Organic Production: Recent Publications and Current Information Sources

 TITLE: Organic Production: Recent Publications and Current Information Sources
 PUBLICATION DATE:  September 1996
 ENTRY DATE:   September 1996
 CONTACT:  Jane Gates
           Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
           National Agricultural Library
           Room 304, 10301 Baltimore Ave.
           Beltsville, MD  20705-2351
           Telephone:  (301) 504-6559
           FAX:  (301) 504-6409
 DOCUMENT SIZE:  79 Kb, 35 p.

Organic Production: Recent Publications and Current Information Sources

Compiled by Mary V. Gold, Assistant Coordinator
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center


 Introduction                                                  1
 Current Status of Organic Production in the United States     2  
 USDA National Organic Program (NOP)                           3
 National Organic Standards                                    3
 Definition of "Organic"                                       4
 The Organic Market                                            5
 Educational Opportunities in Organic Farming                  5
             National Directories and Guides                      6
             Overviews                                            7
             Government Policy and Certification                  9
             Soil and Crop Management                            10
             Pest Management                                     14
             Livestock Management                                16
             Economics and Marketing                             17
             Publisher Contact Information                       19
 Other Resources including AFSIC Publications                20
 Journals and Newsletters                                    22
 Electronic Resources
            What are They? Where are They?                       25
            Gopher Servers                                       25
            World Wide Web/ Homepages                            26
            Discussion Groups/ Mailing Lists                     29
            Electronic Journals and Newsletters                  30
            Computer Software Farm Management                    30


The activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Standards Board, coupled with growing consumer support for organic foods, have made farming organically an increasingly viable alternative for many U.S. farmers. In addition, there has been renewed awareness of organic agriculture on the part of public interest groups, marketing organizations, and agricultural researchers. This interest is reflected in the many requests for information received each month at the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC).

The attached list of resources is provided as a starting point for information seekers. The inclusion or omission of a publication or resource is not meant as endorsement or disapproval. Most listed publications are still in print and available for purchase. Individual contacts for publication information are given for difficult-to-find resources. A publisher contact list is provided for books from more conventional sources. Starred items (*) are available electronically either through the publisher or through sources listed under "Electronic Resources".

Many of the cited publications are available through local public or university libraries. For information about Interlibrary Loan, consult your local library system or contact the Document Delivery Branch, National Agricultural Library, 10301 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville MD 20705-2351, phone 301-504-5755, fax 301-504-5675, e-mail

AFSIC is one of ten Information Centers at the National Agricultural Library (NAL) that provide in-depth coverage of specific subject areas relating to the food and agricultural sciences. AFSIC focuses on alternative farming systems and crops that aim to maintain agricultural productivity and profitability, while protecting natural resources. Support for the Center comes to the Library from the USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program which is under the jurisdiction of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES).

This publication is available in hardcopy, or electronically on computer diskette or via AFSIC's Internet Web Site: Please send comments and corrections regarding this publication, or requests for additional copies to:

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
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Room 304
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Beltsville MD 20705-2351
phone: 301-504-6559
fax: 301-504-6409

Current Status of Organic Production in the United States

During 1994, the U.S. Department of Agriculture embarked on its first survey and analysis of organic food growing and marketing practices. Their Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) documented approximately 1,127,000 acres, or just over one tenth of one percent of total US agricultural land, as being used for certified organic production in 1994. (By limiting the survey to certified farmers these numbers "may significantly underestimate total organic acreage," notes the project's leader, Julie Anton Dunn, because many farmers who grow and sell organic produce are not officially certified.) The survey confirmed the existence of 44 different U.S. organic certification organizations, 11 of which were state agencies and the remainder, private groups.

The report resulting from the 1994 AMS project (Organic Food and Fiber: An Analysis of 1994 Certified Production in the United States, by Julie Anton Dunn, USDA/AMS, 1995) also verified that organic farms are, on average, much smaller than their conventional counterparts, using about half the acreage of non-organic operations. 57% of organic cropland was used for food crops and 26% percent for livestock feed. The remainder was in fallow, cotton, CRP land, nursery and floral crops, tobacco, and/or miscellaneous crops.

Although the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) does not, to date, allow the term "organic" to be used on animal product labels (a situation that should change with the implementation of National Organic Standards), a few certifying agencies do certify livestock. This 1994 survey found 110,000 organically grown chickens and turkeys, 47, 700 layer hens, 6,100 dairy cattle, and 3,330 beef cattle.

For more information about the AMS report, contact Marketing and Transportation Analysis, Transportation and Marketing Division, AMS, USDA, Rm. 1207, Box 96456, Washington DC 20090-6456, phone 202-690-0310.

In 1996, USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) revealed further details about U.S. organic production (AREI Updates: Updates of Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, Number 4, May 1996). The information was derived from the National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) 1994 Vegetable Chemical Use Survey. From the Update:

For more information about the data from this Update, contact Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo, Natural Resources and Environment Division, ERS/ USDA, 1301 New York Ave. NW, Rm. 524, Washington DC 20005-4788, phone 202-219-0463, e-mail

USDA National Organic Program (NOP)

The National Organic Program (NOP) is part of USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service. It is the agency developing and implementing uniform Federal standards related to the production, processing, and marketing of organically-produced foods. NOP coordinates the appointment of National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) members and reviews NOSB recommendations regarding all aspects of national standards for organic certification. NOP is responsible for interim rules, preparing final regulations, and submitting the environmental impact assessment related to these regulations.

In addition, NOP staff will accredit state and private certifying agencies under the new National Organic Standards, as well as conduct on-site evaluations of certifiers and of selected farms and food handlers that use accredited services. Staff members track information related to the impact of food production and processing on the environment and human health by working with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration, and they participate in the development and modification of international guidelines for trade in organic products.

National Organic Standards

In August 1994, the United States Department of Agriculture published an historic document: a set of "Final Recommendations" released by the USDA's National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). Established by the 1990 Farm Bill, the board was mandated to present recommended standards to the Secretary of Agriculture regarding implementation of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. With 14 appointees selected from the organic farming and foods industry, environmental and consumer groups, and the scientific research community, the NOSB has labored together for almost five years.

The newly-released recommendations "..constitute an historic collaboration between the public, private sector and government to openly hammer out national standards. We have held well-attended public-input sessions at each of our deliberative board and committee meetings. During the last two and a half years, we have met in Washington DC, Virginia, Minnesota, Colorado, Maryland, California, Maine, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Oregon and New Mexico. We have encouraged and received comments at every stage, from committee drafts to draft board recommendations. This process has not been perfect; it can use much improvement. But we believe that this process does set a new standard for USDA advisory board performance and public participation.

"These recommendations signal a new era. Never before has the government been given this responsibility: to describe and preserve integrity of organic food and fiber products from seed to consumer." (unsigned letter accompanying Final Recommendations as cited above, August 1, 1994)

Crop and livestock production, processing and labeling, accreditation, and importation standards are all addressed by the recommendations. Pesticide residue testing requirements, split operations (farms with both organic and conventional production areas) certification, planting stock policy, emergency spray alternatives, and a recommended materials list have also been developed. Other facets of production and distribution are still being assessed. The current recommendations will be the foundation for a uniform program regulating organic food and fiber production and processing. Through the Organic Foods Productions Act, the standards will be administered and enforced by the USDA. Final implementation of the Act will probably take place in 1997. For publications, to be put on a mailing list to receive proposed regulations coming from the NOSB, or to send questions or comments, contact the National Organic Program Staff, USDA/ AMS/ TMD, Room 2510-South, P.O. Box 96456, Washington DC 20090-6456, phone 202-720-3252, fax 202-205-7808. URL:

Definition of "Organic"

The NOSB has also agreed upon a definition of the term organic. That definition, which follows, was drawn up in April 1995.

"Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Organic' is a labeling term that denotes products produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act.

"The principal guidelines for organic production are to use materials and practices that enhance the ecological balance of natural systems and that integrate the parts of the farming system into an ecological whole. Organic agriculture practices cannot ensure that products are completely free of residues; however, methods are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water. Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to standards that maintain the integrity of organic agricultural products. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people."

The Organic Market

There are several commercial organizations that track sales of natural and/or organic products. According to a recent survey published in Natural Foods Merchandiser ("Widening Market Carries Organic Sales to $2.8 Billion in 1995", by Ken Mergentime and Monica Emerich, Natural Foods Merchandiser, June 1996), organic industry sales have grown by more than 20% each year for the past six years. Overall sales were $2.8 billion in 1995; organic produce accounted for 21% of this total. Popular processed organic foods included frozen items, soy and rice drinks, apple juice, yogurt, and milk. Total organic dairy sales for 1995 were $30 million.

