Bird Checklists of the United States

Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge

small state map showing location

Anahuac, Texas

Anahauc National Wildlife Refuge contains over 34,000 acres of coastal marsh and prairie located at the upper end of east Galveston Bay, 18 miles souteast of Anahauc in Chambers County, Texas. Established in 1963, Anahauc NWR provides wintering and migration habitat for waterfowl of the Central Flyway, as well as other migratory bird species. From raptors to rails, and shorebirds to songbirds, Anahauc NWR provides a healthy home for a diversity of bird life.

This list contains 279 species considered part of the Refuge avifauna. Another twenty species have been seen on the Refuge only once or twice and are considered accidental. Species are listed in accordance with the seventh edition (1998) of the A.O.U. checklist. Accepted new names are used.

Neotropical migrant landbirds are those species of landbirds that nest in the United States of Canada, and spend the winter primarily south of our border in Mexico, Central or South America, or in the Carribean. Many of them, including conspicous or colorful hawks, hummingbirds, shorebirds, warblers, and tanagers, and less colorful but no less important flycatchers, thrushes, and vireos, are experiencing population declines due to widespread loss of habitats important for their survival. Preservation of many different habitats for nesting, wintering, and migratory stopover sites is becoming vital for the survival of many of these birds.

Symbols used in this list are defined as follows:
Sp - Spring - March-May
Su - Summer - June-July
F - Fall - August-November
W - Winter - December-February

A - Abundant - A common species that is very numerous.
C - Common - Certain to be seen in suitable habitats.
U - Uncommon - Present, not certain to be seen.
O - Occasional - Seen few times during the season.
R - Rare - Seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years.
X - Acidental - Has been seen only once or twice.
* - Nesting Species

