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Leopold Centerstatement

Angus in field by pondThis competitive grant [M17-2004] from the Leopold Center Marketing and Food Systems Initiative allowed Practical Farmers of Iowa to work with Food Alliance Midwest in 2004 and 2005 to help farmers from grass-fed operations better market their products. The project included a feasibility study of marketing sustainable meat products through cooperative buying clubs and CSAs, workshops on direct marketing for farmers and processors in northeast and southwest Iowa, and case studies of three Iowa farms.

Marketing materials also were produced for grass-based beef and lamb producers with information gathered from consumer focus groups in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa; and experiences of farmer participants. In developing the materials, investigators considered consumer reaction to terms such as "free range," "pasture raised," "grass fed" and "natural."

The focus group research showed that health and nutrition were the most important factors in consumer food-buying decisions, followed by taste and whether the food was locally raised. Environmental benefits ranked lower than other factors.

The three Iowa grass-fed meat operations participating in the project were Scott Weinberg’s Planned Lamb Farm, Clarksville; Tom and Kristi German’s Thankful Harvest, Holstein; and Nan Bonfils and Don Adams’ Full Circle Farm, Madrid.

Case study results, Planned Lamb Farm [PDF]
Case study results, Thankful Harvest (beef)  [PDF]
Case study results, Full Circle Farm (beef)  [PDF]

View presentation, Successfully Direct Marketing Grass-based Meat: Lessons from Three Iowa Farms  [PDF]

Learning Module for Teachers on Direct Market Messages for Niche Products

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