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Selling Produce to Restaurants by Diane Green

A Marketing Guide for Small Acreage Growers

Selling Produce to Restaurants is the definitive guide for anyone considering expanding his or her marketing techniques. More than ever, restaurants and consumers are turning to local small acreage growers for farm fresh produce. This publication was written by a small acreage farmer who has been selling herbs, flowers and specialty produce to restaurants for over a decade. Diane Green shares some of her personal strategies that have helped her be successful.

This publication is intended to share some of what we have learned and the solutions we've developed at Greentree Naturals over ten years of selling produce to local restaurants in a rural community in northern Idaho. While our approach has been successful, we certainly hope that any reader will adapt the information we offer to fit other regions and situations just as Greentree Naturals continually revises, adjusts and responds to changes in our area.

Even though our experiences are based locally, we strongly believe that the basic principles of working with the restaurants, selecting produce, pricing, identifying market opportunities and operating a market garden are basic to any locale. More than ever, consumers and restaurants alike are turning to local growers for farm fresh produce. There seems to be, however, a lack of information for the beginner and this is what we hope to provide with this publication. When we started out, we were unable to find reference materials to walk us through the basics of where to begin with restaurant sales. My goal in writing this publication is to share some of the strategies that have helped us be successful within our community and encourage other small acreage growers to expand their marketing techniques to include restaurants.

Note that 30% of every book sale is contributed to the nonprofit organization Rural Roots ( to help support small acreage sustainable farming programs throughout the Inland Northwest.

What People are Saying about the Book

Book review in Rural Heritage Magazine, Summer 2006, Reviewed by Gail Damerow

Selling Produce to Restaurants by Diane Green makes a good companion to Micro Eco-Farming, and should be read by anyone who sells produce or aspires to sell produce, whether to restaurants, farmer's markets, CSAs or whatever. The author offers friendly but sound first-hand advice on targeting local markets, competing with corporate food service suppliers by proving your produce is worth more, selecting seeds based on your growing conditions and the market trends, adapting to the ever-changing market, developing alternative markets, and cooperating with other local growers.

"I strongly believe that the person who grew the food is the one who should be getting the most dollars for their product," says the author. "If small acreage farms are going to survive, they need to get as much as they can for what they grow." This book will give you the knowledge and confidence to do just that. The 96-page spiral bound 5 ½" by 8" paperback is available for for $12.95 + $3.95 shipping from Greentree Naturals.

Reader Comments

letter about book"I think the book is great.  I’m in the midst of negotiations with a restaurant right now and the book has already paid for itself."
   -- Ward Smith, Mystic, Connecticut

"Thank you Diane for your great trust to send monies afterwards for your most informative and inspiring book for one entering that lonely path of a self-employed business.  Well put together and hard to put down when one starts to read."
    -- David Hill, Williamsburg, PA

‘‘I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I enjoyed your book.  Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience!  Tomorrow I am taking a sample basket of garlic to my first restaurant, so my fingers are crossed pretty tightly right now!’’  
  -- Tam Miles, New Brunswick, Canada. 

"Thanks so much!  When your book came, I sat down and read it cover to cover!  It is great!" 
-- Mary Page, Turner, Oregon

"This publication was well balanced and concise. Beginners will not be intimidated and experienced gardeners don't have to wade through extraneous material. This would be a good textbook for students in sustainable agriculture programs; the basic marketing scheme applies to all forms for direct marketing."
----Steve Tanguy, Twin Falls, Idaho

"I have used all the information you had in the first book and have found it was a very helpful publication for me. Thank you. I haven't been selling to the restaurants very long so haven't run into any problems that weren't covered."
----Marilyn Ison, Autumn Lane Farm, Springfield, Missouri

To Order the Book

Book cost is $12.95 + $3.95 shipping & handling.

To order, send check or money order to:


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30% of every book sale is contributed to the nonprofit organization Rural Roots ( to help support small acreage sustainable farming programs throughout the Inland Northwest.

All contents of this site are copyright © 2006 by Greentree Naturals  
2003 Rapid Lightning Road, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 • 208-263-8957 •    
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