalized, female, infant, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, whole brain
Soares_multiple_sclerosis_2NbHMSPbrainuncharacterized histologybulknormalizedbrain, multiple sclerosis, bulk, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, male, size fractionated
Sugano cDNA library, brainbrainuncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentbrain, uncharacterized preparation, uncharacterized histology, EST, unknown developmental stage
normalized infant brain cDNAbrainnormalbulknormalizednormal, bulk, normalized, EST, Soares normalized, female, infant, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, whole brain, muscular atrophy
HNC (Human Normal Cartilage)cartilagenormalbulkuncharacterized treatmentcartilage, normal, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage, plasmid vector, directionally cloned
NCI_CGAP_Car1cartilageuncharacterized histologybulknon-normalizedcartilage, non-normalized, bulk, adult, CGAP, EST, Soares non-normalized, osteoarthritis, MGC, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_DT1cartilagecancerbulknormalizedmetastasis, cartilage, chondrosarcoma, bulk, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, MGC, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_95cerebrumnormalbulknormalizednormal, hippocampus, bulk, normalized, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
RIKEN full-length enriched human cDNA library, hippocampuscerebrumuncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmenthippocampus, uncharacterized histology, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage
NIH_MGC_64cervixcancercell linenon-normalizedcervix, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, female, size fractionated, plasmid vector, cervical carcinoma
NCI_CGAP_Co3coloncancerbulknormalizedcolon, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, colorectal cancer
NIH_MGC_15coloncancercell linenon-normalizednon-normalized, colon, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, adenocarcinoma of the colon
Soares_total_fetus_Nb2HF8_9wembryonic tissuenormalbulknormalizednormal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, embryonic tissue, first trimester, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
Human Adrenal glandendocrinenormalbulknon-normalizedadrenal gland, normal, non-normalized, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage
Human Lens cDNA (Un-normalized, unamplified): BYeyenormalbulkuncharacterized treatmentnormal, bulk, adult, lens, EST, plasmid vector
Human keratoconus cornea, unamplified, (od/oe)eyeuncharacterized histologybulkuncharacterized treatmentcornea, bulk, adult, EST, plasmid vector, keratoconus
NIH_MGC_16eyecancercell linenon-normalizedeye, non-normalized, cell line, retinoblastoma, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_43eyenormalcell linenon-normalizedeye, normal, non-normalized, cell line, pigmented epithelium, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
UI-E-CI1eyenormalbulkuncharacterized treatmentnormal, bulk, adult, choroid, pigmented epithelium, EST, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
human cDNA library, immortalized cell line of corneal epithelial cellseyeuncharacterized histologycell lineuncharacterized treatmentepithelium, cornea, uncharacterized histology, cell line, adult, EST
human eyeball cDNA Libraryeyenormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmenteye, normal, adult, EST, plasmid vector
Soares_fetal_heart_NbHH19Wheartnormalbulknormalizedfetus, heart, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Kid11kidneynormalbulkmultiple treatmentkidney, normal, bulk, normalized, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid
NCI_CGAP_Kid12kidneycancerbulksubtractedkidney, bulk, adult, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, clear cell renal carcinoma
NCI_CGAP_Kid3kidneynormalbulknormalizedkidney, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Kid5kidneycancerbulknormalizedkidney, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, clear cell renal carcinoma
NCI_CGAP_Kid6kidneycancerbulknon-normalizedkidney, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, Stratagene non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, mixed pool by gender, size fractionated, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, kidney tumor
NIH_MGC_14kidneycancercell linenon-normalizedkidney, renal cell carcinoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
ET0020lungcancerbulkuncharacterized treatmentlung, bulk, adult, ORESTES, EST, plasmid vector, lung tumor
ET0202lungcancerbulkuncharacterized treatmentlung, bulk, adult, ORESTES, EST, plasmid vector, lung tumor
NCI_CGAP_FT1lunguncharacterized histologybulknormalizedlung, uncharacterized histology, bulk, adult, normalized, macrophage, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, MGC, stress, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Lu24lungcancerbulksubtractedlung, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, neuroendocrine lung carcinoid
NIH_MGC_101lungcancercell linenon-normalizedlung, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, lung squamous cell carcinoma
NIH_MGC_18lungcancercell linenon-normalizedlung, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, non-small cell lung cancer
NIH_MGC_68lungcancercell linenon-normalizedlung, non-normalized, cell line, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, non-small cell lung cancer
Soares_fetal_lung_NbHL19Wlungnormalbulknormalizedfetus, lung, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
Stratagene lung carcinoma 937218lungcancercell linenon-normalizedlung, non-normalized, cell line, adult, EST, male, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, small cell lung cancer
UI-CF-EC1lungnormalbulknormalizedlung, normal, bulk, normalized, EST, mixed developmental stages, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
UI-CF-EN1lunguncharacterized histologybulknormalizedlung, epithelium, bulk, adult, normalized, EST, cystic fibrosis, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
UI-CF-FN0lungnormalbulksubtractedlung, epithelium, normal, bulk, subtracted, EST, unknown developmental stage, plasmid vector
