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You are here: Home / Publications / Organic Agricultural Products: Marketing and Trade Resources / Guide to Organic Marketing Support Organizations  Printer Friendly Page
Guide to Organic Marketing Support Organizations.  Organic Agricultural Products: Marketing and Trade Resources. Guide 7.


Lady with basket selecting pineapples.

Compiled by:

Mary V. Gold
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
USDA, ARS, National Agricultural Library
Beltsville MD
January 2008

Organic Agricultural Products: Marketing and Trade Resources Series, Guide 7

About this Series:

This research guide is one of seven in the Organic Agricultural Products: Marketing and Trade Resources series. Each guide is a subject-oriented compilation that focuses on a separate type of information or research source.   [More...]

Go to other Guides in this series:

  1. Guide to U.S. Organic Marketing: Laws and Regulations
  2. Guide to International Trade in Organics: Laws and Regulations
  3. Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade How-to Publications
  4. Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade Research Tools Online
  5. Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade Periodicals, Calendars and Trade Shows
  6. Guide to Organic Market, Industry and Consumer Studies (2004-2008)
  7. Guide to Organic Marketing Support Organizations
  8. Series Combined Title and Author Indexes: Guides 1-7

For more information, or to request print copies, contact the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

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Guide to Organic Marketing Support Organizations

Table of Contents

  1. About this Series
  2. Introduction: Guide to Organic Marketing Support Organizations
  3. Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Organizations
          Comprehensive directories
          Selected organizations of special interest to organic business and marketing enterprises
  4. Finding Additional Organizations and Expertise.
          Find more: Organic certification and consulting organizations…
          Find more: Local and community food organizations…
          Find more: Farmers markets and retail organic food outlets…
          Find more: Value-added and related food enterprise groups…
          Find more: National trade and commodity groups…
          Find more: Farmers and farming cooperatives…
          Find more: Funding agencies, organizations and opportunities…
          Find more: Government sources: Extension, State Departments of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture agencies…
  5. Index to Organizations and Titles
  6. About the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
  7. Disclaimers

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There are many organizations that support, in some fashion, commercial organic enterprises. Support may be in the form of information, networking, or financial assistance. This chapter presents representative organizations, along with selected directories and links to enable the searcher to find additional support organizations most relevant to his/her enterprise and geographic location.
NOTE: Many other support resources are documented in the other 6 Guides in this series.

Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Organizations

Organic and sustainable agriculture professional, consumer, research and trade groups can provide excellent opportunities for learning and networking membership throughand membership lists, referrals, sponsored events and publications, and local directories.

Comprehensive directories

1. Sustainable Agriculture Organizations and Information Providers.
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC), National Agricultural Library, 2007.
Directory: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: U.S. national and regional groups involved in research, outreach, advocacy, marketing and production.

2. Sustainable Agriculture Organizations and Publications.
ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “This list of sustainable agriculture grassroots groups, nonprofits, and agencies is updated annually. State-by-state contacts for a broadly defined sustainable agriculture community are included to facilitate networking.” [Web site]

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Selected organizations of special interest to organic business and marketing enterprises

3. Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC).
Iowa State University. Note: Ask A Specialist request form:
Contact: 866-277-5567 (toll free); fax 515-294-9496; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: National resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture. This USDA supported center offers detailed information on many kinds of market niches and farm enterprises and how to get started. It also offers directories of expertise and assistance, and tools for business planning and marketing.

4. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC).
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library.
Contact: 10301 Baltimore Avenue, Room 132, Beltsville MD 20705-2351; 301-504-6559; TDD 301-504-6856; fax 301-504-6409; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: Library services and reference publications from the USDA National Agricultural Library.

5. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT).
Contact: PO Box 3657, Fayetteville AR 72702; 800-346-9140 (toll free); 800-411-3222 (toll free, Espanol); e-mail form (Ask a Sustainable Agriculture Expert).
Homepage: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: Provides hundreds of free publications on organic and small-scale production and marketing, as well technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, Extension agents, educators, and others involved in sustainable agriculture.

