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Organic Agriculture
An Analysis of the U.S. and International Organic
Dairy, Livestock and Poultry Industries

Table of Contents

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1. Organic Agriculture Slide 1   Slide 9 9. Number of Livestock Animals, Conventional vs. Organic
2. Organic Agriculture - What is Organic? Slide 2   Slide 10 10. U.S. Organic Market Value by Commodity Group
3. U.S. Organic Agriculture - Production & Consumption Slide 3   Slide 11 11. U.S. Organic Market Value by Commodity Group (cont'd.)
4. U.S. Organic Agriculture - Production & Consumption (cont'd.) Slide 4   Slide 12 12. Share of U.S. Organic Market by Commodity Group
5. U.S. Certified Farmland Acreage Slide 5   Slide 13 13. Share of U.S. Organic Market by Commodity Group (cont'd.)
6. U.S. Certified Organic Milk Cow Production Slide 6   Slide 14 14. Global Organic Trade - Growth Factors and Forecasts
7. U.S. Certified Organic Layer & Broiler Production Slide 7   Slide 15 15. Global Organic Trade - DLP: Growth Factors and Forecasts
8. U.S. Certified Organic Livestock Production Slide 8   Slide 16 16. Global Organic Trade - Why Focus on the Future of Organics?
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Last modified: Tuesday, December 16, 2003