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National Organic Farmers' Surveys

OFRF Fourth National Organic Farmers' Survey:
Sustaining Organic Farms in a Changing Organic Marketplace

by Erica Walz

Downloadable reports:

Complete Results of the
4th National Organic Farmers' Survey (Adobe pdf, 760K)
Optimized for screen-view

Special Presentation of the
4th National Organic Farmers' Survey results, focusing on "GMOs and Organic." (Adobe PDF, 280K)

© 2004 Organic Farming Research Foundation


Since 1993, OFRF has conducted four nationwide surveys of certified organic farmers. These surveys represent the only effort to assess organic farmers’ research and information needs, and to collect general demographic data about organic farmers across the U.S. This information is used to frame OFRF’s research grantmaking program and to help organize research and policy initiatives that benefit organic farmers.

OFRF's latest survey results were published in July 2004. The Fourth National Organic Farmers' Survey: Sustaining Organic Farms in a Changing Organic Marketplace, gathered information on a wide variety of topics related to organic markets and marketing. The survey also focused on significant issues that affect organic markets, such as organic farmers’ perceived risk of contamination of certified organic crops by genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and information and services most needed by organic farmers to help with marketing their farm products. As with past surveys, OFRF also collected key demographic and production information.

In spring 2002, OFRF mailed the 22-page survey to certified organic farmers throughout the U.S, with 1,034 farmers responding, an 18% response rate. The survey population is developed from producer certification lists voluntarily provided by organic certification agencies. This is OFRF’s first survey to focus specifically on organic farmers’ experiences in the organic market.

The survey included 8 sections:

  • Farm profile
  • Production and product detail
  • Marketing your organic products
  • Organic market conditions, 2001
  • Information and services
  • Marketing orders and organic
  • GMOs and organic
  • More about you and your farm (demographics).

The survey results are available to the public in booklet format for a requested donation of $10 to cover printing and postage. Email info@ofrf.org to request a hard copy.

In addition, the full final results and the executive summary of the Third Biennial National Organic Farmers' Survey, conducted in 1997, are available online.


Complete Results of the Third Biennial National Organic Farmers' Survey(collecting data for the years 1997-98 and published in 1999).

by Erica Walz

(Adobe pdf, 1,891K)




Information Bulletin

State of the States

National Organic Farmers' Survey Results

Investing in Organic Knowledge

Searching for the 'O-Word'

OFRF-funded project reports