6. Center for Rural Affairs.
Contact: 402-687-2100 (NE); fax 402-687-2200; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “A private, non-profit organization...working to strengthen small businesses, family farms and ranches, and rural communities.” [Web site] Projects include Rural Enterprise Assistance Project (REAP) and Rural Opportunities and Stewardship Program.

7. Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC).
Contact: 310-822-5410 (CA); fax 310-822-1440; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Seeking “to develop self-reliance among all communities in obtaining their food and to create a system of growing, manufacturing, processing, making available, and selling food that is regionally based and grounded in the principles of justice, democracy, and sustainability.” [Web site] Includes Farm-to-School Program support.

8. Farmland Information Center/Library (FIC).
American Farmland Trust (AFT).
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Clearinghouse for information about farmland protection and stewardship. Find sources for Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program allocations; agricultural district programs; collected laws and many resources listed by state.

9. The Food Alliance (TFA).
Contact: 503-493-1066 (OR); fax 503-493-1069; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Food Alliance is a nonprofit organization that promotes sustainable agriculture by recognizing and rewarding farmers who produce food in environmentally friendly and socially responsible ways, and educating consumers and others in the food system about the benefits of sustainable agriculture.” TFA also administers a comprehensive third-party certification program, Food Alliance Certified.

10. Holistic Management International (formerly the Savory Center).
Contact: 505-842-5252 (NM); e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: Non-profit promoting land resource management that restores land to health and profitability through education and training in Holistic Management.

11. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).
Contact: 612-870-0453 (MN); fax 612-870-4846; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy promotes resilient family farms, rural communities and ecosystems around the world through research and education, science and technology, and advocacy.” [Mission Statement]

12. Institute for Food Laws and Regulations (IFLR).
Michigan State University.
Contact: 517-355-8295 (MI); fax 517-432-1492.
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Dedicated to providing a global perspective on the challenges and opportunities in the international food trade through our Study Abroad Program, Internet Food Law Certificate Program, workshops, lectures and seminars.” [Web site]

13. North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA).
Contact: 888-884-9270 (toll free); 413-529-0386 (MA); fax 413-529-9101; e-mail (Communications Director).
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Non-profit membership organization “fostering growth throughout the farm direct marketing community.” [Web site] Publications and annual conference.

14. The Organic Center.
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “To generate credible, peer reviewed scientific information and communicate the verifiable benefits of organic farming and products to society.” [Mission Statement]

15. Organic Consumers Association (OCA).
Contact: 218-226-4164 (MN) (Activist or Media Inquiries); fax 218-353-7652.
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is an online and grassroots non-profit 501(c)3 public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability. The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics.” [Web site]

16. Organic Farmers’ Agency for Relationship Marketing (OFARM).
Contact: OFARM Executive Director; 785-337-2442 (KS); 920-825-1369 (WI); e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Mission statement: To coordinate efforts of producer marketing groups to benefit and sustain organic producers.” [Web site] Provides newsletter, conference listings, “Dairy Pay-Price Comparisons,” and “OFARM Target Price List” for organic field crops.

17. Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF).
Contact: 831-426-6606 (CA); fax 831-426-6670; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “To foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming practices.” [Web site] Products include: National Organic Farmers’ Survey. Provides research grants.

18. Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI).
Contact: 541-343-7600 (OR); fax 541-343-8971; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Nonprofit organization that specializes in the review of substances for use in organic production, processing, and handling.” See description in Guide 2 and OMRI publication descriptions in Guide 5.

19. Organic Trade Association (OTA).
Contact: 413-774-7511 (MA); fax 413-774-6432; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: See description in Guide 5.

20. Southwest Marketing Network (SWMN).
Contact: 970-588-2292 (CO); e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Supports Southwest producers with “connections with others, technical and financial assistance, marketing information, business and marketing skills, and peer examples needed to improve their marketing success.” [Web site]

21. Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN).
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE).
Contact: 301-504-6425 (MD); fax 301-504-5207; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Communications and outreach arm of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program [USDA].” Numerous publications and directories online. SARE grants information and contacts available on the Web site.