Although most organic sales take place in natural food stores, supermarkets are adopting organic lines at an increasing rate. The Packer, in its "Fresh Trends" report ("Fresh Trends 1996: A Profile of the Fresh Produce Consumer", The Packer, Vol. CII, #54, 1996) found that 54% of consumers surveyed said that their supermarket sold organic produce. Twenty-three percent reported that they had purchased organic produce sometime during the past six months. Organic sales are growing most quickly in the West and Northeast regions of the U.S.

For more information on sales and marketing statistics for organic products, consult the above publication and/or their publishers. Contact information for each is listed under "Journals and Newsletters", below. There is an expanded edition of The Packer publication called "Fresh Trends 96 Demographic Data Report" available from the publisher. Other contacts: the Organic Trade Association, P.O. Box 1078, Greenfield MA 01301, phone 413-774-7511, fax 413-774-6432, e-mail or New Hope Communications, Research Department, 1301 Spruce St., Boulder CO 80302, phone 303-939-8440, fax 303-939-9559.

Educational Opportunities in Organic Production

There are many institutions and organizations offering opportunities to learn about different phases of organic production. While the term "organic farming" may not appear in their catalogs, several colleges and universities now offer organic-related programs in sustainable agriculture, integrated pest management, alternative agriculture, and agroecology. Organic farming associations, environmental groups, and related organizations often offer courses, seminars, or workshops.

Hands-on experience, in the form of volunteer positions, internships, and apprenticeships, is available from many non-profit organizations and working farms. These work experiences range from a couple of weeks as a farm hand to on-going field or food processing research projects.

The best sources of information about educational programs include organic certifying agencies who may offer courses themselves, or who maintain lists of member farmers offering apprenticeships and internships. The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center publishes an annual directory entitled Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture which contains institutional, organizational, and commercial offerings. The Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) Information Center keeps a list of Internship and Apprenticeship openings. For contact information for the above resources, see listings under "Other Resources including AFSIC Publications" in this publication.


National Directories and Guides

A Guide to Spanish Language Sustainable Publications: Summaries, compiled by Beatriz Cabezon. Davis CA: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program, Univ. of California, 1995. 89 p. (NAL Z5074 S92C33 1995) [Contact: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP), Univ. of California, Davis CA 95616, phone 916-752-7556]

Healthy Harvest: A Global Directory of Sustainable Agriculture and Horticulture Organizations 1994. Published in cooperation with the Healthy Harvest Society/ National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy. Davis CA: agAccess, 1992. 192 p. (an updated version is due out during 1996) (NAL S605.5 H43) [Contact: agAccess, 603 Fourth St., Davis CA 95616, phone 916-756-7177, fax 916-756-7188, e-mail]

The Herbal Green Pages: A Publication of the Herb Growing & Marketing Network. Lancaster PA: The Network (published annually). (NAL SB351 H5H3714) [The Herbal Connection, P.O. Box 245, Silver Spring PA 17575, phone 717-393-3295, fax 717-393-9261

The Humane Consumer and Producer Guide: Buying and Producing Farm Animal Products for a Humane Sustainable Agriculture, edited by Terry Gips et al. Minneapolis MN: Humane Sustainable Agriculture Project of the International Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture; Washington DC: The Humane Society of the U.S., 1993. 368 p. (NAL S494.5 S86H86) [Contact: Humane Society of the U.S., 2100 L St. NW, Washington DC 20037, phone 202-452-1100]

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Directory of the Member Organizations and Corporate Associates of IFOAM. Tholey-Theley, Germany: IFOAM, 1994/95 (published annually). (NAL S605.5 I572) [Contact: IFOAM, Oekozentrum Imsbach, D-66636 Tholey-Theley, Germany, phone 49-6853-5190, fax 49-6853-30110, e-mail IFOAM-SECRETARY@OLN.COMLINK.APC.ORG]

The 1995 Organic Resource Guide, Ottawa: Canadian Organic Growers, 1995. [Contact: COG, Box 6408, Station "J", Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 3Y6 Canada, fax 705-444-0380, Attn. Cathy Lamarche, membership and publications]

1996 National Organic Directory: A Guide to Organic Information and Resources. Davis CA: Community Alliance with Family Farmers, 1996 (published annually). 370 p. (NAL HD9003 O74) [Contact: CAFF, P.O. Box 464, Davis CA 95617, phone 916-756-8518 or 1-800-852-3832, fax 916-756-7857]

Organic Suppliers Directory: A Directory of Suppliers Serving Organic Farms, Gardens, Orchards and Homesteads, With Organic Industry Thesaurus, edited by Scott R. Williams. Plymouth OH: Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Assn., 1994. 123 p. (NAL S605.5 O76 1993) [Contact: OEFFA, Organic Suppliers Directory, P.O. Box 82234, Columbus OH 43202, phone 614-294-3663]

*The Resources of International Permaculture: TRIP. Vol. VI. (Volumes are chronological; updated between editions) Jacksonville FL: Yankee Permaculture, 1995. (also available electronically on diskette) (NAL S494.5 P47R47) [Contact: Yankee Permaculture, P.O. Box 672, Dahlonega GA 30533-0672]

*Showcase of Sustainable Agriculture Information and Educational Materials. Burlington VT: Sustainable Agriculture Network Publications, 1994. 201 p. (also available electronically on IBM compatible diskette) (S494.5 S86S56 1993) [Contact: Sustainable Agriculture Publications]

*Sustainable Agriculture Directory of Expertise, 3rd Edition: Profiles of More Than 700 Organizations and Individuals Who Can Help You Meet Your Farming Stewardship and Profitability Goals, compiled by the Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) Directory Project Team. Burlington VT: Sustainable Agriculture Network Publications, 1996. unpaged (also available electronically on IBM compatible diskette) (NAL S494.5 S86S874 1996) [Contact: Sustainable Agriculture Publications]

Whole Foods, Informing and Educating Whole Foods Retailers. Monthly magazine, issues available separately. May issue: Source Book, August: Consumer Survey, November: Retail Survey. (NAL HD9003 W46) [Contact: Whole Foods, 3000 Hadley Road, South Plainfield NJ 07090, phone 908-769-1160, fax 908-769-1171]


Agronomic, Economic, and Ecological Relationships in Alternative (Organic), Conventional, and Reduced-till Farming Systems, edited by James D. Smolik, et al. (Bulletin 718). Brookings SD: Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University, 1993. (NAL 100 So82 (1) B718) [Contact: South Dakota State University, Lincoln Music Hall, Box 22128, Brookings SD 57007, phone 605-688-5628]

Bender, Jim, Future Harvest: Pesticide-Free Farming. (Our Sustainable Future series, vol. 5) Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994. 159 p. (NAL S494.5 S86O97 vol.5)

Bird, Elizabeth Ann R., Gordon L. Bultena, and John C. Gardner, Planting the Future: Developing an Agriculture that Sustains Land and Community. Ames IA: Iowa State University Press, 1995. 276 p. (NAL S441 P58 1995)

Dunn, Julie Anton, Organic Food and Fiber: An Analysis of 1994 Certified Production in the United States. Washington DC: US Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Transportation and Marketing Div., 1995. 5p. (NAL aS441 D86 1995) [Contact: National Organic Program Staff, USDA/ AMS/ TMD, Room 2507-South, P.O. Box 96456, Washington DC 20090-6456, phone 202-720-3252, fax 202-205-7808]

Edwards, Clive, Rattan Lal, Patrick Madden, Robert H. Miller and Gar House, Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Ankeny IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society, 1990. 696 p. (NAL S495.7 S86S86)

The Economics of Organic Farming: An International Perspective, edited by N.H. Lampkin and S. Padel. Wallingford UK: CAB International, 1994. 463 p. (NAL S605.5 E26 1994)

Environmentally Sound Agriculture: Proceedings of the Second Conference, edited by Kenneth L.Campbell, Wendy D. Graham and A.B. "Del" Bottcher. St. Joseph MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1994. 578 p. (NAL S589.7 E57 1994) [Contact: ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph MI 49085-9659, phone 616-428-6324]

Food for the Future: Conditions and Contradictions of Sustainability, edited by Patricia Allen. New York: Wiley, 1993. 328 p. (NAL HD1415 F633 1993)

Gates, Jane Potter, *Tracing the Evolution of Organic/ Sustainable Agriculture: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography. Beltsville MD: USDA, National Agricultural Library, 1988. 20 p. (Also available in electronic format on computer diskette or via the AFSIC Web Site) (NAL aZ5076 A1U54 no. 72) [Contact: AFSIC]

