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5029: Is Orbeseal® the answer to mastitis in organic farms?

Notz, Christophe (2005) Is Orbeseal® the answer to mastitis in organic farms?. Working Paper, Tiergesundheit, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick.

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In addition to fertility problems mastitis also is a main animal health problem in organic dairy farms. A lot of therapeutics, mostly conventional, are used for this indication. The losses due to lower milk production, cure costs and replacement costs are enormous. Furthermore the regulations for organic farming rather favour complementary therapies than the use of antibiotics or other chemical-synthetic drugs. Consequently the non-antibiotic teat-sealer labelled as Orbeseal® could be a solution to improve the udder health in organic farming.

Document Language:English
Keywords:Bestandes- und Komplementärmedizin, Mastitis
Subject Areas: Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL > Animal Health
Orgprints ID Number:5029
Contact:Notz, Christophe
Deposited On:12 July 2005
EPrint Type:Working paper
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Peer Review Status:Not peer-reviewed
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