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Department of Human Services

College Student Resources

As you enter into a new environment for continuing education some of the healthy requirements of your youth still have a place in your adult lives. The importance of vaccination against certain diseases is one of them. While some risk of childhood diseases decrease as we age, others such as measles and varicella (chicken pox) can be a serious threat to our health if contracted as an adult. While only measles vaccination is required for Oregon college students at this time, it is recommended that all entering students consider the health benefits to being fully immunized.

Oregon College Immunization Law Brochure.

Oregon College Immunization Law Brochure

The brochure answers questions like:
  • But adults don't get these diseases - do they?
  • But these diseases aren't very serious - are they?
  • So, what do I have to do if I need immunizations?
  • What if I can't find my shot record?
  • Are the shots safe?
  • Where can I get the shots?
  • Are there other diseases that adults need shots for that are not part of the law?
  • Do I need to be screened for Tuberculosis (TB)?

College Student Resources

Page updated: December 20, 2007

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