*Getting Started in Organic Farming, published jointly by Environment Canada and Manitoba Environment, 1992. (Free handbook available electronically from Manitoba Environment's Web Site; also available in French) [Contact: Electronic versions, in WordPerfect 5.1 or Microsoft Word 6.0, available for downloading at URL POLLUTION/PESTICIDES/farm.html]

Long Ashton International Symposium (Long Ashton Research Station, Univ. of Bristol, UK), Ecology and Integrated Farming Systems: Proceedings of the 13th Long Ashton International Symposium, edited by D.M. Glen, M.P. Greaves, and H.M. Anderson. Chichester, UK; New York: Wiley, 1995. 329 p. (NAL S589.7 L64 1993)

Newton, Jon, Profitable Organic Farming. Oxford UK; Cambridge MA: Blackwell Science, 1995. 142 p. (NAL S605.5 N48 1995)

Organic Agriculture: Building the Community. 1994 Conference Proceedings...sponsored by Canadian Organic Growers. Guelph Ont.: University of Guelph, 1994. 24 p. (NAL S605.5 O662 1994)

The Organic Tradition: An Anthology of Writings on Organic Farming 1890 - 1950, edited by Philip Conford. Hartland, Devon UK: Green; Shaftesbury, Dorset UK: Distributed by Element Books, 1988. 224 p. (NAL S605.5 O75)

Pimentel, David and Hugh Lehman. The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics, and Ethics. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1993. 444 p. (NAL QH545 P4P4793 1993)

Soule, Judith D. and Jon K. Piper. Farming in Nature's Image: An Ecological Approach to Agriculture. Island Press, 1992. 286 p. (NAL S441 S757)

Sustainable America: A New Consensus for Prosperity, Opportunity, and a Healthy Environment for the Future. Washington DC: President's Council on Sustainable Development, 1996. 186 p. (NAL HC110 E5S87 1996) [Contact: Available for purchase from the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs.]

Transition to Organic Agriculture Conference, Transition to Organic Agriculture Conference: October 31 and November 1, 1990, coordinated by University of Saskatchewan's Extension Div., Crop Development Centre and Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, Soil and Crops Branch, Organic Crop Improvement Assn., Saskatchewan: s.n., 1990. 217 p. (NAL S605.5 T73 1990) [Contact: U-Learn Centre, Extension Division, 143 Kirk Hall, 117 Science Pl., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK S7N 5C8 CANADA, fax orders 306-966-5567]

Government Policies and Certification

California Certified Organic Farmers...Certification Handbook. Santa Cruz, CA: California Certified Organic Farmers (published annually). (NAL S605.5 C3) [Contact: CCOF, 1115 Mission St., Santa Cruz CA 95060, phone 408-423-2263, fax 408-423-4528]

*Database of State Alternative Laws, prepared by Whitney Chamberlin, John Sullivan and Nan Kim. Washington DC: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1994. (photocopies and/or diskettes available) [Contact: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 710, Washington DC 20009-5728, phone 202-387-6030, fax 202-986-2539]

Farming and Clean Water: A Community Action Guide. St. Paul MN: The Minnesota Project/ The Midwest Consortium on Groundwater and Farm Chemicals, 1993. (NAL TD427 A35F37 1993) [Contact: The Minnesota Project, 1885 University Ave. W., Ste 315, St. Paul MN 55104, phone 612-645-6159]

Hansen, Maren, Increasing Organic Agriculture at the Local Level: A Manual for Consumers, Grocers, Farmers and Policy Makers, with Phil Boise and Jim Hagen and the Santa Barbara County Safe Food Project: prepared by the Community Environmental Council. Santa Barbara CA: Community Environmental Council, Inc., 1992. 110 p. (NAL S605.5 H37 1992) [Contact: Community Environmental Council, 930 Miramonte Drive, Santa Barbara CA 93109, phone 805-963-0583]

National Organic Standards Board, Final Recommendations, Adopted June 1 - 4, 1994, in Santa Fe, New Mexico: Organic Crop Production Standards. Washington DC: USDA, 1994. (NAL in process) [Contact: National Organic Program Staff, USDA/ AMS/ TMD, Room 2510-South, P.O. Box 96456, Washington DC 20090-6456, phone 202-720-3252, fax 202-205-7808]

Riddle, Jim and Joyce Ford, Organic Inspection Manual and Organic Inspection Manual Appendix. Winona MN: Independent Organic Inspectors Association., 1995. 121 p. (NAL S605.5 R532 1995) [Contact: IOIA, Rt. 3, Box 162-C, Winona MN 55987-9514, phone 507-454-8310]

Soil and Crop Management

Alternative Field Crops Manual. Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Cooperative and Extension Services; University of Minnesota Center for Alternative Plant and Animal Products, 1990. Looseleaf, unpaged. (NAL SB187 U6A47 1990) [Contact: Center for Alternative Plant and Animal Products, 340 Alderman Hall, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul MN 55108]

Chaney, David E., Laurie E. Drinkwater and G. Stuart Pettygrove, Organic Soil Amendments and Fertilizers. Oakland CA: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1992. 36 p. (NAL S654 C42 1992) [Contact: UC ANR Publications, 6701 San Pablo Ave., Oakland CA 94608-1239, phone 510-642-2431, fax 510-643-5470]

Coleman, Eliot, The New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener. Rev. and expanded edition. White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green Pub., 1995. 340 p. (NAL SB324.3 C65 1995)

Conservation Tillage: Planning (AE-3054). One in a series of pamphlets dealing with conservation tillage practices, including Effects on Soil Erosion (AE-3050), Effects on Water Quality (AE-3051), No-till Systems (AE-3052), Ridge-till Systems (AE-3053), Fertility Practices and Equipment for No-till and Ridge-till (AE 3054), Cultivators for No-Till and Ridge-till (AE-3055), Planters for No-till (AE-3056), and Planters for Ridge-till (AE-3057). Ames IA: Iowa State Univ. Extension, 1990. (NAL S671 A22) (some titles no longer available) [Contact: Iowa State University, Extension Distribution Center, 119 Printing & Publishing Bldg., Ames IA 50011-3171, phone 515-294-5247, e-mail]

Denckla, Tanya, The Organic Gardener's Home Reference: A Plant-By-Plant Guide to Growing Fresh, Healthy Food. Pownal VT: Storey Communications, 1994. 273 p. (NAL SB324.3 D46 1994)

Facciola, Stephen, *Cornucopia: A Source Book of Edible Plants. Vista CA: Kampong Publications, 1990. 677 p. (also available electronically on diskette) (NAL SB175 F33) [Contact: Kampong Publications, 1870 Sunrise Drive, Vista CA 92084]

Farm Scale Composting. ("A Biocycle Publication") Emmaus PA: JG Press, 1995. 80 p. (NAL S661 F37 1995)

Gershuny, Grace and Joseph Smillie, The Soul of Soil: A Guide to Ecological Soil Management. 3rd ed. Davis CA: agAccess, 1995. 174 p. (NAL S623 G47 1995)

Growing Fruits & Vegetables Organically: The Complete Guide to a Great-tasting, More Bountiful, Problem-free Harvest, edited by Jean M.A. Nick and Fern Marshall Bradley. Emmaus PA: Rodale Press; New York: Distributed in the book trade by St. Martin's Press, 1994. 532 p. (NAL SB324.3 G75 1994)

Harrison, John B., Growing Food Organically. West Vancouver BC: Waterwheel Press, 1993. 138 p. (NAL SB453.5 H378 1993)

Introduction to Water Harvesting. Auburn AL: International Center for Aquaculture, Auburn University, 1991. 10 p. (NAL S494.5 W3I57) [Contact: International Center for Aquaculture, Swingle Hall, Auburn University AL 36849-5419]

Jeavons, John, How to Grow More Vegetables Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine: A Primer on the Life-giving Biointensive Method of Organic Horticulture. Rev. ed. Berkeley CA: Ten Speed Press, 1995. 201 p. (NAL SB324.3 J43 1995)

Jenson, Tom, Legume Green Manuring. Edmonton, Alta.: Agriculture Canada, Alberta Agriculture, 1993. 7 p. (NAL S661 J46 1993)

Khourik, Robert, Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and All Climates: Helping Your Garden Flourish While Conserving Water. Santa Rosa CA: Metamorphic Press, 1992. 118 p. (NAL S619 T74K69 1992)

