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Welcome to the Mayor's video library.

View videos of Mayor Martin J. Chávez discussing Albuquerque's advances in technology, tourism, and public services.

The Q Hour

The Q Hour

The Q Hour is simulcast on GOVTV 16 and 1550 Joy AM every Saturday at noon. A variety of topics relevant to the community are discussed. The Mayor asks his constituents to email him their questions for the show at, and the Mayor answers all emails personally.

We invite you to join us this and every Saturday on 1550 am and GOVTV 16 at noon. Or check back here to watch a recording of the previous programs. See video of The Q Hour.

State of the City Addresses

  • 2007 Address
  • 2006 Address

Mayor Chávez on Sundance Channel's  Mayoral Moments

Mayor Martin Chávez expresses his excitement for multiple climate changing initiatives ranging using alternative fuels to planting trees as part of the "Releaf" Act.

Albuquerque Green

Mayor Martin Chávez explains Albuquerque's Green Initiatives.

Water Conservation

This presentation was given at the 2006 World Leadership Awards in London. The City of Albuquerque won 1st place for its water conservation efforts.

Welcome to Albuquerque 

Mayor Chávez welcomes visitors to his hometown. Enjoy the sights and sounds of Albuquerque on its Tricentennial Anniversary in this video developed for the Albuquerque Convention and Visitor's Bureau.

Improving Service, Stimulating Local Economy 

Mayor Martin J. Chávez describes how advances in technology are changing the way local government works. The video describes how Albuquerque's focus on technology has improved public safety, attracted cutting-edge companies, and driven economic growth.

Mayor Chávez on MayorTV

Mayor Chávez talks with MayorTV about bringing alternative energy industry to Albuquerque, multilingualism, and other issues.

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