Grants and partnerships for commute programs

Grant and Partnership opportunities come about at various times during  the year. Ongoing programs are listed below; programs with pending deadlines are listed to the right:

King County Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Services

To encourage employers to provide subsidies for HOV and non-motorized commuting, CTR Services will provide a 50/50 match for a period of 12 months for any CTR-affected employer that agrees to start, or increase the level of their existing subsidy, for any HOV or non-motorized commute mode.  Contact your ETR  to find out additional information. 


Announcing the Green Bike Project!


REI, Cascade Bicycle Club, Washington State DOT and King County are partnering to convert 300 drive-alone commuters into bicycle commuters!  The Green Bike Project will provide 200 new award-winning commuter bikes, 100 tune-ups for existing bikes, bike safety training and more to 20 - 30 CTR-affected worksites.    Find out more!