Kirschenmann, Frederick, Switching to a Sustainable System: Strategies for Converting from Conventional/Chemical to Sustainable/ Organic Farming Systems. Windsor ND: Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society, 1988. 18 p. (NAL S494.5 S86K5) [Contact: NPSAS, HC 5 Box 104, Langdon ND 58249, phone 701-256-2424]

Magdoff, Fred, Building Soils for Better Crops: Organic Matter Management. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1992. 176 p. (NAL S592.8 M34 1992)

Managing Agricultural Residues, edited by Paul W. Unger. Boca Raton FL: Lewis Publishers, 1994. (NAL S604 M28 1994)

*Managing Cover Crops Profitably. (Sustainable Agriculture Network Handbook #1) Washington DC: USDA; Burlington VT: University of Vermont, 1992. 114 p. (NAL sSB284.3 U6M36 1992) (also available electronically on IBM compatible diskette) [Contact: Sustainable Agriculture Publications]

Mars, Ross and Jenny Mars, Getting Started in Permaculture. Hovea, W. Australia: Candlelight Trust, 1994. 60 p. (NAL S494.5 P47M37 1995) [Contact: Candlelight Farm, 100 Falls Road, Hovea, Western Australia, Australia, phone 09-295-4627]

McRobie, George, Tools for Organic Farming: A Manual of Appropriate Equipment and Treatments. London: Intermediate Technology Publication; New York: The Bootstrap Press, 1990. 77 p. (NAL S656 T66)

Michalak, Patricia S., Vegetables, text by Patricia S. Michalak; plant by plant guide by Cass Peterson. Emmaus PA: Rodale Press; New York: Dist. by St. Martin's Press, 1993. 159 p. (NAL SB324.3 M53 1992)

Mollison, Bill, Permaculture: A Designer's Manual. Tyalgum, Australia: Tagari, 1988. 576 p. (NAL S605.5 M6)

Nilsson, Jon, in collaboration with Miranda Smith, Warren Hubley, and Judith Gillan, The Passively Aerated Windrow System of Composting: A Guide to PAWS Composting for Farmers. Belchertown MA: New England Small Farm Institute, 1994. 22 p. (NAL S661 N56 1994) (updated version available) [Contact: The New England Small Farm Institute, Box 608, Belchertown MA 01007, phone 413-323-4531]

Ogden, Shepherd, Step by Step Organic Vegetable Gardening. 1st ed. New York: HarperCollins Pub., 1992. 299 p. (NAL SB324.3 O43 1992)

On-farm Composting Handbook, edited by Robert Rynk. Ithaca NY: Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, 1992. 186 p. (NAL S661 O53 1992) [Contact: NRAES, Cooperative Extension, 152 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca NY 14853-5701, phone 607-255-7654, fax 607-255-4080, e-mail, URL:]

Organic Fertilizers: Facts, Figures and Resources, American Horticultural Society. Alexandria VA: Gardeners' Information Service, American Horticultural Society, 1992. 4 p. [NAL S654 O72 1992) (Contact: AHS, 7931 E. Boulevard Dr., Alexandria VA 22308, 1-800-777-7931]

Organic Field Crop Handbook, a Project of Canadian Organic Growers, Inc., editor, Anne Macey; prepared by Dee Kramer et al. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Organic Growers Inc., 1992. 192 p. (NAL S605.5 K722 1992) [Contact: COG, Box 6408, Sta. J, Ottawa, Ont., K2A 3Y6 Canada, fax 613-256-4453; Attn. Cathy Lamarche, membership and publications]

Page, Stephen and Joe Smillie, The Orchard Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to Healthy Fruit Trees. 3rd ed. Davis CA: agAccess, 1995. 154 p. (NAL SB608 F8P33 1995)

Parnes, Robert, Fertile Soil: A Grower's Guide to Organic & Inorganic Fertilizers. 2nd ed. Davis CA: agAccess, 1990. 190 p. (NAL S633 P33 1990)

Penhallegon, Ross H., Values of Organic Fertilizers. Rev. ed. Eugene OR: Lane County Extension Office, 1993. 10 p. (NAL S654 P46 1993)

Poisson, Leandre and Gretchen Vogel Poisson, Solar Gardening: Growing Vegetables Year-round the American Intensive Way. White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green Pub., 1994. 267 p. (NAL SB324.3 P65 1994) [Contact: Real Goods Trading Co., 966 Mazzoni St., Ukiah CA 95482-3471, phone 1-800-762-7325]

Proceedings of the Northeast Farmer to Farmer Information Exchange....Apple... Sweetcorn... Greenhouse Bedding Plants... Livestock... Strawberries....meeting 1992-1993, edited by Enid Wonnacott. (Each crop meeting was compiled and published separately) Massachusetts: Northeast Organic Farming Assn.: University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension System, 1994. (various NAL call numbers) [Contact: any NOFA chapter]

Rateaver, Bargyla and Gylver Rateaver, Organic Method Primer Update: A Practical Explanation: The How and Why for the Beginner and the Experienced. Special ed. San Diego CA: The Rateavers, 1993. 596 p. (NAL 605.5 R37 1993) [Contact: The Rateavers, 9049 Covina Street, San Diego, CA 92126]

The Real Dirt: Farmers Tell About Organic and Low In-put Practices in the Northeast, edited by Miranda Smith and Members of the Northeast Organic Farming Assn. Burlington VT: Northeast Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), 1994. 164 p. (NAL S605.5 R43 1994) [Contact: Sustainable Agriculture Publications]

Rodale's Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Indispensable Resource for Every Gardener, edited by Fern Marshall Bradley and Barbara W. Ellis. Emmaus PA: Rodale Press; New York: Dist. by St. Martin's Press, 1992. 902 p. (NAL SB453.5 R633 1992)

Sattler, Friedrich, Bio-dynamic Farming Practice. Translated from the German by A.R. Meuss. 1st ed. Clent, Stourbridge UK: Bio-Dynamic Agriculture Assn., 1992. 333 p. (NAL S605.5 S2713 1992)

Schwenke, Karl, Successful Small-Scale Farming: An Organic Approach, 2nd edition. Pownal VT: Storey Communications, 1991. 134 p. (NAL S501.2 S33 1991)

Soil Amendments: Impacts on Biotic Systems, edited by Jack E. Rechcigl. Boca Raton FL: Lewis Publishers (CRC Press Imprint), 1995. 321 p. (NAL S589.7 S621 1995)

Splittstoesser, Walter E. Vegetable Growing Handbook: Organic and Traditional Methods. 3rd ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. 362 p. (NAL SB321 S645 1990)

Sustainable Farming Guide Book. St. Paul MN: Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture, Energy and Sustainable Agriculture Program, 1990- (new chapters/ updates sent periodically). (NAL S494.5 S86S89 1990) [MN Dept of Agriculture, 90 W. Plato Blvd., St. Paul MN 55107, 612-296-7673]

Water for Every Farm: Yeomans Keyline Plan, compiled, updated and edited by Ken B. Yeomans. Southport Queensland: Keyline Designs, 1993. 261 p. (NAL 494.5 W3W374 1993) [Contact: agAccess]

Waste Management and Utilization in Food Production and Processing. Ames IA: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Task Force Report no. 124, October 1995. 125 p. (NAL TD930 W36 1995) [Contact: CAST, 4420 West Lincoln Way, Ames IA 50014-3447]

What Really Happens When You Cut Chemicals?, edited by Christopher Shirley and the staff of The New Farm. Greg Bowman et al. Emmaus PA: Rodale Institute, 1993. 156 p. (NAL S494.5 S86W48 1993) [Contact: Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfriedale Road, Kutztown PA 19530-9749, phone 610-683-1421, fax 610-683-8548 ]

Pest Management

Altieri, Miguel A., Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems. New York: Food Products Press, 1994. 185 p. (NAL SB933.3 A38 1994) [Contact: The Haworth Press, Inc.]