NIH_MGC_48lymphoreticularnormalcell linenon-normalizedB-cell, normal, non-normalized, cell line, EST, tonsil, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector
NIH_MGC_85lymphoreticularcancercell linenon-normalizedlymphoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, lymph
BT0603mammary glandcancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentmammary gland, cell line, adult, ORESTES, EST, female, plasmid vector, breast (mammary gland) cancer
Human breast cancer tissue, large insert, pCMV expression librarymammary glandcanceruncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentmammary gland, adult, full-length enriched, EST, female, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed, breast (mammary gland) cancer
NIH_MGC_87mammary glandcancercell linenon-normalizedmammary gland, non-normalized, cell line, adult, full-length enriched, EST, LTI non-normalized, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, breast (mammary gland) cancer
HM3musclenormalbulknon-normalizedskeletal muscle, normal, non-normalized, bulk, adult, EST, female, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Ov18ovarycancerbulknormalizedovary, fibrothecoma, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, female, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_109ovarycancercell linenon-normalizedovary, non-normalized, cell line, teratocarcinoma, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_9ovarycancercell linenon-normalizedovary, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, female, size fractionated, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, ovarian adenocarcinoma
Soares ovary tumor NbHOTovarycancerbulknon-normalizedovary, non-normalized, bulk, adult, EST, female, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, ovarian tumor
NIH_MGC_110pancreascancercell linenon-normalizedpancreas, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, pancreatic ductal carcinoma
NIH_MGC_42pancreascancercell linenon-normalizedpancreas, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, pancreatic adenocarcinoma
NIH_MGC_70pancreascancercell linenon-normalizedpancreas, non-normalized, cell line, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, pancreatic adenocarcinoma
HR85 isletpancreatic isletnormalbulkuncharacterized treatmentpancreatic islet, normal, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
Homo sapiens pancreatic isletpancreatic isletnormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentpancreatic islet, normal, uncharacterized preparation, EST, unknown developmental stage
Human insulinomapancreatic isletcancerbulkuncharacterized treatmentpancreatic islet, pancreas, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, insulinoma
Melton Normalized Human Islet 4 N4-HIS 1pancreatic isletnormalbulknormalizedpancreatic islet, normal, bulk, adult, normalized, EST, size fractionated, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
Soares_parathyroid_tumor_NbHPAparathyroidcancerbulknormalizedparathyroid, bulk, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, benign, phagemid, parathyroid tumor
Lupski_sciatic_nerveperipheral nervous systemnormalbulknon-normalizednerve, normal, non-normalized, bulk, adult, EST, LTI non-normalized, MGC, male, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_148placentanormalbulknormalizednormal, placenta, bulk, pregnant, adult, normalized, EST, MGC, female, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_21placentacancercell linenon-normalizednon-normalized, placenta, cell line, choriocarcinoma, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_116pooled tissuenormalbulknormalizedkidney, stomach, normal, colon, bulk, adult, normalized, full-length enriched, EST, LTI normalized, MGC, mixed pool by gender, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_122pooled tissuenormalbulknormalizedfetus, spleen, lung, normal, bulk, adult, normalized, full-length enriched, EST, LTI normalized, MGC, mixed pool by gender, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_128pooled tissuenormalcell linenon-normalizedblood, brain, eye, skin, kidney, bladder, ovary, prostate, mammary gland, pharynx, lung, liver, normal, non-normalized, colon, salivary gland, cell line, intestine, natural killer cell, EST, unknown developmental stage, mixed tissue, MGC, size fractionated, plasmid vector
Soares_NFL_T_GBC_S1pooled tissuenormalbulksubtractedfetus, testis, lung, B-cell, normal, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, mixed tissue, mixed developmental stages
Soares_NSF_F8_9W_OT_PA_P_S1pooled tissueuncharacterized histologybulksubtractedfetus, parathyroid, ovary, placenta, uncharacterized histology, bulk, adult, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, mixed tissue, mixed developmental stages
Human prostate, large insert, pCMV expression libraryprostatenormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentprostate, normal, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, male, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
LNCAP + R1881 synthetic Androgen human prostate libraryprostatecancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentprostate, cell line, adult, EST, male, prostate cancer, androgen
NCI_CGAP_Pr1prostatenormalmicrodissectednon-normalizedprostate, epithelium, normal, non-normalized, microdissected, adult, CGAP, EST, Krizman protocol 1, male, size fractionated, phagemid
NCI_CGAP_Pr21prostatenormalbulknon-normalizedprostate, normal, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, Soares non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, male, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Pr28prostatenormalbulksubtractedprostate, normal, bulk, adult, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, male, phagemid
NCI_CGAP_Pr3prostatecancermicrodissectednon-normalizedprostate, invasive, non-normalized, microdissected, adult, CGAP, EST, Krizman protocol 1, male, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, prostate cancer