Loons Sp Su F W ___ Common Loon - - - U
Grebes Sp Su F W ___ Pied-billed Grebe* C A C C ___ Horned Grebe - - - O ___ Eared Grebe C - C C
Pelicans Sp Su F W ___ American White Pelican C - C A ___ Brown Pelican O - O O
Cormorants Sp Su F W ___ Neotropic Cormorant U O U U ___ Double-crested Cormorant C - C C
Anhinga Sp Su F W ___ Anhinga U U U O
Bitterns and Herons Sp Su F W ___ American Bittern C - C O ___ Least Bittern* C C C - ___ Great Blue Heron* C C C C ___ Great Egret* C C C C ___ Snowy Egret* C C C C ___ Little Blue Heron* U U U U ___ Tricolored Heron* C C C C ___ Reddish Egret - O - - ___ Cattle Egret* A A A O ___ Green Heron* C C C R ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron* C C C U ___ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron* U U U O
Ibises and Spoonbills Sp Su F W ___ White Ibis C C C U ___ Glossy Ibis R O O O ___ White-faced Ibis C C A C ___ Roseate Spoonbill C C C C
Storks Sp Su F W ___ Wood Stork - C C -
Ducks, Geese, and Swans Sp Su F W ___ Black-bellied Whistling Duck* - U - U ___ Fulvous Whistling Duck* O R R U ___ Greater White-fronted Goose O - A A ___ Snow Goose U - A A ___ Ross' Goose R - R R ___ Canada Goose O - C A ___ Wood Duck - - U U ___ Gadwall C - A A ___ American Wigeon C - C O ___ Mallard C - A A ___ Mottled Duck* C C A C ___ Blue-winged Teal* A R A O ___ Cinnamon Teal - - - U ___ Northern Shoveler A - A A ___ Northern Pintail C - A A ___ Green-winged Teal C - A A ___ Canvasback U - U C ___ Redhead O - O O ___ Ring-necked Duck U - C C ___ Greater Scaup - - - R ___ Lesser Scaup C - C C ___ Bufflehead O - - O ___ Common Goldeneye - - - R ___ Hooded Merganser - - R R ___ Red-breasted Merganser A - - U ___ Masked Duck* - R R - ___ Ruddy Duck* C R C C
Hawks, Kites, and Eagles Sp Su F W ___ Osprey O - O O ___ White-tailed Kite U - U C ___ Mississippi Kite O - O - ___ Bald Eagle - - O O ___ Northern Harrier C R C C ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk O - O - ___ Cooper's Hawk O - O - ___ Red-shouldered Hawk O O O O ___ Broad-winged Hawk U - U - ___ Swainson's Hawk U - U - ___ White-tailed Hawk X - O O ___ Red-tailed Hawk C - C C ___ Rough-legged Hawk - - R R ___ Golden Eagle - - R R
Caracaras and Falcons Sp Su F W ___ Crested Caracara - - - R ___ American Kestrel - - C C ___ Merlin R - R - ___ Peregrine Falcon O - O O ___ Prairie Falcon R - R -
Pheasants and Turkeys Sp Su F W ___ Ring-necked Pheasant O O O O
New World Quail Sp Su F W ___ Northern Bobwhite* C C C C
Rails, Gallinules, and Coots Sp Su F W ___ Yellow Rail U - U U ___ Black Rail O R O O ___ Clapper Rail* C C C C ___ King Rail* C C C C ___ Virginia Rail U - U U ___ Sora U - U U ___ Purple Gallinule* C C U - ___ Common Moorhen* C A C C ___ American Coot* A O A A
Cranes Sp Su F W ___ Sandhill Crane - - - O
Plovers Sp Su F W ___ Black-bellied Plover C - C U ___ American Golden Plover A - R - ___ Snowy Plover - R - - ___ Semipalmated Plover U - U - ___ Piping Plover - O O - ___ Killdeer* C C A A
Stilts and Avocets Sp Su F W ___ Black-necked Stilt* C C C - ___ American Avocet U - C U
Sandpipers and Phalaropes Sp Su F W ___ Greater Yellowlegs A - A C ___ Lesser Yellowlegs A - A C ___ Solitary Sandpiper U - U - ___ Willet* C C C C ___ Spotted Sandpiper C - C U ___ Upland Sandpiper C - C - ___ Whimbrel O - R - ___ Long-billed Curlew C - C C ___ Hudsonian Godwit O - - - ___ Marbled Godwit C - C U ___ Ruddy Turfstone O - O O ___ Red Knot O - O - ___ Sanderling U O U U ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper A - A - ___ Western Sandpiper A - A C ___ Least Sandpiper C - C U ___ White-rumped Sandpiper U - - - ___ Baird's Sandpiper U - U - ___ Pectoral Sandpiper A - A - ___ Dunlin A - A C ___ Stilt Sandpiper A - A - ___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper O - O - ___ Short-billed Dowitcher U - U U ___ Long-billed Dowitcher A - A C ___ Common Snipe C - C C ___ American Woodcock U - U U ___ Wilson's Phalarope U - U -
Gulls and Terns Sp Su F W ___ Laughing Gull A A A C ___ Franklin's Gull - - O - ___ Ring-billed Gull C - C C ___ Herring Gull C - U C ___ Gull-billed Tern C C C O ___ Caspian Tern U U U U ___ Royal Tern U U U U ___ Sandwich Tern - O - - ___ Common Tern O - O R ___ Forster's Tern C C C C ___ Least Tern* C C - - ___ Black Tern A C A - ___ Black Skimmer U U U R
Pigeons and Doves Sp Su F W ___ Rock Dove - - R - ___ White-winged Dove R - R - ___ Mourning Dove* C C C C ___ Common Ground-Dove - - R -
Cuckoos Sp Su F W ___ Black-billed Cuckoo O - - - ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo* C U - -
Barn Owls Sp Su F W ___ Barn Owl* U U U U
Typical Owls Sp Su F W ___ Eastern Screech Owl R R R R ___ Great Horned Owl O O O O ___ Burrowing Owl - - O O ___ Short-eared Owl - - U U
Goatsuckers Sp Su F W ___ Common Nighthawk* A A C - ___ Chuck-will's-widow C - C - ___ Whip-poor-will U - U -
Swifts Sp Su F W ___ Chimney Swift R - R -
Hummingbirds Sp Su F W ___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird U - U -
Kingfishers Sp Su F W ___ Belted Kingfisher C - C U
Woodpeckers Sp Su F W ___ Red-headed Woodpecker - R - - ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker O R - - ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - - O - ___ Downy Woodpecker* U U U U ___ Northern Flicker (Common Flicker) - - C O
Tyrant Flycatchers Sp Su F W ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher R - U - ___ Eastern Wood-Pewee U - U - ___ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher U - U - ___ Acadian Flycatcher U - U - ___ Alder Flycatcher R - R - ___ Willow Flycatcher U - U - ___ Least Flycatcher U - U - ___ Eastern Phoebe U - C C ___ Vermilion Flycatcher O - O - ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher U - U R ___ Great Crested Flycatcher U - U - ___ Western Kingbird R - R - ___ Eastern Kingbird* C U C - ___ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher* C U C -
