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DUII Arrests Continue to Stay Low at Oktoberfest with Help of Mobile DUII Processing Center
Dale Young, Sergeant
Oregon State Police - Salem
Office: (503) 378-3387 ext. 213
Pager: (503) 370-2320

Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers and Marion County Sheriff's Office deputies arrested eleven people this weekend in the area of Mt. Angel during this year's Oktoberfest. Ten of the arrests involved people who were attending the event, consistent with previous impaired driving arrest figures as the continuing aggressive efforts involving organizers and law enforcement help minimize the number of alcohol-related incidents.
One of the new approaches this year involved the placement of the new Mobile DUII Processing Center (MDPC) on site to help police process arrested DUII drivers while getting officers back on the road. The MDPC motor home is equipped with three Intoxilyzer Model 800 breath-alcohol testing equipment, work stations with lap tops and printers, and two temporary holding cells. The unit also has emergency supplies, cell phones and radio communications equipment.
"We got a lot of positive feedback from the public about the MDPC," said OSP Sergeant Dale Young. "It also had a deterrent effect when one Oktoberfest patron saw the MDPC and enhanced patrols, then decided to walk to the command post and ask us to call him a taxi."
According to Sergeant Young, ten of the eleven DUII arrests were directly attributed to people attending the event while the other arrest involved a local resident who was trying to drive home after attending a relative's birthday celebration. Oktoberfest DUII-related arrests have dropped significantly since the beginning of 2000 when 60 arrests were reported. Last year officers made nine arrests during the interagency enforcement effort.
Page updated: October 12, 2007

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