  About Us
  Calendar of Events
  Herbal Green Pages
  Bu$iness of Herbs
  Web Hosting and Design
  Herbal Recipes
  Links to Hosted Sites
  Herb Business Startup
  Contact Us
  Herbal Speakers Bureau
  Crop Shop
  Herbal Exchange
Herbworld's Blog:
A forum for herb businesses
Herb Business Profiles


 We host herbal web sites....and we'd love to host yours....click for details


Below you will find a listing of the many herb business resources available at HerbWorld®.  If you would like to be on our mailing list where you will receive updates of what's new here, please sign up at the end of this page. 

Helping our members grow herbs and market herbs and herbal products successfully....

Who are our members?  In our online journal, The Bu$iness of Herbs, we feature a profile of member businesses. It's both informative and inspirational about how people got started and what brings them success.  We've added these profiles to the public site so others can also benefit.   Take a peek!

What is the Herb Growing & Marketing Network?  What do you get with membership? Click here for details.
joinnow.gif (2470 bytes) 

This month's Featured Businesses...
Get your business listed in our Herbal Green Pages and find out more about this exceptional resource tool.
August 27, 2008

Vol 10 - Issue 1

         We're working hard to get the Herbal Green Pages up.  It's exciting.  But time consuming.  This industry's constantly changing so if you've sent stuff in, we don't mind being nudged  a bit.  I'd say it'll be ready in a few more days.     We'll get back to more articles then too. 

Have some ideas you'd like to share?  Visit our blog at www.herbnet.com/blog  and start a dialogue.  Might be a way to make a new friend.

         Our online publication, the Bu$iness of Herbs has been a real success.  This is one of the benefits of membership in our network.   If you'd like to sample us, we're allowing everyone to have access to 4 free issues.  We're hoping you'll find enough material to make an impact on your business and want to join us.  Just drop me an email and we'll send you links to four of our recent issues.  Click here.

        We also have a listserve for herb business folk at well.  It's usually limited to association members but for a limited time, we're opening it to others to help increase the networking experience for all.  So give it a shot....join us by.

 Click here to join HerbBusiness
Click to join HerbBusiness


               What kind of businesses are members?  If you check out our featured businesses this month, you'll see a wide variety....growers to manufacturers to retail shops. 
             We're always open to comments and suggestions, so feel free to write.       


             Maureen Rogers


Interested in being hosted by us?  Or in having us help you promote your herb site?. We love herb folks and have the experience to help your site grow.


Click Here for Details on Web Hosting for natural product businesses

  Who we are.....
The Herb Growing & Marketing Network is the largest trade association specifically for the herb industry with around 900 members in existence since 1990.  We are an information service for our members offering material on anything related to being in an herb business (except for those pesky statistics....there are no good ones so don't ask).   But that's just the beginning......click here for our online secure order form.

Featured Businesses of the Month
In order to highlight some of the unique businesses that are members of our Network, we're now focusing each month on 5 unique ones.  Click here to see what sites are hot!!   This month we're showing:  Walking Clover Farm, Well-Sweep Herb Farm, Wild Weeds, Willow Way and WiseWoman Healing Ways.  For all our member businesses......check out The Herbal Green Pages Online :-)

Have you used our Herbal Exchange?  You may find just the product you're looking for.  

Interested in talking to other herb businesses?  You can interact on our member Herb Business list once you join....if you're already a member and want to sign up, drop me a note and I'll add you......this is an owner approved list so non-members will not be approved....please use the email address you gave when you signed up for membership.

Not ready to join but still want to know what's happening?  If you would like to be added to our mailing list so you can hear about future updates , simply click on this button and put subscribe in your subject line along with your business name (or name if you don't have a business yet). (This does NOT make you a member of The Herb Growing and Marketing Network)

Herbal Green Pages Online
This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding our 430+ pages resource guide.  Here we only list selected member businesses along with links to their sites.  It's a sample and the complete guide can be ordered in hard copy or CD.  Non-members can be listed for a $25/yr annual fee. 

Crop Shop
The Crop Shop is a place where member businesses can list their available herbal products and what they're in need of.  Non-members can search and answer directly but not post to the site.  We're down at the moment but should be back soon.  The Herbal Green Pages comes first.

Hosted Sites
HerbWorld is fortunate in hosting several member businesses. They offer a range of herbal products, services and publications. Want to be hosted?  Click here for details and benefits.