Biological Control of Weeds: A World Catalogue of Agents and their Target Weeds, edited by M.H. Julien. 3rd ed. Wallingford, Oxon UK: CAB International, 1992. 186 p. (NAL SB611.5 B54 1992)

Biological Controls: Facts, Figures, & Resources, American Horticultural Society, 1992. Alexandria VA: Gardener's Information Service, American Horticultural Society, 1992. 4 p. (NAL SB975 B5635 1992) [Contact: AHS, 7931 E. Boulevard Dr., Alexandria VA 22308, phone 1-800-777-7931]

Ecologically Based Pest Managment: New Solutions for a New Century. Washington DC: National Research Council, 1996. [Contact: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington DC 20418, phone 1-800-624-6242]

Flint, Mary Louise, Pests of the Garden and Small Farm: A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide. Oakland CA: Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1990. 276 p. (NAL SB950 F57) [Contact: IPM Education and Publications, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8620, phone 916 752-7691, fax 916 752-9336]

Hoffman, Michael P. and Anne C. Frodsham, Natural Enemies of Vegetable Insect Pests. Ithaca NY: Cornell University, 1993. 63 p. (NAL SB608 V4H64 1993)

Hart, Rhonda Massingham, Bugs, Slugs and Other Thugs: Controlling Garden Pests Organically. Pownal VT: Storey Communications, 1991. 214 p. (NAL SB974 H37)

Hunter, Charles D., Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America. Sacramento CA: California Environmental Protection Agency, Dept. of Pesticide Regulation, Environmental Monitoring and Pest Management, 1994. 30 p. (SB933.3 H85 1994) (new edition is planned for October 1996) [Contact: Dept. of Pesticide Regulation, Environmental Monitoring and Pest Management Branch, 1020 N Street, Room 161, Sacramento CA 95814-5604, phone 916-324-4100, fax 916-324-4088]

Mahr, Daniel L. and Nino M. Ridgeway, Biological Control of Insects and Mites: An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and Their Use in Pest Management. Madison WI: Cooperative Extension Publications, 1993. 91 p. (NAL SB933.3 M35 1993) [Contact: Michigan State University, Bulletin Office, 10-B Ag Hall, East Lansing MI 48824-1039, phone 517-355-0240, fax 517-355-1804]

Robinson, Raoul A., Return to Resistance: Breeding Crops to Reduce Pesticide Dependence. Davis CA: agAccess, 1996. 480 p. (NAL SB123 R653 1996)

Thomson, W.T., A Worldwide Guide to Beneficial Animals (Insects, Mites, Nematodes) Used for Pest Control Purposes. Fresno CA: Thomson Publications, 1992. 92 p. (NAL SB975 T49 1992)

Walters, Charles, Jr., Weeds: Control Without Poisons. Metairie LA: Acres U.S.A., 1996. (1991 edition, 321 p., NAL SB611.5 W35)

Wintersteen, Wendy and Marlin E. Rice, Beneficial Insects in Field Crops: Integrated Pest Management. Ames IA: Iowa State University, University Extension, 1993. unpaged. (NAL SF517 W56 1993) [Iowa State University, Extension Distribution Center, 119 Printing & Publishing Bldg., Ames IA 50011-3171, phone 515-294-5247, e-mail]

Livestock Management

Benson, Laura Lee and Robert Zirkel, Organic Dairy Farming. Gays Mills WI: Orang-utan Press, 1995. 87 p. (NAL SF239 B46 1995) [Contact: Kickapoo Organic Resource Network/ Community Conservation Consultants, RD 1, Box 96, Gays Mills WI 54631, phone 608-735-4717]

Controlled Grazing: Energy-Saving Ideas and Technology for Improving Pasture Productivity and Cutting Forage Costs. Lewiston MN: Land Stewardship Project, 1991. 8 p. (NAL SB199 C66) [Contact: LSP, 14758 Ostlund Trail North, Marine MN 55047, phone 612-433-2770, fax 612-433-2704]

Corbett, Pat and Connie Corbett, North American Exotic Directory of Animal & Bird Owners. ("the "Yellow Pages of the Exotic Industry") 4th ed. Sydney MT: Pat & Connie Corbett, 1992. 148 p. (NAL SF27 N7C67) (8th edition due out in 1996) [Contact: North American Exotic Directory of Animal & Bird Owners, Dept. NA, HC 57, Box 4028, Sydney MT 59270, phone 406-482-7196 or 1-800-736-5342]

Evaluation of Low-input Crop/Livestock Production Systems: Final Report. North Dakota State University; in Cooperation with University of Illinois et al. Carrington ND: North Dakota State Univ., 1991. various pagings (NAL S451 N9E93 1991)

Extensive and Organic Livestock Systems: Animal Welfare Implications: Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by Universities Federation for Animal Welfare and Humane Slaughter Assn., held at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 10th - 11th Sept. 1990. Hertfordshire, England: Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 1993. (NAL HV4757 E98 1993)

Fritz, Sandy and Thomas Andresen, Organic Animal Husbandry. Sydney Australia: Fritz & Associates, 1994. 62 p. (NAL S605.5 F75 1994)

Gralla, Shawn, Fit for a Pig: Low-cost/Sustainable Strategies of Resourceful Hog Farmers. Hartington NE: Beginning Farmer Support Network, Center for Rural Affairs, 1991. 46 p. (NAL SB395 G73 1991) [Contact: Center for Rural Affairs, P.O. Box 406, Wathill NE 68067-0406, phone 402-846-5428, fax 402-846-5420]

Lee, Andrew W., Chicken Tractor: The Gardener's Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy Soil. Shelburne VT: Good Earth Publications, 1994. 230 p. (NAL SF487 L44 1994)

Nation, Allan, Quality Pasture: How to Create It, Manage It, and Profit from It. Jackson MS: Green Park Press, 1995.285 p. (NAL SB199 N37 1995)

Salatin, Joel, Pastured Poultry Profits. 1st ed. Swope VA: Polyface, 1993. 330 p. (NAL SF487 S16 1993) [Contact: Polyface, Inc., Rt.1, Box 281, Swope VA 24479, phone 703-885-3590]

Salatin, Joel, Salad Bar Beef. Swope VA: Polyface, 1995. 368 p. (NAL SF203 S37 1995) [Contact: Polyface, Inc., Rt.1, Box 281, Swope VA 24479, phone 703-885-3590]

Taking Stock: The North American Livestock Census. Donald E. Bixby et al.; The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. Blacksburg VA: McDonald & Woodward Pub. Co., 1994. 182 p. (NAL SF105.3 T34 1994) [Contact: ALBC, P.O. Box 477, Pittsboro NC 27313, phone 919-542-5704, fax 919-542-2460]

Thear, Katie, Free Range Poultry. Ipswich, England: Farming Press, 1990. 179 p. (NAL SF487 T48)

Tranel, Larry F., Dollars and Sense: A Handbook for Seasonal Grass Dairying. Jackson MS: Green Park Press, 1994. 102 p. (NAL SF239 T79 1994)

Economics and Marketing

Gibson, Eric L., Sell What You Sow! The Grower's Guide to Successful Produce Marketing. Carmichael CA: New World Pub., 1994. 302 p. (NAL HD9005 G53 1994) [New World Publishing, 3085 Sheridan St., Placerville CA 95667, phone 916-622-2248, e-mail, URL: http://www.innercite,com/~newworld]

Guide to Planning the Farm Retail Market: 1994, by Carl L. German et al. Newark DE: University of Delaware, College of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension, 1994. 85 p. (NAL 275.29 D37Co no. 52) [Contact: Delaware Cooperative Extension Service, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19717-1303]

Hall, Charles, Richard A. Edwards and Jeff L. Johnson, A Guide to Marketing Organic Produce. College Station TX: Texas Agricultural Extension Service, 1991. unpaged. (NAL HD9007 T4H35 1991)

Handbook of Organic Food Processing and Production, edited by Simon Wright. 1st ed. London: Blackie Academic & Professional, 1994. 204 p. (NAL TX369 H36 1994)

Klonsky, Karen et al., Production Practices and Sample Costs for Organic .... (Series detailing production inputs and costs of specific crops/ locations including Almonds..., *Wine Grapes--With Resident Vegetation...and With an Annual Sown Cover Crop, *Rice--No-till Drill Seeded...and Water Seeded..., Apples for the Fresh Market..., Processing Tomatoes, Sacramento Valley, Walnuts... and Cotton, Northern San Joaquin Valley) Davis CA: Univ. of California Cooperative Extension, 1993- . (NAL various numbers) [Contact: Department of Agricultural Economics, Cooperative Extension, University of California, Davis CA 95616, phone 916-752-9376]

Lee, Andrew, Backyard Market Gardening: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Selling What You Grow. Burlington VT: Good Earth Publications, 1993. 351 p. (NAL SB324.3 L44 1993)

Making the Connection: The CSA Handbook for Producers. Auburn CA: University of California Extension Service, 1995. [Contact: Univ. of California Cooperative Extension Service, CSA Handbook, 11477 E. Ave., Auburn CA 95603, phone 916-889-7385]

The Organic Trade Association Member Handbook and Directory. Greenfield MA:. OTA, 1995. [Contact: OTA, P.O. Box 1078, Greenfield MA 01301, phone 413-774-7511, fax 413-774-6432, e-mail]

