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Business Development...
Planning and startup information to help you establish or expand your Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)...

Beginners Essentials Access to Capital, Money, matter how you name it, Cash can be your business's lifeblood.

Planning - Put It On Paper Got a great idea? How do you really expect to run your business if you haven't taken the time to write your plan and really think about your design?

E-Commerce Are you ready to perform transactions electronically? Do you know what's involved?
Definition:  Electronic Commerce refers to the general exchange of goods and services via the Internet.  

Technology You'll find information about technical standards and help with your Internet-based business.

Risk Management Here, you'll learn how to reduce risk for your business.
Definition:  Risk Management is the total process to identify, control, and minimize the impact of uncertain events.

Strategic Planning Learn how to build commitments among key stakeholders.
Definition:  Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.  

Business Formation S vs. C Corporations, LLC and more, deal structuring, intellectual property licensing and protection.

Employees Employees add another layer of complexity to your business that requires careful consideration and planning.

Marketing Marketing 101: Learn how to get start marketing your business, ideas and services.
Definition:  The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisation objectives.  

E-Commerce articles Read articles on E-Commerce business strategies, news headlines, commentary and issues from syndicated sources all around the world. Please note all content is linked offsite and provided as an informational service only within

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  • All headlines originate via Rich Site Summary (RSS) feeds
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  E-Commerce Times: the E-Business and Technology Super Site
 RSS newsfeed item... New PCI Security Standard Falls Short
October is the expected release date for the next version of the PCI Data Security Standard, 1.2. Since the PCI Standard's creation -- to serve as a guideline to help organizations that process card payments, prevent credit card fraud, hacking and various other security vulnerabilities and threats -- much hype has surrounded each PCI update.
 RSS newsfeed item... The Social Media Puzzle
The other day I had a conversation with some nice people from the market research company Coleman Parkes Research. They wanted to tell me about a study they have recently concluded about social networking. What was interesting to me is the evidence they turn up about adoption and how the adoption of social media to date by companies follows an early adopter pattern.
 RSS newsfeed item... Netflix Wades Deeper Into On-Demand Stream With CBS, Disney Deals
Online movie rental company Netflix has signed distribution deals with two heavy hitters from the TV world -- the CBS Television Network and the Disney-ABC Television Group. Netflix will soon have a stable of new and syndicated television shows that its users can stream over the Internet, including "CSI," "NCIS" and "Hannah Montana," to name a few.
 RSS newsfeed item... Roaming Fee Break No Holiday for Europeans
Viviane Reding, Europe's info-media commissioner, has skillfully staked out her position as champion of consumers who want it cheap and now. Her Europe-wide caps on roaming charges for mobile voice services are popular, and now Reding wants the same relief for consumers downloading data and text-messaging across the borders of EU member states.
 RSS newsfeed item... The Tech-Savvy Approach to Political Branding
Barack Obama announced his running mate by text message. John McCain's putting up YouTube videos. Mayoral candidates are doing robocalling. And just about everyone running for public office has a blog. Clearly, the campaign landscape has gone high-tech. New technologies are helping candidates to connect with voters, and voters to connect with candidates, in new and surprising ways.

 Courtesy of E-Commerce Times © 2006 -Content links go offsite

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