Herb Speakers' Bureau
Are you looking for a speaker on any aspect of herbs?  Or are you a speaker looking to promote yourself.  Here's your opportunity to be seen.  Network members get a free basic listing and full page listings with pictures are available for a small annual listing fee. 

Botanical Dictionary
This dictionary contains hundreds of plants with their scientific name, common names and as many different language variations as possible.  We're always looking for more so don't hesitate to make suggestions. (Slowly being added too)

Want to start an herb business?
We have a starter package of material to get you on the right track (or scare you away depending on your optimist level)  Proceedings from the Beginners' Day program at our last four conferences along with other helpful information. Available in Adobe Acrobat for $10 (get Acrobat Reader for free at Adobe and it can't be a hotmail account) or hard copy for $20.  I personally recommend the hard copy as easier to use.

The Weather Page
The weather page allows you to check national and local weather forecasts.

Herbal Exchange
Herbal classifieds covering everything you could want...plants and seeds, dried material, businesses for sale, help wanted, body care products, new medicinals...you name it, we've got it.  These classifieds are free to members of the network and a nominal cost to nonmembers.

Care to chat?
We have a continual discussion group going on herbal items.....mostly medicinal right now but if enough people are interested we'll establish them for separate categories...cooking, gardening, etc..

Herb Trade
This is a new area we're just beginning to work on that will be a shopping area for both wholesale and retail products.  If you'd like to display your products here drop us a line.  Prices are reasonable

Comments & Suggestions Click here to give us feedback on the site.....suggestions that would be helpful to you, problems with navigation, things like that. Please don't ask health related questions here....they should go on the bulletin board.


Herb Associations
Our directory provides listings for all herb related organizations, associations and societies.  If your group would like to be listed, let us know.  No charge and the listing also goes into The Herbal Green Pages.

Herb Press
Herb Press lists all publications related to the industry that are available by subscription....from major to newsletter.  No charge for the listing and also listed in The Herbal Green Pages.  Please contact us with your listing.  Herb books are also reviewed here.

Herbal Business Publications
We publish a series of conference proceedings that offer all that technical information on production and marketing that's so hard to find.  These are the papers presented by the speakers at our annual conferences.  For a listing of topics, click above. To actually order them go to our online order form

Herb University
Interested in schools, correspondence courses, apprenticeship programs that focus on herbs?  Check them out here.  And if you have a school/course (not classes...those are in the calendar section) drop us a note.

Calendar of Herbal Events
The Calendar of Herbal Events lists as many happenings and classes as we can find by location.  If you or your group are planning an event please notify us and it will be included.  No charge for this service.

Herb Source
Looking for specific plants and seeds?  Don't feel like searching through every catalogue?  This is the place.  We list by Latin name and common and who's selling them.  There is a charge to have your listing here but it's nominal.

Conferences - 
We're not quite sure
, but will let you know......

Where do I find....?  Here are all the great links to sites that are predominately informational....we constantly add and update but when you need information on anything from homeopathy to Ayurvedic....or you can't find Jim Duke's data base....or want to find Michael Moore's material.....check us out....we've got it.  If you've got a site to recommend, please let us know....but this is for strictly informational sites.

Herb Gardens
If you're a traveling type you'll want to check out these herb gardens that are open to the public...not only botanical gardens and arboretum but private ones as well.  And if your garden is open to view, drop us a note with a brief description.

It's the 2008 edition of our  Herbalpedia CD.  This edition includes 2250 in depth profiles that include everything we can find on the subject: cultivation, history, culinary/medicinal/aromatherapy uses; recipes of all types along with color photos to make identification easier.   Our aim is to increase your knowledge and awareness of our green relations as well as increase your culinary and healing skills.  It comes in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and you can download the Acrobat Reader software for free from Adobe.  The disk is $70US and if you reorder each year, updated CDs are half price. They'll include at least 200 new profiles and any additions or changes to the old ones.  Profiles range from 2-10 pages depending on the plant.  Check out our Calendula profile (2008 Herb of the Year).  And if you want to see our what's included, we've got an extensive list.   Order online

Letters and Comments | Mailing List | Technical Problems


The Herb Growing & Marketing Network
Maureen Rogers, Director
PO Box 245, Silver Spring, PA 17575-0245
717-393-3295; FAX: 717-393-9261