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Military Transition
Your GI Bill and the Oregon State Police
Your GI Bill is worth $39,000.  This is a benefit that you've earned.  After you leave the military you have 10 years to use it -- or lose it forever.  The GI Bill can be used during your first 2 years of employment with the Oregon State Police.  Since we require only a high school diploma, this allows Troopers to continue on with their educational goals using GI Bill money.
  • The Oregon State Police is a paramilitary organization, so prior servicemen and women are typically very successful with OSP.
  • Apply 6-9 months prior to separating from service.  This allows you to be ready and not miss the next testing cycle.

Dan Routt
Dan RouttI became interested in working for the Oregon State Police when I was 16.  I was particuarly interested in the aspects of helping others and being a part of a professional organization.  I am a second generation member of the Department, following in my Father's footsteps.  I was specifically drawn to the state police because of the great reputation of the Department, and the professional demeanor of the troopers.  I could always tell that the troopers took pride in giving only the best law enforcement service to the public.  This was obvious to me by their general appearance and conduct. 
As a military veteran, a career with the state police has been very rewarding.  I have found the same types of bonds with my fellow troopers that I enjoyed having with other soldiers.  The professionalism and duty to serve is apparent.  While I was in the military, I had a lot of job satisfaction knowing that I was a part of something bigger than myself.  The state police is an organization that allows me to continue to do this.  I learned many valuable traits during my service that have helped me to be successful with the state police.  The military instilled a sense of duty in me to accomplish the mission, no matter what challenges may be ahead.  The self-discpline that the military demands was reinfoced during recruit training.   Leadership skills that I developed in the military have aassisted me in my ability to work through situations that require patience, professional bearing, and confidence.  The stress training that I was exposed to in the military has enabled me to maintain my composure in high stress situations.  This has helped me to stay focused under pressure and make sound decisions that are in the best interest of the citizens of Oregon.  During recruit training, we were required to perform certain tasks such as marching, saluting, and to display general military bearing at all times.  This was second nature to me and the other veterans in my class.  If you have never been exposed to a militaristic lifestyle, it can be an intimidating experience.  Having been through a simiar experince already, it was easy for me to make the transition.  The other veterans and I were able to help teach what we knew about military bearing and drill to our fellow classmates.  This was great team building opportunity that helped the class come toghether quickly with a common goal, and begin to work together as a team.

Scott Show
Scott ShowFor me there is only one police organization.  I only applied to one police organization.  If they didn't hire me I would have either repplied or just done something else.  The Oregon State Police does not assert itself in an arrogant or conceited way, but rather in a mature and profressional way.  That is what makes a trooper a trooper.  This professionalism is what brings credit upon this organization every time a trooper acts in the line of his duties.  My father is a retired trooper.  I have grown up with the Oregon State Police and I can honestly say that the Oregon State Police hand picks the best people out there.  They make this a prestigious organization that is a pleasure and an honor to be a part of.
Coming from the Marine Corps makes being a recruit hard.  But getting out of recruit school and starting to work the road brings a good sense of accomplishment.  I can't really say that there is any one skill that I learned in the Corps that made starting with the State Police easier.  However, I have learned that it is a long road through hardship that turns a man in to a Marine; and adding a little hardship in the academy and just being at the bottom of the totem pole again builds a great deal of character and poise.  In short, this organization is right up my ally.  I thoroughly enjoy my job.  Getting out of the Corps was hard, but looking back, I am glad I did.

Spike Olsen
Spike Olsen After attending college at Western Oregon University, majoring in Criminal Justice, for three years I decided that the United States Army was something that I was ready to join.  The idea of being a part of something bigger than myself and having the opportunity to explore different worlds and adventures was very appealing to me.  In 2002, I became part of 2/162 Infantry, an Army National Guard company out of Corvallis, Oregon.  In 2003, I deployed with my unit to Taji, Iraq where I served as an Infantryman in combat for 12 months.  I joined the infantry because I wanted to play an active role in the overall mission, hands on.  I take great pride in being the best at what ever I do.  The experience was without a doubt some of the best times and worst times of my life.  I wouldn't trade even the worst day in Iraq for anything.  I now realize that all the schools, training, fighting and hardships where set in place to prepare me for my next adventure, my career as an Oregon State Police Trooper.
When I returned home to Oregon, I re-enrolled in school and finished my degree.  While finishing my last few terms of college I applied with the Oregon State Police, an agency that I had always admired for its professionalism, diversity and reputation.  During the application process I began realizing how, once again, I truly wanted to be a part of the best.  The opportunity to be apart of the state and community I grew up in was important, as well as the ability to be proactive and challenge myself everyday.  These things set the Oregon State Police above the other law enforcement agencies in the state for me.  I was hired as a Recruit Trooper in 2005.  I, like others heavily relied on my military background to get through rigorous training at recruit school, which is designed to test your physical and mental strength.  I was hired into the Fish and Wildlife Division of the Oregon State Police, a place where I can utilize my knowledge and love of the outdoors everyday.  The life lessons, training, ethics and sense of duty that the military instilled in me carries over everyday into role as an Oregon State Trooper.

Page updated: February 11, 2008

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