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Home » Public Health Digital Library » Topics A - Z » Beginning with 'E'

Public Health's Digital Library
Resources, links, materials



Public Health - Seattle & King County related links:

King County Emergency Medical Services (KCEMS)
KCEMS operates in a coordinated partnership with eight dispatch centers, six paramedic providers, and thirty-five fire departments. This partnership also requires collaboration with local hospital emergency departments, private ambulance companies, and other organizations.

King County Medic One
A critical link in our regional Emergency Medical Service system, providing high quality, advanced patient care, King County Medic One paramedics are trained by the world renowned University of Washington / Harborview Medical Center / Seattle Fire Department paramedic training program.


Public Health - Seattle & King County related links:

Bioterrorism Preparedness
Public Health - Seattle & King County has worked with the local medical community to increase the ability to detect and respond to a bioterrorist attack.

Seattle-King County Advanced Practice Center
A resource for local public health agencies throughout the nation as it develops plans and builds local and regional capacity for responding to an act of bioterrorism or other public health emergency.

Pandemic Flu Preparedness
Information includes the nationally recognized Pandemic Flu Response Plan, fact sheet, resources for specific groups, multimedia resources and the King County Health Care Coalition.


Public Health - Seattle & King County related links:

Environmental Health Services
Public Health - Seattle & King County's Environmental Health Services covers a wide range of topics from food protection, drinking water, plumbing, onsite-sewage systems, arsenic and lead testing, West Nile virus monitoring, solid waste, and more.

Built Environment links:

  • CDC Building Healthy Places
    CDC’s gateway to resources on designing and building healthy environments links to information on social capital, accessibility, and other indoor and outdoor environmental health topics.

  • CDC Healthy Homes Initiative
    The Healthy Homes Initiative website provides a variety of downloadable publications on the indoor living environment including the Healthy Housing Reference Manual.

  • Collaborative on Health and the Environment
    The Collaborative on Health and the Environment is an alliance of individuals and organizations working together to advance knowledge and effective action addressing growing concerns about the links between human health and environmental factors.

  • Environmental Health Perspectives: Built Environment
    A comprehensive list of full text articles published by Environmental Health Perspectives on the Built Environment.

Other links:


Public Health - Seattle & King County related link:

Local Hazardous Waste Management Library
The King County Hazardous Waste Management Library provides information and services to program staff, businesses, citizens, and other government programs. Links are provide to over 70 periodicals available free online or in print.

Toxic Hazards
Detailed reports on the Tacoma Smelter Plume Project, soil sampling in King County for arsenic and lead, fact sheets and tips for biomedical and hazardous waster materials.


Public Health - Seattle & King County related links:

Communicable Diseases, Epidemiology and Immunizations
Covers a wide range of topics including disease fact sheets in multiple languages, newsletters, how to submit reportable diseases, information on how to get immunized, Travel Clinics, and more.

Data, Publications and Reports
Authored by Public Health - Seattle & King County staff, view a wide range of research publications including the Health of King County, access to care, communicable diseases, and more.

  • CDC Epidemiologic Case Studies
    These epidemiologic case studies, based on real-life outbreaks and public health problems, are interactive exercises developed to teach epidemiologic principles and practices; they can be used for self-study or in a classroom setting.

  • Epidemiology for Journalists
    Dedicated to improving the quality of information reaching the public through the news.” Their Epidemiology for Journalists webpage is a useful resource for the epidemiologically uninitiated.

  • EpiQMS
    An online application allowing citizens, public health and medical practitioners and public health agency investigators access to a state's or region's health data (death, birth, cancer registry, hospital discharge, STD, injury, emergency response, environmental justice, etc.) for the purpose of health assessment or surveillance support.

  • EpiSurveyor
    EpiSurveyor is a free, open source tool that allows anyone to create a handheld data entry form, collect data on a mobile device, and then transfer the data back to a desktop or laptop for analysis.

  • Repository of Instructional Materials for Epidemiology
    The Northwest Center for Public Health Practice’s indexed, searchable repository of instructional materials for epidemiology trainers.

  • Weekly Epidemiological Record, World Health Organization
    An instrument for the rapid and accurate dissemination of epidemiological information on cases and outbreaks of diseases under the International Health Regulations and on other communicable diseases of public health importance, including the newly emerging or re-emerging infections.
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Updated: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 10:26 AM

All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. For more information please call 206-296-4600 (voice) or TTY Relay: 711. Mailing address: ATTN: Communications Team, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300, Seattle, WA 98104 or click here to email us. Because of confidentiality concerns, questions regarding client health issues cannot be responded to by e-mail. Click here for the Notice of Privacy Practices. For more information, contact the Public Health Privacy Office at 206-205-5975.

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