The Packer Produce Availability and Merchandising Guide. (annual issue #53 of The Packer periodical) Shawnee Mission KS : Vance Pub. Corp., 1971- . (NAL 286.8 N483) [Contact: Vance, 7950 College Blvd., Overland Park KS 66210, phone 913-451-2200]

Schroeder, Lee Anne Dust and Stephen B. Lovejoy, Agricultural Economics: Opportunities for Organic Crop Production. Lafayette IN: Purdue, 1995. [Contact: Purdue University, Ag Comm Service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S. Second St., Lafayette IN 47901-1232, phone 317-494-6794, e-mail]

Sellen, Daniel, et al., A Comparison of Financial Returns During Early Transition from Conventional to Organic Vegetable Production. Guelph Ontario: Dept. Of Agricultural Economics and Business, Univ. Of Guelph, 1994. Unpaged. (NAL HD1781 W67 no. 94/12)

Sturdivant, Lee, Flowers for Sale: Growing and Marketing Cut Flowers: Backyard to Small Acreage. Friday Harbor WA: San Juan Naturals, 1992. 197 p. (NAL SB443 S87 1992) [Contact: San Juan Naturals, Box 642S, Friday Harbor WA 98250]

Sturdivant, Lee, Herbs for Sale: Growing and Marketing Herbs, Herbal Products, and Herbal Know-how. Friday Harbor WA: San Juan Naturals, 1994. 246 p. (NAL SB351 H5S77 1994) [Contact: San Juan Naturals, Box 642S, Friday Harbor WA 98250]

Taylor, T.M., Secrets to a Successful Greenhouse Business: A Complete Guide to Starting and Operating a High-profit Business that's Beneficial to the Environment. Melbourne FL: Green Earth Publishing, 1991. 135 p. (NAL SB415 T39 1991) [Contact: Green Earth Publishing Co., P.O. Box 500544-E, Malabar FL 32050]

Van En, Robyn, Basic Formula to Create Community Supported Agriculture. Great Barrington MA: Robyn Van En, 1992. unpaged. (NAL HD9225 A2V35 1992) [Contact: Robyn Van En, CSA Indian Line Farm, RR 3 Box 85, Great Barrington MA 02130]

Publisher Contact Information

Acres, U.S.A.
P.O. Box 8800
Metairie LA 70011
1-800-355-5313, fax 504-889-2777

Blackwell Scientific Publications
238 Main St.
Cambridge MA 02142
617-876-700; orders 1-800-759-6102

CAB International North America
Distributor: University of Arizona Press
1230 No. Park Ave., no. 102
Tucson AZ 85719
602-621-1441; orders 1-800-426-3797

Chelsea Green Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 428
205 Gates-Briggs Bldg.
White River Junction VT 05011
802-296-6300; orders 1-800-639-4099
(Orders to: 52 Labombard Rd.,
No. Lebanon NH 03766)

Cornell University
Media Services Resource Center
7 Cornell Business and Technology Park
Ithaca NY 14850
phone 607-255-2080, fax 607-255-9946

CRC Press, Inc.
Times Mirror Co.
2000 Corporate Blvd. NW
Boca Raton FL 33431
407-994-0555; orders 1-800-272-7737

Good Earth Publications
P.O Box 160
Columbus NC 28722
704-863-2288, orders 1-800-499-3201

Green Park Press
Mississippi Valley Pub. Corp.
P.O. Box 9607
Jackson MS 39286-9607
601-981-4805; orders 1-800-748-9808

Haworth Press
10 Alice St.
Binghamton NY 13904-1580
607-722-5857; orders 1-800-342-9678

Iowa State University Press
2121 State Ave.
Ames IA 50014-8300
515-292-0140; orders 1-800-862-6657

Island Press
Box 7, Dept. 2NET
Covelo CA 95428
1-800-828-1302; fax 707-983-6414

Pennsylvania State University
College of Agricultural Sciences
Publications Distribution Center
112 Agricultural Admin. Bldg.
University Park PA 16802

Rodale Press
33 E. Main St.
Emmaus PA 18098
610-967-5171, 1-800-527-8200
(Distributor: St. Martins Press)

Soil and Water Conservation Society
7515 N.E. Ankeny Road
Ankeny, IA 50021-9764
1-800-THE-SOIL, or 515-289-2331
fax 515-289-1227

St. Martins Press
Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
175 Fifth Ave. Rm. 1715
New York NY 10010
212-674-5151; orders 1-800-221-7945

Storey's Books for Country Living
Dept. 84
P.O. Box 38
Pownal VT 05261-9989
1-800-441-5700, fax 413-664-4066

Sustainable Agriculture Publications
Hills Bldg., Rm. 12
University of Vermont
Burlington VT 05405-0082
802-656-0471 (bulk orders only)

Ten Speed Press
P.O. Box 7123
Berkeley CA 94707
510-559-1600; orders 1-800-841-2665

Thomson Publications
P.O. Box 9335
Fresno CA 93791
209-435-2163; fax 209-435-8319

U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington DC 20402-9325
202-512-1800 book order info..

University of California
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
Davis CA 95616-8716

University of California
Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)
6701 San Pablo Ave.
Oakland CA 94608-1239

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
605 Third Ave.
New York NY 10158-0012
212-850-6000; orders 1-800-225-5945
(Orders to: Eastern Distribution Center,
1 Wiley Dr., Somerset NJ 08875-1272)

Other Resources including AFSIC Publications

Alternative Agricultural Opportunities: A Bibliography. St. Paul MN: Center for Alternative Plant and Animal Products, University of Minnesota, 1991. 106 p. (NAL Z5074 A815A57 1991) [Contact: Center for Alternative Plant and Animal Products, University of Minnesota, 340 Alderman Hall, St. Paul MN 55108, phone 612-624-4217, fax 612-625-5747]

Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) Resource Center, Information Packages. Fayetteville AR: ATTRA, 1992- (NAL various numbers) (multi-paged free information packets on various organic techniques and crops, e.g., "Organic Vegetable Production", "Organic/ Low-Spray Apple Production", "Organic Strawberry Production", "Sustainable Hydroponics", "Sustainable Dairy Production", etc. ATTRA staff also respond to specific informational requests) [Contact: ATTRA, P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville AR 72702, phone 1-800-346-9140, e-mail]

European Community Regulation EC 2092/91. All aspects of ecological farming regulation and certification within and between EC member countries are addressed by this regulation and its amendments. [Contact: EC headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, or for an English version, United Kingdom Register of Organic Food Standards, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR, United Kingdom]

Gardner, Melanie, *A Guide to Funding Resources. Rev. ed. ("..information from both government and private sources on funding opportunities available to local governments, small businesses, organizations, associations, groups and individuals.") Rural Information Center Publication Series; no.49., Beltsville MD: USDA, National Agricultural Library, 1995 (NAL aHN49 C6R873 no. 38) (also available electronically via RIC's Web Site URL: http://www. [Contact: Rural Information Center, National Agricultural Library, USDA, 10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 304, Beltsville MD 20705-2351, phone 1-800-633-7701 or 301-504-5547, e-mail]

Klonsky, Karen and Laura Tourte, Statistical Review of California's Organic Agriculture, 1992-1993: Report Prepared for California Department of Food and Agriculture, Organic Program. Davis CA: Cooperative Extension, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis, 1995. (NAL S605.5 K67 1995) [Contact: Laura Tourte, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis CA 95616, phone 916-752-9376, fax 916-752-5614, e-mail]

1995 National Organic Farmers' Survey. Santa Cruz CA: Organic Farming Research Foundation, 1996. (1993 edition, NAL S605.5 O745 1993) [Contact: OFRF, P.O. Box 440, Santa Cruz CA 95061, phone 408-426-6606, fax 408-426-6670, e-mail]

Office for Small-Scale Agriculture, USDA, *Small-Scale Agriculture Alternatives Series. Washington DC: OSSA/USDA, 1992- (NAL various numbers) (pamphlet series on various alternative crops, e.g. "Wildflowers", "Mushrooms", "Exotic Livestock", etc.) [Contact: USDA/ CSREES, Office for Small-Scale Agriculture, Ag Box 2244, Washington DC 20250-2244, phone 202-401-1805]

U.S. Organic Certification Organization Directories. There are several sources for up-to-date directories of certifying agencies. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, described under "Current Status of Organic Production in the United States" in this publication, maintains and distributes a current list. On the Internet, both agAccess and the Organic Trading and Information Center, listed in the "World Wide Web/ Homepages" section below, maintain excellent directories.

