Mission Information

    STS-115 crew
    Image above: STS115-S-007 -- The STS-115 crew members exit the Operations and Checkout Building to board the Astrovan, which will take them to launch pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center. Credit: NASA

    The STS-115 crew delivered and installed the P3/P4 truss structure on the International Space Station. Three spacewalks were carried out to put the new P3/P4 truss in service. Spacewalkers Joe Tanner, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, Dan Burbank and Steve MacLean connected power cables and activated gear readying the P3/P4 and its unfurled solar arrays for power generation.

    The STS-115 and Expedition 13 crews utilized both shuttle and station robotic arms, Canadarm and Canadarm2, during installation activities. After two return to flight missions, STS-115 represents a return to major assembly of the International Space Station.

Mission Information



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