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Finding Additional Organizations and Expertise

The following sections cite directories and Web sites that will lead the researcher to other contacts and organizations.

Find more: Organic certification and consulting organizations…

22. National Organic Program State Contacts.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

23. USDA Accredited Certifying Agents.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Organic Program (NOP).
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Comprehensive list of the USDA Accredited Certifying Agents (ACAs) organized alphabetically by state for domestic ACAs and by country for foreign ACAs. Separate lists for domestic and foreign agents.

24. Guide to U.S. Certifying Agents.
New Farm.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

25. Certified Organic Processors/Handlers.
Oregon Tilth, 2006. 29p.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: National listings.

26. Organic Consultants.
Oregon Tilth.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

27. Organic Consulting Services.
The Organic Pages Online, Organic Trade Association (OTA).
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

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Find more: Local and community food organizations…

28. Chefs Collaborative: Partners in Local, Artisanal, and Sustainable Cuisine.
Contact: 617-236-5200 (MA); fax 617-236-5272; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Chefs Collaborative works with chefs and the greater food community to celebrate local foods and foster a more sustainable food supply. The Collaborative inspires action by translating information about our food into tools for making knowledgeable purchasing decisions. Through these actions, our members embrace seasonality, preserve diversity and traditional practices, and support local economies.” [Mission Statement] Local Food Search/Find Members provides a directory for chefs, farmers and consumers, (accessed 2/25/08)

29. Community Food Security Coalition - Related Websites.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “A collection of food-security web links in the following categories: Food Security/Food Systems; Community Supported Agriculture (CSA); Urban Agriculture/Community Gardens; Progressive; Nutrition; Religious; Sustainable Agriculture; Community Development; Farmers’ Markets; University/Cooperative Extension; Anti-Hunger; Restaurants/Chefs/Co-ops.” [Web site]

30. Local Food Directories.
ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “As consumer interest in local foods and producer interest in direct marketing both rise, community, regional, state and national directories of local foods offer a way to establish links between consumers and producers. This online database lists local food directories and promotional programs from across the country, searchable by state.” [Web site]

31. National Farm to School Regional Lead Agencies.
National Farm to School Program.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Regional Lead Agencies in eight regions of the country have been established to lead farm to school efforts in the states that comprise the regions.” [Web site] A “Find a Farm to School Program near you” directory is available site’s homepage, (accessed 2/25/08)

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Find more: Farmers markets and retail organic food outlets…

(Business directories and trading sites are listed in Guide 4 of this series.)

32. Farmers Market Search.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Search by farmers’ market name, state, city, county, zip code or “forms of payment accepted.”

33. Organic Farmers’ Market and Store Finder.
Foerstel Design.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Directory of U.S. farmers’ markets and stores that carry organic products.

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Find more: Value-added and related food enterprise groups…

34. AgMRC Value-Added Directories.
Ag Marketing Resource Center.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Browse or search these directories:
   Agricultural Innovation Centers - List of USDA-funded agricultural innovation centers, with an overview, subject areas of expertise, activities and contact individuals.
   Value-Added Agricultural Consultants and Service Providers - List of specialists who have registered on the site to assist producers in developing or expanding a value-added agriculture business.
   Value-Added Agricultural Businesses - List of value-added businesses that have registered on the site that can be contacted by individuals with similar interests.

35. State Resource Directory.
Ag Marketing Resource Center.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Contacts of individuals and programs in each of the 50 states for value-added agriculture information specific to that state.”

36. The Food Industry Center.
University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics.
Contact: 612-625-7019 (MN); fax 612-625-2729; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Advancing knowledge about processing, distribution, sales, and food service.” [Web site] Site sources include a reference library, publications, links directory and newsletter.

