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You are here: Home Legal Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidelines for Amendments to Facilitated Meeting Reports:
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Guidelines for Amendments to Facilitated Meeting Reports:

1.  First contact the facilitator.  The facilitator will review their notes of the meeting.

2.  If a correction or clarification is offered on something that occurred at the facilitated meeting, and is reflected in the notes that the facilitator has (i.e. the facilitator mis-communicated in the report what the facilitator has in the notes), the facilitator will then write an amendment to the report, which goes out to the same people as the report.

3.  If a correction is based strictly on an objective fact (i.e. the facilitator got a name of a street wrong) then the facilitator will then write an amendment to the report, which goes out to the same people as the report.

4.  If a correction or clarification is offered on something that for some reason is not reflected in the facilitator's notes or that did not actually occur at the facilitated meeting, the facilitator will request that a letter be written to the City Planner, by the person offering the clarification.

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