
NBJ's Organic Foods Report 2006

An analysis of markets, trends, competition and strategy in U.S. organic foods: 1996-2010

NBJ's Organic Foods Report 2006 is the fourth edition of NBJ's comprehensive analysis of the U.S. organic foods industry.

Based on more than a decade of continuous research on natural, organic, functional and conventional foods, NBJ's Organic Foods Report 2006 puts the $13.8-billion U.S. organic market in the context of the $550-billion U.S. food industry. Penetration rates for organic foods have gone from 0.8% in 1997 to 2.5% in 2005, and prospects for reaching 5-10% remain strong. The organic movement has evolved from a fringe element associated with a lost generation to a core business strategy of the world's largest corporations.

NBJ research obtains information from each level of the supply chain, from farm to processor to manufacturer to distributor to retailer to consumer, providing broad perspective, reliable accuracy and seasoned analysis on the still dynamic market for organic foods.

This 460-page report covers product categories in comprehensive detail, sales channels, distribution trends, supply chain issues, price premiums, historical market growth and forecasts, M&A, consumer usage, leading companies by category and more indispensable information for business planning and opportunity evaluation.

NBJ's Organic Foods Report 2006 is designed for business planners, market evaluators, investors, product developers, ingredient suppliers and others requiring a comprehensive assessment of the business of organic foods.

    1. Executive Summary (10 pages)
    2. Organic Evolution & Market Drivers (50 pages)
    3. Market Data Overview & Forecast (80 pages)
    4. Organic Categories (230 pages)
    5. Company Profiles (80 pages)

Market Quantification: Size breakdowns and growth forecasts by eight major food categories and 70 product types with company rankings and market share in major categories.

Strategic Analysis: Business strategies, growth rates and future plans of independent manufacturers and multinational corporations derived from hundreds of interviews and survey responses.

Over 300 Company Profiles: Business snapshots of leading manufacturers including organic sales, product and sales channel breakdowns for each firm.

Published October 2006.

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