Weintraub, Irwin, "Alternative Agriculture: Selected Information Sources - Part I: Databases, Abstracts and Indexes, Periodicals, and Newsletters and Newspapers" in Journal of Agricultural and Food Information, Vol. 1 (3), pp. 41-100, 1993. (NAL S494.5 I47J68) [Contact: Haworth Press, Inc., 1-800-3-HAWORTH]

Weintraub, Irwin, "Alternative Agriculture: Selected Information Sources - Part II: Bibliographies, Reports, and Directories" in Journal of Agricultural and Food Information, Vol. 1 (4), pp. 33-96.(NAL S494.5 I47J68) [Contact: same as above]

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC), National Agricultural Library, USDA, *List of Information Products. Beltsville MD: National Agricultural Library, updated monthly. (list of "Quick Bibliographies" on various alternative ag topics, e.g. "Legumes in Crop Rotations", "Cultural and Mechanical Weed Control", "Rotational Grazing and Intensive Pasture Management", etc. AFSIC staff will perform individual database searches and information retrieval on request.) [Contact: AFSIC, 10301 Baltimore Ave., Rm. 304, Beltsville MD 20705-2351, 301-504-6559, e-mail]

Also from AFSIC: AFSIC Staff, *Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books. (Special Reference Brief 96-04) 1995. (published annually) (NAL aS21 D27S64 no. 96-04)

DeMuth, Suzanne, *Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Periodicals. (Special Reference Brief 95-08) 1995. (NAL aS21 D27S64 no. 95-08)

Gates, Jane Potter, *Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture. 8th ed., 1995. (NAL aS605.5 E38 1993)

Stevens, Raymond and AFSIC staff, *Videocassettes in the NAL Collection Pertaining to Alternative Farming Systems. (Special Reference Brief 95-03) 1995. (NAL aS21 D27S64 no. 95-03)

Journals and Newsletters

For a detailed directory of journals and newsletters related to organic/ alternative/ sustainable agriculture, with subscription information for each title, please consult the free AFSIC publication, *Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Periodicals, listed above.

Some titles of particular interest to organic producers:

Acres U.S.A. (monthly/ $20 yr.), from Acres U.S.A., P.O. Box 8800, Metairie LA 70011-8800, phone 504-889-2100, fax 504-889-2777 e-mail (NAL S601 A1A25)

American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (quarterly/ $24 yr.), from Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture, 9200 Edmonston Road, Suite 117, Greenbelt MD 20770-1551, phone 301-441-8777, fax 301-220-1551. ( NAL S605.5 A43)

American Small Farm (10 issues/ $18 yr), from Magnet Communications, Inc.9420, Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 202, Chatsworth CA 91311-5759, phone 818-727-2236, fax 818-727-1358.

Biodynamics (bimonthly/ $14-$75 yr.), from Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Inc., P.O. Box 550, Kimberton PA 19442, phone 610-935-7797 (800-516-7797 for CSA/BDA farms information), fax 610-983-3196, URL: http://www/ (NAL 56.8 B52)

Common Sense Pest Control Quarterly (quarterly/ $30 yr.), from Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC), P.O. Box 7414, Berkeley CA 94707, phone 510-524-2567. ( NAL SB950.A1C62)

Countryside & Small Stock Journal (bimonthly/ $18 yr.), from Countryside & Small Stock Journal; N2601 Winter Sports Rd., Withee WI 54498 (to subscribe: W11564 Hwy. 64, Withee WI 54498), phone 1-800-551-5691 (715-785-7979 for editorial, advertising). (NAL S521.C62)

Ecology and Farming (quarterly/ $29 yr.), from International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Oekozentrum Imsbach, D-66636 Tholey-Theley, Germany, phone +49 6853 5190, fax +49 6853 30110 (U.S.: telephone 215-863-6700, fax 215-863-4622).

Farmer to Farmer (bimonthly/ $15 yr.), from Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) Foundation, P.O. Box 73674, Davis CA 95617, phone 916-756-7428, fax 916-756-7857, e-mail

Farmer's Information Network Organic Market News (formerly Organic Wholesale Market Report: Organic Market News and Information Service (OMNIS)) (bimonthly/ mail $65/ fax or e-mail $75 yr.), from FIN, P.O. Box 2067, Santa Clara CA: 95055-2067, phone 408-247-2067, fax 408-247-5823, e-mail

The Furrow (8 to 10/ complimentary to qualified farmers), from Deere & Company, John Deere Rd., Moline IL 61265-8098, phone 309-765-5403, fax 309-765-4498 (NAL S441.F97).

Growing for Market (monthly/ $26 yr.), from Fairplain Publications, P.O. Box 3747 Lawrence KS 66046, phone/fax 913-841-2559 (also telephone 1-800-307-8949).

Journal of Pesticide Reform (quarterly/ membership $15 or $25 yr.), from Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP), P.O. Box 1393, Eugene OR 97440, (office: 1249 Willamette St., Eugene OR 97401) phone 541-344-5044, fax 541-344-6923, e-mail (NAL SB950.2 A1J58), url:

The Natural Farmer (quarterly, $10 yr.), from Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA), 411 Sheldon Rd., Barre MA 01005-9252, phone 508-355-2853. (NAL S605.5 N3)

Natural Foods Merchandiser (monthly, includes Organic Times annual supplement/ $48 yr.), from New Hope Communications, 1301 Spruce St., Boulder CO 80302-4832, phone 303-939-8440, fax 303-939-9559, URL:

Organic Commodity Price Bulletin (weekly fax service), from Organic Food Business News, Hotline Printing & Publishing, P.O. Box 161132, Altamonte Springs FL 32716-1132, fax 407-628-9935

Organic Food Business News (monthly/ $48 yr.), from Hotline Printing and Publishing, P.O. Box 161132, Altamonte Springs FL 32716-1132, phone 407-628-1377, fax 407-628-9935.

Organic Food Matters (quarterly/ membership, sliding scale from $20), from Committee for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA), P.O. Box 838, San Martin CA 95046, phone 408-778-7366, fax 408-778-7186. (NAL S494.5 S86O7)

Organic Gardening (9 issues/ $25 yr.), from Rodale Press, Inc., 33 E. Minor St., Emmaus PA 18098, phone 610-967-5171 (610-967-8715 for advertising). (NAL S605.5.O74)

The Organic Report (monthly/ free with membership; non-members $50 yr), from Organic Trade Association (OTA), P.O. Box 1078, Greenfield MA 01302, (office: OTA, 20 Federal St., Suite 3, Greenfield MA 01301), phone 413-774-7511, fax 413-774-6432, e-mail

The Packer (weekly; semi-weekly at end of each quarter/ $55 yr.) (special issues: "Packer's Produce Availability and Merchandising Guide" and "Fresh Trends: A Profile of the Fresh Produce Consumer" available separately), from Vance Publishing Corp., 10901 W. 84th Terr., Lenexa KS 66214-1631, phone 913-438-8700. (NAL S86.8 N483)

The Permaculture Activist (quarterly/ $16 yr.), from Permaculture Activist, P.O. Box 1209, Black Mountain NC 28711.

Rural Heritage (bimonthly/ $19 yr.), from Allan Damerow, Publisher, 281 Dean Ridge Lane, Gainesboro TN 38562-5039, phone 612-268-0655. (subscription includes annual supplement "The Evener Work Horse, Mule, and Oxen Directory and Guide") (NAL SF311 E9)

Small Farm Today (bimonthly/ $21), from Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., 3903 W. Ridge Trail Rd, Clark MO 65243, phone 800-633-2535 or 314-687-3525, fax 314-687-3148. (NAL S1.M57)

Small-Scale Agriculture Today (quarterly/ complimentary) from Office for Small Scale Agriculture (OSSA), c/o Bud Kerr, Editor, USDA/CSREES, Ag Box 2244, Rm. 3349, South Bldg., Washington DC 20250-2244, phone 202-720-5245, fax 202-205-2448, e-mail (NAL aHD1751 S532)

The Stockman Grass Farmer (monthly/ $24.50 yr.) from Mississippi Valley Publishing Corporation, 5135 Galaxie Drive, Suite 300C, Jackson MS 39206, phone 601-981-4805, fax 601-981-8558, (to subscribe: SGF, P.O. Box 9607, Jackson MS 39286-9909, phone 800-748-9808, fax 601-981-8558). (NAL SF1.M5)

Sustainable Farming: The Magazine of Resource Efficient Agricultural Production (quarterly/ membership C$20 or C$17.12 yr., US rates on request), from Resource Efficient Agricultural Production (REAP)-Canada, Box 125, Glenaladale House, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9, Canada, phone 514-398-7743, fax 514-398-7972 (advertising: phone 705-444-0923). (NAL S494.5.S86S96)

In addition to the above publications, many local/ regional organic grower and certification groups, university research projects, and regional environmental and SARE organizations provide excellent newsletters and other publications. Check directories for more contacts and information.