37. The Food Processing Center.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Contact: 402-472-2832 (NE); e-mail form:
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “To advance the value-added food manufacturing industry by partnering on technical and business development from idea through ongoing market support.” [Mission statement]

38. International HACCP Alliance.
Texas A&M University, Department of Animal Science.
Contact: 979-862-3643 (TX); fax 979-862-3075; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “The International HACCP Alliance was developed to provide a uniform program to assure safer meat and poultry products.” Site includes food industry news items and “Scientific Article Database.” [Web site]

39. State Departments of Health.
State and Local Government Internet directory/State Government Offices, Local US Government, City Government and Federal Government.
Directory: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: State departments of health usually host the regulatory agencies that govern food handling, preparation and sales.

40. University Assistance Centers for Food Entrepreneurs.
Food Entrepreneur Resources, Food Safety, Pennsylvania State University.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Also on this page find listings for Food Processing Incubators and Commercial Kitchens.

41. The NxLevel Training Network.
Contact: 800-873-9378 (toll free) or 801-446-6162 (UT); fax 800-860-0522.
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Training curriculums (offered in many states) include NxLevel for Business Start-ups, for Entrepreneurs, for Enterprising Youth, for Micro-Entrepreneurs, for Agricultural Entrepreneurs and for Alternative Agriculture.

42. Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE).
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “SCORE’s national network of volunteer business executives and professionals provide advice, troubleshooting and counseling.” [Web site] Nonprofit resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
   Ask SCORE e-mail advice online form,
   Find SCORE Office Locations, (accessed 2/25/08)

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Find more: National trade and commodity groups…

(See also Organic Trade Organization (OTA) and North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA), listed above.)

43. National Commodity and Agricultural Organization Sites.
Ag Marketing Resource Center.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

44. National Agri-Marketering Association (NAMA).
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “As a part of NAMA, you can connect with other leading industry professionals - in marketing, advertising, public relations, media and more.” [Web site]

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Find more: Farmers and farming cooperatives…

45. Local Harvest.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “Use our website to find farmers’ markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies.” [Web site] “Find Farms” search, (accessed 2/25/08)

46. American Farm Bureau (AFB).
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: See “State Farm Bureaus,”
(accessed 2/25/08)

47. National Farmers’ Union (NFU).
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: See “In the States” directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

48. Directory of Rural, Farmer, Rancher, and Fishery Cooperatives.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Business and Cooperative Programs.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “This directory contains a listing, by State, of over 1,100 marketing, farm supply, service, fishery, and bargaining cooperatives. The information was collected from every cooperative that USDA Rural Development’s Cooperative Programs surveys that wished to be in this directory. The information includes the cooperative’s contact information, type of cooperative, and products that they sell.” [Web site]

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Find more: Funding agencies, organizations and opportunities…

(See also Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) and Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program listed above.

49. Funding Resources: Rural Information Center.
Rural Information Center (RIC), National Agricultural Library, USDA.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: RIC’s Web site includes access to their own directories and comprehensive funding database:
   A Guide to Funding Resources,
   Federal Funding Sources for Rural Areas,
   Small Farm Funding Resources, (accessed 2/25/08)

50. Building Better Rural Places: Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation and Community Development, by Margaret Krome, Susan LeVan and David Zodrow.
ATTRA - The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, 2004, updated 2007.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “This extensive directory of federal programs that offer assistance in sustainable agriculture, forestry, conservation and community development was compiled in 2004 [and updated in 2007] by U.S. Department of Agriculture agencies working together for sustainable rural development, in collaboration with The Michael Fields Agricultural Institute and the National Center for Appropriate Technology. This guide is written for anyone seeking help from federal programs to foster innovative enterprises in agriculture and forestry in the United States.” [Introduction]

51. Funding Opportunities.
ATTRA - The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: This searchable, dynamic directory is updated weekly and includes a wide range of funding program notices from Federal, state and private sources.

52. Funding Sources for New Farmers.
How to Go Organic, Organic Trade Association.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

53. Funding Sources for Transitioning Farmers.
How to Go Organic, Organic Trade Association.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Web site links directory.