NCI_CGAP_Pr9prostatenormalmicrodissectednon-normalizedprostate, epithelium, normal, non-normalized, microdissected, CGAP, EST, Krizman protocol 1, unknown developmental stage, male, size fractionated, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_216prostatecancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentprostate, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, male, size fractionated, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed, prostate cancer
NIH_MGC_40prostatecancercell linenon-normalizedprostate, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, male, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, prostate cancer
UI-E-CL0retinanormalbulkuncharacterized treatmentretina, normal, bulk, adult, EST, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
UI-E-CL1retinanormalbulkuncharacterized treatmentretina, normal, bulk, adult, EST, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_102salivary glandcancercell linenon-normalizednon-normalized, salivary gland, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, salivary gland epidermoid carcinoma
Human cultured dermal papilla cell cDNA library(A)skinnormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentskin, fibroblast, normal, EST, size fractionated, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_112skincancercell linenon-normalizedskin, melanoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_20skincancercell linemultiple treatmentskin, melanoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_72skincancercell linenon-normalizedskin, melanoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
Soares_senescent_fibroblasts_NbHSFskinnormalbulknormalizedskin, fibroblast, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Gas4stomachcancerbulknon-normalizedstomach, poorly differentiated, non-normalized, bulk, adult, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, gastric signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma
S13KMS5s1stomachcancercell linesubtractedstomach, cell line, subtracted, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, multiple myeloma of the stomach
S21SNU520stomachcancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentstomach, cell line, adult, full-length enriched, EST, female, plasmid vector, stomach cancer
Human Testistestisnormalbulknon-normalizedtestis, normal, non-normalized, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage, male
NIH_MGC_180testisnormalbulknon-normalizedtestis, normal, non-normalized, bulk, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, male, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_82testisnormalbulknon-normalizedtestis, normal, non-normalized, bulk, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Clontech non-normalized, male, size fractionated, plasmid vector
NIH_MGC_97testisnormalbulknormalizedtestis, normal, bulk, normalized, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, male, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
RIKEN full-length enriched human cDNA library, testistestisuncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmenttestis, uncharacterized histology, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, male
Soares_testis_NHTtestisnormalbulknormalizedtestis, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, male, oligo-dT primed
Testis Itestisnormalbulknon-normalizedtestis, normal, non-normalized, bulk, adult, EST, male
HT1075thyroidcancerbulkuncharacterized treatmentthyroid, bulk, adult, ORESTES, EST, plasmid vector, thyroid tumor
NCI_CGAP_Thy1thyroidcancerbulknon-normalizedthyroid, invasive, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, Krizman protocol 1, unknown developmental stage, size fractionated, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed, thyroid tumor
Thyroidthyroidnormalbulknon-normalizedthyroid, normal, non-normalized, bulk, adult, EST
Epididymusuncharacterized tissuenormalbulknon-normalizednormal, non-normalized, epididymis, bulk, adult, EST, male
FLPuncharacterized tissueuncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentuncharacterized tissue, uncharacterized preparation, uncharacterized histology, EST, unknown developmental stage, plasmid vector
Human adult (K.Okubo)uncharacterized tissuenormalbulknon-normalizednormal, non-normalized, uncharacterized tissue, bulk, adult, EST
NCI_CGAP_GC6uncharacterized tissuecancerbulksubtractedgerm cell tumor, uncharacterized tissue, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid
NCI_CGAP_Sub2uncharacterized tissueuncharacterized histologybulksubtracteduncharacterized tissue, uncharacterized histology, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, mixed developmental stages, phagemid
NCI_CGAP_Sub4uncharacterized tissueuncharacterized histologybulksubtracteduncharacterized tissue, uncharacterized histology, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid
S22SNU16n1uncharacterized tissuecancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentcell line, adult, ascites, EST, female, plasmid vector, stomach cancer
NIH_MGC_44uteruscancercell linenon-normalizednon-normalized, endometrium, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, female, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, endometrial carcinoma
NIH_MGC_46uteruscancercell linenon-normalizeduterus, leiomyosarcoma, non-normalized, cell line, adult, EST, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, female, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_71uteruscancercell linenon-normalizeduterus, leiomyosarcoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, female, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
Soares_pregnant_uterus_NbHPUuterusnormalbulknormalizeduterus, normal, bulk, pregnant, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, female, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
UM0021uterusuncharacterized histologybulkuncharacterized treatmentuterus, bulk, adult, ORESTES, mixed (normal and tumor), EST
Sugano cDNA library, coronary artery smooth muscle cellvascularnormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentsmooth muscle, normal, uncharacterized preparation, EST, unknown developmental stage, coronary artery

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