Table 74

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees
by Population Group
Percent Male and Female, 2005

Population group Total law enforcement employees Percent law
enforcement employees
Total officers Percent officers Total civilians Percent civilians Number of Agencies 2005 estimated population
Male Female Male Female Male Female
TOTAL AGENCIES: 969,070 73.1 26.9 673,146 88.4 11.6 295,924 38.2 61.8 14,291 279,200,617
TOTAL CITIES 561,844 74.9 25.1 431,590 88.3 11.7 130,254 30.6 69.4 10,832 187,432,928
GROUP I (250,000 and over) 202,230 70.4 29.6 151,870 83.0 17.0 50,360 32.6 67.4 70 53,583,154
1,000,000 and over
(Group I subset)
110,340 69.0 31.0 81,899 81.8 18.2 28,441 32.0 68.0 10 24,885,884
500,000 to 999,999
(Group I subset)
52,384 73.2 26.8 40,358 83.9 16.1 12,026 37.4 62.6 23 15,331,041
250,000 to 499,999
(Group I subset)
39,506 70.8 29.2 29,613 84.8 15.2 9,893 28.8 71.2 37 13,366,229
GROUP II (100,000 to 249,999) 66,461 73.3 26.7 50,111 88.7 11.3 16,350 26.1 73.9 180 27,066,683
GROUP III (50,000 to 99,999) 63,134 76.1 23.9 48,687 90.8 9.2 14,447 26.4 73.6 411 28,032,707
GROUP IV (25,000 to 49,999) 61,199 77.9 22.1 48,052 91.5 8.5 13,147 28.0 72.0 769 26,455,091
GROUP V (10,000 to 24,999) 68,958 79.3 20.7 54,925 92.7 7.3 14,033 26.9 73.1 1,791 28,385,387
GROUP VI (under 10,000) 99,862 79.4 20.6 77,945 91.6 8.4 21,917 36.2 63.8 7,611 23,909,906
METROPOLITAN COUNTIES 280,410 69.7 30.3 165,011 86.8 13.2 115,399 45.4 54.6 1,264 63,938,833
NONMETROPOLITAN COUNTIES 126,816 72.1 27.9 76,545 92.3 7.7 50,271 41.5 58.5 2,195 27,828,856
SUBURBAN AREA1 438,747 73.1 26.9 288,835 88.9 11.1 149,912 42.7 57.3 7,354 118,418,670

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