Mandatory program elements
The following information about program elements must be included in the Employer Program Report:
  1. Transportation Coordinator
    • Name
    • Location
    • Telephone number
  2. Information distribution
    • At least once a year and at the time of hire
    • Include alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) commuting
    • Include summary of program elements
  3. Additional program elements - elements may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
    • Active participation in a local Network Group or TMA membership
    • Commuter ride-matching services
    • Preferential HOV parking program
    • Teleworking or compressed work week programs
    • Financial subsidies/incentives for high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) use, such as carpools, vanpools or bicycles
    • Use of company-owned vehicles for carpools/vanpools
    • Flexible work schedules to facilitate employee use of HOV modes
    • Special loading/unloading facilities for HOV users
    • Bicycle parking facilities, lockers, changing areas and showers for bikers/walkers
    • Guaranteed ride home services for HOV users
    • Parking charge for single-occupant vehicle (SOV) parking
Information distribution requirements
The following guidelines describe the minimum information distribution requirements.
  1. Worksite program summary information to all employees: To satisfy program summary information requirements and satisfy completion of program implementation, an employer must demonstrate that they have distributed:
    • One written piece that summarizes all the approved program elements in your CTR program to all affected employees at least once per year. In lieu of the distribution of a written program, your company could choose to distribute information electronically. Should you decide to use this method, please maintain a printed sample of this information in your files.
    • Information about any new element to all affected employees as it is introduced.
  2. Provide information to employees at the time of hire: New employees must receive the written general program information piece at the time of hire.
  3. Other information on alternatives to SOV commuting: At least once a year, the employer must provide information on alternatives to SOV commuting to employees. This information can be a single program element (i.e. transit subsidy), single mode choice (i.e. carpooling) or general commute information distributed through means other than the general program summary noted above (i.e. transportation event, e-mail).

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact your Employer Transportation Representative for assistance.