54. Regional Contacts - RCD Councils.
National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Council.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “RC&D Councils work to improve the general level of economic activity and to enhance the environment and standard of living in all communities. Councils provide a system of rural development to encourage the wise use of natural resources, and improve the quality of life in America.” [Web site]

55. The Center for Minority Farmers.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OASCR)., 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Mail Stop 9473, Washington DC 20250; Toll free: 866-873-2163; 202-205-0667; e-mail
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “The Center’s staff coordinates technical assistance and training that many of USDA customers need to enable them to fully participate in USDA’s programs and services. Minority farmers and others contacting the Center can receive referrals to experts within USDA’s agencies who can help them meet USDA program participation requirements. Farmers seeking to develop stronger and more successful farm and business operations can also participate in capacity building training activities, coordinated through the Center. The Center also provides information on forming cooperatives and partnerships so minority farmers can maximize opportunities to participate in new markets for their agriculture products.” [Web site]

56. National Immigrant Farming Initiative (NIFI). Note: This website was developed as a collaboration of Heifer International®, the Risk Management Agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and The New Farm® of The Rodale Institute.
Homepage: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: “NIFI provides training, information sharing, networking opportunities, funding for projects through Heifer’s project development process, and other resources to support immigrant farmers.” [Web site]

57. Native Americans and Alaska Natives: A Guide to USDA Programs.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, 2007.(Program Aid, 1924).
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “This guide is a reference for American Indian and Alaska Native tribal leaders and members, planners, community leaders, producers, and others who work with American Indians and Alaska Natives on any of the numerous USDA programs available to the Native American community. The Guide is intended as a resource for decisionmakers seeking to identify USDA programs that will best serve an individual or community’s needs as well as for facilitating improved access to USDA programs and services.” [Introduction]

58. Farm Loan Programs - Farm Service Agency (FSA).
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Homepage: (accessed 2/26/08)
Description: FSA makes direct and guaranteed farm ownership (FO) and operating loans (OL) to farmers and ranchers, including beginning farmers, who are temporarily unable to obtain private, commercial credit. FSA loans can be used to purchase land, livestock, equipment, feed, seed, and supplies. Loans can also be used to construct buildings or make farm improvements. Programs are administered locally. See USDA Office Locator listed below in this Guide for an on line directory.

59. Funding Resources for Farmers’ Markets.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Farmers Market Consortium. 70p.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Site includes the “USDA Farmers’ Market Resource Guide (2007), providing an overview of all funding sources and indications of past and current USDA sponsored projects that support direct-to-consumer marketing; Federal Resources - links to United States Department of Agriculture, HHS and other Federal government resources and grant programs for farmers’ markets; State Resources - links to state departments of agriculture, contact information for state farmers’ market representatives and other state grant or funding programs; Local Resources (interesting examples of local programs that support farmers markets; and Foundation Resources, resources provided by various foundations to support the development of farmers’ markets.” [Web site]

60. Funds Availability: Rural Development.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Business and Cooperative Programs, Rural Development.
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Cites opportunities for USDA Rural Development Business Programs, Community Programs, Cooperative Programs, Rural Community Empowerment Program, and Special Initiatives.

61. State Cooperative Specialist Contacts.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Business and Cooperative Programs.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

62. USDA Service Center Locator.
United States Department of Agriculture.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: “USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies. This web site will provide the address of a USDA Service Center and other Agency offices serving your area along with information on how to contact them.” [Web site]

63. Grants.Gov.
E-Grants Initiative.
Homepage: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Created through a partnership of Federal Agencies, this site directs grant seekers to over 900 programs offered across 26 Federal grant-making Agencies. Using the “Find Opportunities” function, one can search for grant opportunities throughout the Federal government and/or register to receive all e-mail notifications of new grant postings.

