
Ruth Ann Woods

Ruth Ann Woods Photo

President Ruth Ann Woods was appointed by the State Board for the Colorado Community College System to the position of Interim Chief Administrative Officer for Trinidad State Junior College effective December 14, 2004 and appointed President of TSJC in November 2005.  President Woods serves as chief executive officer and reports directly to the SBCCOE.  She is responsible for the operation and organization of the College, implementation of policy, and evaluation of the College's performance.  Prior to joining TSJC, President Woods spent 20 years at Texarkana College in Texas as a tenured professor and administrator.  She also served as Vice President of TSJC Valley Campus from 2002 - 2004.


In recognition of the many alliances forged between TSJC and business and industry in Trinidad and the San Luis Valley, TSJC President Ruth Ann Woods earned the 2006 Business Woman of the Year award presented by the Trinidad and Las Animas County Chamber of Commerce. 


"Her enthusiasm for this college and community is contagious," wrote Jay Cimino, President and CEO of Phil long Ford, in his letter of support for her nomination as Businesswoman of the Year.  "Though challenged with financial constraints, she continues to develop way to improve TSJS as a benefit to both the students and how the College service the community of Trinidad and Las Animas Country."


Under her leadership, TSJC has made a significant impact on its service area.   Distinctive programs and special partnership with business have brought TSJC into the national and the international forefront of training and education.  These alliances have provided unique opportunities both in training and partnerships. Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, in his Inaugural address mentioned the partnership program between TSJC and the natural gas companies in Las Animas County as the wave of the future in Education.  The Governor indicated that Colorado needs these kinds of partnership to train its population for new jobs in the 21st century.  In order to do that, TSJC responded to industry requests and designed a program to meet their needs.  In recognition of President Woods' understanding of the connection between industry and education, Governor Ritter appointed her as co-chair of his Jobs Cabinet.


President Woods was also voted 2005/2006 State Student Advisory Council President of the Year among Community Colleges of Colorado in recognition of her outstanding service to students.


Ms. Woods received a Master of Education from the University of North Texas and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Arizona.  She is currently involved in a number of community service organizations, including serving on the El Pomar Southeast Regional Council and past membership on Board of Directors at the SLV Federal Bank, the Board of Directors for the South Central Labor Workforce in the SLV, Board of Directors for the Colorado Rural Workforce Consortium, and San Luis Valley Economic Development Resource Group.