Organic on the Menu: Healthy Eating Trends In Foodservice

Apr 1, 2006
96 Pages - Pub ID: LA1199119
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In the last ten years, demand for organic foods has doubled, and is expected to more than double again in the next few years, increasing from just under $11 billion in 2004 to more than $30 billion by 2007. While organics represent only about 2 per cent of sales in both retail and food service channels, this share is expected to increase. In food service, more than half of operators surveyed by Restaurants & Institutions (R &I) in early 2005 report more orders for organic menu items than two years ago. While food service currently represents only about 4 per cent of organic sales, use of organic products in U.S. food service is increasing by an estimated 20 per cent annually. In fine dining, almost two-third of respondents reported that they already menu organic, and in institutional food service, some college and university operators are trying to achieve as close to 100 per cent organic as supplies will permit.

The challenges of supply are formidable, however. Prices fluctuate wildly from summer to winter, making seasonal menus essential. In fine dining, customers will pay extra for organic, and don’t mind, or even welcome, the frequent changes of menu. But for chains like Panera and O’Naturals, menu stability is important and organic supplies are a constant challenge.

Organic on the Menu: Healthy Eating Trends in U.S. Restaurants examines the potentially lucrative - and risky - market for organic in foodservice. This Packaged Facts report discusses market trends and drivers to growth, profiles supplies, producers and a wide range of foodservice establishments engaged in organic dining (from white tablecloth restaurants to college foodservice operations), and discusses the consumers who are instrumental in bringing healthy eating to the eating out experience.

Report Methodology
The information in Organic on the Menu is based on both primary and secondary research. Primary research involved on-site examination of the retail milieu, interviews with marketing, public relations and industry analysts within the beverage market and consultants to the industry. Secondary research entailed data-gathering from relevant trade, business, and government sources, including company literature. Consumer information was derived from Simmons Market Research Bureau, fall 2005 National Consumer Survey.

What You’ll Get in this Report
Organic on the Menu makes important predictions and recommendations regarding the future of this market, and pinpoints ways current and prospective marketers can capitalize on current trends and spearhead new ones. No other market research report provides both the comprehensive analysis and extensive data that Organic on the Menu offers. The report addresses the following segments:

  • The Market (including market size and composition, and projected market growth)
  • The Marketers (including discussions of specific marketer brand and market shares)
  • Competitive Profiles (of the mainstream marketers, specialists and up-and-coming niche players, and analyses of the products they market)
  • The Consumer (who’s buying what, and where)
  • Trends and Opportunities

Plus, you’ll benefit from extensive data, presented in easy-to-read and practical charts, tables and graphs.

How You Will Benefit from this Report
If your company is already competing in the food/beverage industry, or is considering making the leap, you will find this report invaluable, as it provides a comprehensive package of information and insight not offered in any other single source. You will gain a thorough understanding of the current market for organic in foodservice, as well as a detailed discussion of the consumer for organic products.

This report will help:

    Marketing Managers identify market opportunities and develop targeted promotion plans for organic foodservice offerings.
  • Research and development professionals stay on top of competitor initiatives and explore demand for organic menu items.
  • Advertising agencies working with clients in the foodservice industry understand the product buyer to develop messages and images that compel consumers to purchase these products.
  • Business development executives understand the dynamics of the market and identify possible partnerships.
  • Information and research center librarians provide market researchers, brand and product managers and other colleagues with the vital information they need to do their jobs more effectively.

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