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Find more: Government sources: Extension, State Departments of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture agencies…

64. Cooperative Extension System Offices.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES).
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

65. Small Farm Resource Guide.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), Small Farm Program, 2006. Note: The CSREES Small Farm Toll-Free InfoLine (800-583-3071) is a service for farmers and ranchers with small farms-related questions to speak to CSREES small farms experts. The line is answered Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)
Description: This guide “provides a listing of USDA and other federal agencies, the land-grant university system, and other public and private sector organizations, including community based organizations, that offer small farm and ranch expertise or information relevant to small production enterprises. Entries in the Guide are listed by state, and generally include a description of programs relevant to small scale farmers and rancher, contact information, and, as appropriate, selected publications. Most of the entries have been provided by the organizations themselves.” [Introduction]

66. State Agriculture Departments.
State and Local Government Internet Directory/State Government Offices, Local US Government, City Government and Federal Government.
Directory: (accessed 2/25/08)

67. USDA Agencies and Offices.
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(accessed 2/25/08)
Description: Searchable directory of all offices, agencies, mission areas.

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Index to Organizations and Titles

Numbers refer to reference numbers in the text

AgMRC Value-added Directories   34
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC)   3
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC)   4
American Farm Bureau (AFB)   46
ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service   

Building Better Rural Places: Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation and Community Development   50

The Center for Minority Farmers   55
Center for Rural Affairs   6
Certified Organic Processors/Handlers   25
Chefs Collaborative: Partners in Local, Artisanal, and Sustainable Cuisine   28
Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC)   7
Community Food Security Coalition - Related Websites   29
Cooperative Extension System Offices   64

Directory of Rural, Farmer, Rancher, and Fishery Cooperatives   48

Farm Loan Programs - Farm Service Agency  (FSA)   58
Farmers Market Search   32
Farmland Information Center/Library (FIC)   8
The Food Alliance (TFA)   9
The Food Industry Center   36
The Food Processing Center   37
Funding Opportunities   51
Funding Resources for Farmers’ Markets   59
Funding Resources: Rural Information Center   49
Funding Sources for New Farmers   52
Funding Sources for Transitioning Farmers   53
Funds Availability: Rural Development   60   63
Guide to U.S. Certifying Agents   24

Holistic Management International (formerly the Savory Center)   10

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)   11
Institute for Food Laws and Regulations (IFLR)   12
International HACCP Alliance    38

Local Food Directories   30
Local Harvest   45

National Agri-Marketering Association NAMA)   44
National Commodity and Agricultural Organization Sites   43
National Farm to School Regional Lead Agencies   31
National Farmers' Union (NFU)   47
National Immigrant Farming Initiative (NIFI)    56
National Organic Program State Contacts   22
Native Americans and Alaska Natives: A Guide to USDA Programs   57
North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA)   13
The NxLevel Training Network   41

The Organic Center   14
Organic Consultants   26
Organic Consulting Services   27
Organic Consumers Association (OCA)   15
Organic Farmers' Market and Store Finder   33
Organic Farmers’ Agency for Relationship Marketing  (OFARM)   16
Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF)    17
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)   18
Organic Trade Association (OTA)   19

Regional Contacts - RCD Councils   54

Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)   42
Small Farm Resource Guide   65
Southwest Marketing Network (SWMN)   20
State Agriculture Departments   66
State Cooperative Specialist Contacts   61
State Departments of Health   39
State Resource Directory   35
Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)   21
Sustainable Agriculture Organizations and Information Providers   1
Sustainable Agriculture Organizations and Publications   2

University Assistance Centers for Food Entrepreneurs   40
USDA Accredited Certifying Agents   23
USDA Agencies and Offices   67
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About the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) specializes in locating and accessing information related to many aspects of sustainable and alternative agriculture, crops and livestock - sustainable and organic crop and livestock farming systems; renewable farm energy options; alternative marketing practices; crop and livestock diversification including aquaculture, exotic and heritage farm animals, alternative and specialty crops, new uses for traditional crops, and crops grown for industrial production; and small farm issues.

AFSIC was founded in 1985 and is an integral part of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) in Beltsville, Maryland. The Center is supported, in part, by USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, and a cooperative agreement with the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. NAL is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS).

A current list of AFSIC information products and full-text publications are available electronically on the AFSIC Web site. Recent publications are also available, on request, in hard copy.

For further information:

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA
10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 132
Beltsville MD 20705-2351
phone: 301-504-6559; fax: 301-504-6927
E-mail form:
Web site:


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