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About our Rental Permit

In addition to being a legal document the Rental Permit is also a communication tool, without the confirmed exchange of information contained in it neither we or you will be ready for your event.

You should meet with the KiMo staff to review and sign a Rental Permit at least 2 months prior to your event and complete all final arrangements for entering your event into our schedule. 

Your event is not confirmed into our (public) Schedule of Events until after the Rental Permit is signed.

A signed Rental Permit does not obligate the City/KiMo to provide any goods or services that are not listed, in writing, in the Rental Permit.

All goods and services needed for your event or listed in an Artists 'Technical Rider', are your (the Renter's) responsibility to provide or request. Some of these items may be prohibited by State/City/KiMo regulations, others may be unavailable from the KiMo Theatre.

Please be aware that our Rental Permit is a legally binding 12+ page contract with the City of Albuquerque that includes Deposits, Fees, Time Limitations and Payment Restrictions.

We will try to assist you by anticipating some of your needs, but it is not always possible. The KiMo and/or some of its services may not be available for your event unless you let us know of your plans and needs in a timely manner.
To help prevent the incorrect exchange of vital information, and because it will affect the fees you are charged, most of these services (time in the building, ticket set-up, labor, equipment rental, etc.) must be requested in writing.


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