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Foreign Relations, 1961-1963, Volume XXIV, Laos Crisis
Released by the Office of the Historian

List of Persons

The identification of persons in this list is generally limited to circumstances and positions under reference in this volume. All titles and positions are American unless otherwise indicated. Where no dates are given, the individual usually held the position throughout the period covered by the volume.

Addis, John M., British Ambassador to Laos
Alphand, Hervé, French Ambassador to the United States
Anderson, Daniel V., Director, Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State, until December 1961
Askew, Laurin B., Officer in Charge of Cambodian Affairs, Department of State, until May 1961; thereafter First Secretary, Embassy in Bangkok

Bagley, Lieutenant Commander Worth H., USN, Naval Aide to the President's Military Representative, General Maxwell D. Taylor, after July 1961
Battle, Lucius D., Executive Secretary of the Department of State, March 16, 1961 - May 2, 1962
Bissell, Richard M., Deputy Director, Plans, Central Intelligence Agency, until February 17, 1962
Bohlen, Charles E., Special Assistant to Secretary of State Herter until January 20, 1961; Ambassador to France after September 4, 1962
Boun Oum, Prince, Prime Minister of the Royal Lao Government (as recognized by the United States) until June 23, 1962
Bowles, Chester E., Under Secretary of State, January 25 - December 3, 1961; President's Special Representative to and Adviser on African, Asian, and Latin American Affairs and Ambassador at Large until July 19, 1963; thereafter Ambassador to India
Brown, Winthrop G., Ambassador to Laos until June 28, 1962
Brubeck, William H., Executive Secretary of the Department of State, May 14, 1962 - July 20, 1963
Bundy, McGeorge, President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs after January 20, 1961
Bundy, William P., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until November 29, 1963; thereafter Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
Burke, Admiral Arleigh A., USN, Chief of Naval Operations until August 1, 1961

Cabell, General Charles P., USAF, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until January 31, 1962
Caccia, Sir Harold, British Ambassador to the United States until September 28, 1961
Chapman, Christian G., Officer in Charge of Laos Affairs, Department of State, until September 3, 1961
Carter, Lieutenant General Marshall S., USA, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence after April 3, 1962
Chen Yi, Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China and delegate to the Geneva Conference on Laos
Cleveland, Harlan, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs after February 23, 1961
Clifton, Major General Chester V., USA, President's Military Aide
Cooper, Chester L., Deputy Assistant Director for National Estimates until September 17, 1962; Assistant for Policy Support to the Deputy Director for Intelligence until November 21, 1963; thereafter Assistant Deputy Director for Policy Support, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
Cottrell, Sterling J., Political Adviser to CINCPAC until April 1961; Director of the Interdepartmental Task Force on Vietnam until June 1962; thereafter Deputy Director and Chairman of the Task Force on Southeast Asia
Couve de Murville, Maurice, French Foreign Minister
Creel, Robert C., Counselor and Consul General, Embassy in Vientiane, after May 19, 1961
Cross, Charles T., Officer in Charge of Laos Affairs, Department of State, September 3, 1961 - August 4, 1963
Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, until February 19, 1961
Czyzak, John J., Assistant Legal Adviser for the Far East

Decker, General George H., USA, Chief of Staff of the Army until September 30, 1962
De Gaulle, Charles, President of France
Diem, see Ngo Dinh Diem
Dobrynin, Anatoly F., Chief, American Countries Division, Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs until March 1962; Soviet Ambassador to the United States after March 30, 1962
Dulles, Allen W., Director of Central Intelligence until November 29, 1961
Dungan, Ralph A., Special Assistant to the President

Eisenhower, Dwight D, President of the United States until January 1961

Falaize, Pierre-Louis, French Ambassador to Laos
Felt, Admiral Harry D., USN, Commander in Chief, Pacific
FitzGerald, Desmond, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
Fontana, Brigadier General Paul, USA, Deputy Director for Operations, The Joint Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Galbraith, J. Kenneth, Ambassador to India, March 29, 1961 - July 12, 1963
Garvin, James M., Ambassador to France, February 22, 1961 - September 26, 1962
Gilpatric, Roswell L., Deputy Secretary of Defense after January 24, 1961
Goodpaster, Brigadier General Andrew J., Staff Secretary to President Eisenhower until January 20, 1961
Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister

Hansen, Kenneth R., Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget
Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador at Large, February 13 - November 29, 1961; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, November 29, 1961 - April 4, 1963; thereafter Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Hasey, John F., Agency for International Development Mission in Vientiane
Helms, Richard, Deputy to the Deputy Director, Plans, Central Intelligence Agency, until February 2, 1962; thereafter Deputy Director, Plans
Herter, Christian A., Secretary of State until January 20, 1961
Hilsman, Roger, Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, February 19, 1961 - April 25, 1963; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs
Home, Alexander Frederick Douglas, British Foreign Secretary until October 20, 1963; thereafter British Prime Minister
Hood, Viscount, Minister, British Embassy in the United States until November 1962
Hughes, Thomas L., Deputy Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, May 14, 1961 - April 28, 1963; thereafter Director
Humphrey, Herbert H., Democratic Senator from Minnesota

Janow, Seymour J., Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Far East, Agency for International Development
Johnson, Lyndon B., Vice President of the United States until November 22, 1963; thereafter President
Johnson, Robert H., member of the National Security Council Staff until February 18, 1962; member of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State, after August 18, 1963
Johnson, U. Alexis, Ambassador to Thailand until April 10, 1961; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs after April 27, 1961
Jorgenson, Gorden L., First Secretary and Political Officer, Embassy in Vientiane

