What are the characteristics of the Solar System that lead to the origins of life? Missions

The possibility of finding life elsewhere is for many people the most compelling reason for humankind to explore beyond the Earth. We believe that liquid water and carbon are required for life to arise and thrive, as well as a source of energy. Many places in the Solar System provide these, at least for a time; not only planets, but also some moons and even certain comets. But for life to arise we presume that a hospitable environment must be more than just transient.

*Sort missions by clicking Launch Date, A-Z, or PHASE column headers.

Launch Date A-Z Phase
20070928 September 27, 2007 Operating
20160101 2016 Under Study
20030610 June 10, 2003 Operating
20030603 June 02, 2003 Operating
19961107 19:00:00 USEastern November 07, 1996 Past
20110101 January 01, 2011 Under Study
20030708 20:00:00 GMT-4 July 08, 2003 Operating
Under Study
20130101 2013 Under Study
20070805 August 04, 2007 Operating