Electronic Resources

What are they? Where are they?

Increasingly, excellent agricultural information is available electronically: research papers, how-to publications, catalogs, market reports, surveys, directories, journals, pictures, even computer software. This flood of material is coming to us via computer diskettes and CD's, commercial on-line services, electronic bulletin board systems (BBS), as well as the Internet's electronic mail (e-mail), "gophers", telnet, and World Wide Web systems. The information superhighway has opened for business; it is ever-widening, and reaching new destinations every day.

Using the technology and information available electronically presents many challenges. For example, electronic media relay all kinds of information: valuable as well as inane, reliable as well as unsubstantiated. Sources change daily, reflecting "hot" topics, terminated programs, new technology, etc. Gathering information electronically is not like reading a book: advanced knowledge may precede the basics, the end of the story may come before the beginning. Copyright restrictions apply to electronic publications as well as to printed ones. Increased use of the Internet has slowed down response time considerably. Try non-business hours for fastest results.

For help, there are many excellent books on how to effectively use this constantly changing technology. They are available at libraries and bookstores. The Internet itself is a bottomless source of self-explanation, from "help" screens and searching tips to discussion groups and newsletters dedicated to using the Internet.

Gopher Servers
Non-graphical resources with many layers of information, often with links to other gophers. Many gopher sites are currently being displaced by the World Wide Web. To search for gopher information by subject/ keyword, try search engines called Veronica or Archie available on most gophers.

EcoGopher (University of Virginia):
Of interest: environmental interest group discussion groups and publications, also Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxics Factsheets.

Minnesota Gopher Central (University of Minnesota):
Of interest: large collection of gopher information including searching tools and links around the world.

North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Gopher (NCSU/CES):
Of interest: main repository of materials originating from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. From the main NCSU/CES menu, choose National CES Programs / Sustainable Agriculture. In addition to SARE materials (the Directory of Expertise, currently funded SARE projects, etc), one can search the Agricultural Marketing News publications, State Alternative Laws, Pesticide Information Publications (PIP's) from Oregon CES, and the past postings (archives) of several national discussion groups.

PENpages (Pennsylvania State University):
Of interest: large number of agriculturally related resources and documents. You may search PENpages by keyword or alphabetically, as well as by other menu choices. "Small and Part-time Farming" holds full text documents from the USDA Office of Small Scale Agriculture and from the USDA Extension/ PSU Small and Part-time Farming Project Publications list.

USDA Extension Service Gopher:
Of interest: a searchable "Directory of Professional Workers in State Agriculture Experiment Stations and Other Cooperating State Institutions", USDA press releases, 1995 Farm Bill information, Extension's Water Quality database, and many state Extension Services.

World Wide Web/ Homepages
Graphics oriented, point-and-click information retrieval; homepages usually include links to related informational sites. Subject/keyword searching capability is essential. Among several effective searching tools available on the Web are Digital Corporation's Alta Vista site: or Metacrawler: 8080/index.html

Includes comprehensive directory of US Organic Certification organizations, "Internships, Apprenticeships, and Working Farms Programs in the US" from ATTRA, in addition to their publications catalog/ information.

Aggie Horticulture (Texas A&M):
Cooperative Extension information on crop production, etc., plus "Sustainable Practices for the South", IPM Network, and related topics.

Agricultural Network Information Center (AgNIC):
The National Agricultural Library's cooperative effort to compile and link agricultural databases (AgDB), Directories of Expertise, and more.

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (NAL/ ARS/ USDA):
Full text AFSIC bibliographic and reference publications, links.

Aquatic Ecology at the Earth Centre:
One of the few places to find information on "Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture" and "Sustainable Wetland Production".

Cascadian Farm:
Commercial site with a Healthfood Store database and a National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) update section.

Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (University of Nebraska, Lincoln):
Newsletters, research reports, curriculum materials, etc.

Conservation Technology Information Center:
National Crop Residue Survey database and map, National Watershed Network, newsletters.

Cooperative Extension System Information Servers:
Linked directory of US and Canadian Extension On-line resources, including publications, by state/province.

EcoNet's Agriculture & Trade Directory:

IFOAM 96 Book of Abstracts:
Hundreds of abstracts of papers, posters, etc. presented at the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements Conference in Denmark, August 1996. Author and subject indexes included.

Global Entomology Agriculture Research Server (ARS/ USDA):
Text, pictures, and sounds of insects, especially bees.

Midwest Organic Alliance:
Background information for consumers, producers and marketers.

National Integrated Pest Management Network:

New Crops Information System:
Searchable databases CropSEARCH, CropExpert, CropREFERENCE, plus a U.S. FarmMARKET directory, newsletters, and calendar.

New Hope Group On-line:
Commercial site, full-text articles from their publications, commercial links, etc.

Noah's Ark: An Organic Farmer's Homepage:

Not Just Cows: A Guide to Internet/Bitnet Resources in Agriculture and Related Sciences, by Wilfred Drew:
Just what it says; especially good for listing of agriculture-related Libraries.

Organic Agriculture and Permaculture at Sunsite (University of North Carolina):
Very useful page of links: composting, biodynamics, permaculture, vermiculture, community supported agriculture, livestock, and more.

Organic Farmers Marketing Association (OFMA):
Organic laws including NOSB documents, and text of National Organic Marketing Cooperative Feasibility Study.

Organic Trading and Information Center:
Legislative issues, resource groups, certifying organization as well as consumer and commercial information and links.

Permaculture International:
Global directory, mail order resources, more.

Composting how-to and links.

Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN):
SARE research and grant information, SAN Directory of Expertise, sanet-mg archives, more.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP) (University of California, Davis):
Two downloadable databases: Cover Crop (PC & Mac) and Dairy Debate (Mac only).

Urban Agriculture Notes (City Farmer, Canada Office of Urban Agriculture):

Water Quality Information Center (ARS/ USDA/ NAL):
Full text bibliographic publications, searchable WQ databases including Agricultural Waste Database from Auburn University.

Discussion Groups/ Mailing Lists

Receive newsletters and calendars; converse interactively with others. To subscribe generally requires a request to a computer listserv or listproc or majordomo address. For example, to subscribe to Graze-l, below, you would send in the message portion of an e-mail message the phrase "subscribe graze-l your first name your last name" to the subscription address. Use only these words (substituting your own first name and last name), without the quotation marks. Subsequent messages to the group are addressed to the list name and address.

There are several directories of discussion lists on the Internet. Try Clark Consulting International, Inc. for a good one on agriculture: maillist.html. Here is a sampling.

CSA-l (Community Supported Agriculture networking): Subscriptions to: Discussion mailings to:

Forage-mg (Forage production/ management): Subscriptions to: Discussion mailings to:

Graze-l (Rotational grazing and seasonal dairying): Subscriptions to: Discussion messages to:

Permaculture-mg (US permaculture discussion): Subscriptions to: Discussion messages to:

Smallfruit-mg (berries, grapes, etc. for growers and researchers): Subscriptions to: Discussion messages to:

Sanet-mg (Sustainable Agriculture Network-SAN): Subscriptions to: Discussion messages to: (An informational pamphlet, *Getting Started Electronically with the Sustainable Agriculture Network is available through SAN's NAL office. [Contact: SAN Coordinator, National Agricultural Library, 10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 304, Beltsville MD 20705-2351, phone 301-504-6425, e-mail]

Electronic Journals and Newsletters

Full-text publications, selected articles, and abstracts of many periodicals are available. You may also subscribe to hard copy publications via the Internet. Two good directories: Online Agricultural Journals and Magazines: and Oxbridge Communication's Media Finder Directory of Newsletters, Directory of Catalogs, and Directory of Magazines:

A selection of current and back issues of environment-related journals, including several on alternative/sustainable agriculture is available via the Sustainable Earth Electronic Library (SEEL), URL http://www.

Computer Software for Research and for Farm Management

Computer programs that help with farm planning and management have been around for some time. Here is one that deals with environmentally friendly practices, and was developed under a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) grant.

PLANETOR Microcomputer Software Module. (for "ecologically sound and economically viable" crop production; demonstration disk available) [Contact: Center for Farm Financial Management, 249 Classroom Office Bldg., Univ. of MN, St. Paul MN 55108, 612-625-1964 or 1-800-234-1111]