Kaysen, Carl, member of the National Security Council Staff until December 4, 1961; thereafter President's Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
Kennan, George F., Ambassador to Yugoslavia, May 16, 1961 - July 28, 1963
Kennedy, John F., President of the United States, January 20, 1961 - November 22, 1963
Kennedy, Robert F., Attorney General after January 20, 1961
Khampan, Prince Tiao, Royal Lao Government Ambassador to the United States after October 17, 1961
Khrushchev, Nikita S., Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
Kohler, Foy D., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until August 19, 1962
Kong Le, Captain, Lao National Army, Commander of the Second Paratroop Battalion and leader of the neutralist military forces
Komer, Robert W., member of the National Security Council Staff
Koren, Henry L.T., Director, Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State, after December 26, 1961

Lansdale, Brigadier General (later Major General) Edward G., USAF, Deputy Assistant for Special Operations to the Secretary of Defense until May 1961; thereafter Assistant for Special Operations to the Secretary of Defense
Leum Insisiengmay, Royal Lao Government delegate to the Geneva Conference; Minister of Education, Fine Arts, Sports, and Youth after June 23, 1962
Lall, Arthur, Indian delegate to the Geneva Conference
LeMay, General Curtis E., USAF, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force after June 30, 1961
Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until September 31, 1962

Macmillan, Harold, British Prime Minister until October 20, 1963
Mansfield, Michael J., Democratic Senator from Montana, majority leader of the Senate from January 3, 1961
McConaughy, Walter P., Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, April 24 - December 3, 1961
McCone, John A., Director of Central Intelligence after November 29, 1961
McCrea, Colonel W. S., USA, Assistant to the Director, Far Eastern Region, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
McGhee, George C., Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State, after February 13, 1961; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs after November 29, 1961; Ambassador to Germany after April 25, 1963
McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense from January 21, 1961
Menshikov, Mikhail A., Soviet Ambassador to the United States until March 1962
Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon, Australian Minister for External Affairs, 1961
Merchant, Livingston T., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until January 31, 1961
Murrow, Edward R., Director, U.S. Information Agency

Nehru, Jawaharlal, Indian Prime Minister and Minister for External and Commonwealth Affairs
Nitze, Paul H., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, January 29, 1961 - November 29, 1963
Ngo Dinh Diem, President of the Republic of Vietnam until November 1, 1963
Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam, May 10, 1961 - August 15, 1963

Ormsby Gore, Sir David, British Ambassador to the United States after October 26, 1961
Ouane Ratrikoun, Brigadier General, Lao National Army, Chief of Staff of the Lao Armed Forces

Parsons, J. Graham, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs until March 30, 1961
Peterson, Avery F., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Economic Affairs until February 1963
Phoui Sananikone, Chairman of the Royal Lao Government Delegation to the Geneva Conference
Phoumi Nosavan, General, Lao National Army, Defense Minister in Royal Lao Government as recognized by the United States and de facto leader of the government until June 23, 1962; thereafter Vice Premier and Minister of Finance
Phoumi Vongvichit, Pathet Lao delegate to the Geneva Conference; after June 23, 1962, Minister of Information and Tourism
Pushkin, Georgi M., Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister for Southeast Asian Affairs and Soviet delegate to the Geneva Conference

Queneau, Francois G., Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State, after September 3, 1961
Quinim Pholsena, Lao Minister of Foreign Affairs, June 23, 1962 - April 1, 1963

Rice, Edward E., member of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State, until January 1, 1962; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs
Roberts, Sir Frank, British Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Rostow, Walt W., President's Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs until December 14, 1961; thereafter Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council
Roux, Jacques, Joint Director, Political Affairs, French Foreign Ministry
Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State from January 21, 1961

Sarit Thanarat, Marshal, Thai Prime Minister until December 8, 1963
Savang Vatthana, King of Laos
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., President's Special Assistant
Shoup, General David M., USMC, Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, Cambodian Chief of State
Siho Lamphouthacoul, Chief of the Lao National Police
Sorensen, Theodore C., President's Special Counsel
Souvanna Phouma, Prince, leader of the neutralist political forces in Laos; after June 23, 1962, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Veteran Affairs, and Social Action
Souphanouvong, Prince, leader of the Pathet Lao; after June 23, 1962, Vice Premier and Minister of Economy and Plan
Stahr, Elvis J., Jr., Secretary of the Army, January 24, 1961 - June 30, 1962
Steeves, John M., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs until January 7, 1962
Stevenson, Adlai E., Permanent Representative to the United Nations from January 21, 1961
Sullivan, William H., United Nations Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, until April 28, 1963; thereafter Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Taylor, General Maxwell D, USA, President's Military Representative July 1, 1961 - October 1, 1962; thereafter Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Thanat Khoman, Thai Foreign Minister
Thompson, Llewellyn E., Ambassador to the Soviet Union until July 27, 1962
Trimble, William C., Ambassador to Cambodia until June 8, 1962

Unger, Leonard S., Counselor, Embassy in Bangkok; Ambassador to Laos after July 3, 1962
Usher, Richard E., Deputy Director, Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State, until December 26, 1961; thereafter Regional Planning Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs

Vang Phao, leader of Meo (Hmong) guerrilla forces

Wallop Rochanwsisut, Lieutenant General, Royal Thai Army, Director of Joint Intelligence, Royal Thai Armed Forces
Wang Peng Nan (Wang Ping-nan), People's Republic of China Ambassador to Poland and Chinese Delegate to the Geneva Conference
White, General, Thomas D., USAF, Chief of Staff of the Air Force until June 30, 1961

Young, Kenneth T., Ambassador to Thailand, March 29, 1961 - August 19, 1963

Zuckert, Eugene M., Secretary of the Air Force after January 24, 1961

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