Shrikes Sp Su F W ___ Loggerhead Shrike* C U C C
Vireos Sp Su F W ___ White-eyed Vireo U - U - ___ Yellow-throated Vireo O - - - ___ Blue-headed Vireo U - U R ___ Warbling Vireo O - - - ___ Philadelphia Vireo O - - - ___ Red-eyed Vireo U - U -
Crows and Jays Sp Su F W ___ Blue Jay - - U C
Larks Sp Su F W ___ Horned Lark* c u c c
Swallows Sp Su F W ___ Purple Martin* C C - - ___ Tree Swallow A - A - ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow U - U - ___ Bank Swallow U - U - ___ Cliff Swallow U - U - ___ Barn Swallow* A C A -
Chickadees and Titmice Sp Su F W ___ Carolina Chickadee* U U U U
Creepers Sp Su F W ___ Brown Creeper - - U -
Wrens Sp Su F W ___ Carolina Wren U U U U ___ House Wren C - U O ___ Winter Wren - - R R ___ Sedge Wren C - C C ___ Marsh Wren* U U U U
Kinglets Sp Su F W ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet - - O - ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet C - U O
Gnatcatchers Sp Su F W ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C - C U
Thrushes Sp Su F W ___ Veery O - O - ___ Gray-cheeked Thrush U - U - ___ Swainson's Thrush C - C - ___ Hermit Thrush U - O O ___ Wood Thrush U - U - ___ American Robin - - C O
Mockingbirds and Thrashes Sp Su F W ___ Gray Catbird C - U - ___ Northern Mockingbird* U C U U ___ Sage Thrasher - - R - ___ Brown Thrasher U - C U
Starlings Sp Su F W ___ European Starling* C C C C
Pipits Sp Su F W ___ American Pipit U - C C ___ Sprague's Pipit - - R R
WOOD-WARBLERS Sp Su F W ___ Blue-winged Warbler O - - - ___ Golden Warbler O - - - ___ Tennessee Warbler C - C - ___ Orange-crowned Warbler U - U O ___ Nashville Warbler U - U - ___ Northern Parula O - - - ___ Yellow Warbler C - C - ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler U - - - ___ Magnolia Warbler C - C - ___ Black-throated Blue Warbler R - - - ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler C - U C ___ Black-throated Green Warbler C - C - ___ Blackburnian Warbler O - - - ___ Yellow-throated Warbler O - - - ___ Prairie Warbler - - R - ___ Palm Warbler U - O - ___ Bay-breasted Warbler U - - - ___ Blackpoll Warbler O - - - ___ Cerulean Warbler R - R - ___ Black-and-white Warbler C - C - ___ American Redstart U - U - ___ Prothonotary Warbler U - U - ___ Worm-eating Warbler O - - - ___ Swainson's Warbler R - - - ___ Ovenbird O - - - ___ Northern Waterthrush C - C - ___ Louisiana Waterthrush U - U - ___ Kentucky Warbler U - - - ___ Common Yellowthroat* C U U C ___ Hooded Warbler U - - - ___ Wilson's Warbler U - U - ___ Canada Warbler O - - - ___ Yellow-breasted Chat U - U -
Tanagers Sp Su F W ___ Summer Tanager U - U - ___ Scarlet Tanager U - - -
Sparrows and Allies Sp Su F W ___ Eastern Towhee - - - U ___ Chipping Sparrow - - O - ___ Field Sparrow - - - U ___ Vesper Sparrow U - U - ___ Lark Sparrow O - O - ___ Savannah Sparrow A - A A ___ Le Conte's Sparrow U - - U ___ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow O - O O ___ Seaside Sparrow* A - A A ___ Song Sparrow U - U O ___ Lincoln's Sparrow U - U U ___ Swamp Sparrow C - C C ___ White-throated Sparrow U - U U ___ Harris' Sparrow - - R - ___ White-crowned Sparrow U - U U ___ Dark-eyed Junco - - - O
Cardinals, Saltators, and Allies Sp Su F W ___ Northern Cardinal C O O C ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak C - - - ___ Blue Grosbeak C - C - ___ Indigo Bunting C - C - ___ Painted Bunting* U U - - ___ Dickcissel* A C - -
Blackbirds Sp Su F W ___ Bobolink R - - - ___ Red-winged Blackbird* A A A A ___ Eastern Meadowlark* A A A A ___ Western Meadowlark O - O O ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird R - R - ___ Brewer's Blackbird - - - U ___ Common Grackle C C C C ___ Boat-tailed Grackle* A A A A ___ Great-tailed Grackle - R - - ___ Brown-headed Cowbird* C U C A ___ Orchard Oriole* C C U - ___ Baltimore Oriole U - U -
Finches Sp Su F W ___ American Goldfinch - - - U
OLD WORLD SPARROWS Sp Su F W ___ House Sparrow* C C C C


Least Grebe                                    Sooty Tern
Northern Gannet                                Band-tailed Pigeon
Eurasian Wigeon                                Groove-billed Ani
American Black Duck                            Say's Phoebe
Black Scoater                                  American Crow
Oldsquaw                                       Violet-green Swallow
Ferruginous Hawk                               Eastern Bluebird
Northern Jacana                                Townsend's Warbler
Surfbird                                       Black-throated Sparrow
California Gull                                Lark Bunting

Please let us know of your sightings of rare, accidental, unlisted or out of season birds. Thank You. For additional information contact:

                 Refuge Manager
                 Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge
                 PO Box 278
                 Anahuac, Texas 77514
                 Telephone: 409/267-3337
This resource is based on the following source:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  March 1999.  Birds of Anahuac National 
     Wildlife Refuge.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Unpaginated.
This resource should be cited as:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  March 1999.  Birds of Anahuac National 
     Wildlife Refuge.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Unpaginated.
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 22MAY98).

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks to afford persons with disabilities full accessibility or reasonable accommodation. Contact Refuge Headquarters for information or to address accesibility problems. For the hearing impaired, use your State Relay System for the Deaf.
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