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Benefit Estimate Calculator
Use your Tier One or Tier Two account balances from your 2007 member annual statement to do an online retirement benefit calculation.
The PERS Benefit Estimate Calculator (for Tier One and Tier Two members) calculates an estimated retirement benefit that includes:

The benefit estimate calculator provides an estimated account balance at retirement and an estimated monthly benefit amount for each of the 13 retirement options under the PERS plan.
The calculator uses the most recent actuarial tables, effective January 1, 2007, for all estimates.

These are estimates only and PERS is not bound by figures produced by this program.

The calculator uses the following criteria:
  • The actuarial table used is based on age in years and months.
  • Unused vacation and sick leave hours are valued using the annual salary you enter.
  • Contributions through December 31, 2003.
The calculator will not calculate:
  1. Estimates for judges, legislative members, and TIAA-CREF members.
  2. Costs and impacts associated with optional purchases. For information on purchases, please contact PERS Customer Service.
  3. Estimates if any part of an account balance has been or will be distributed to an alternate payee, or if a benefit will be adjusted as a result of a divorce decree.
  4. Disability retirement benefits.
  5. Estimates where any part of your total service time includes time accrued under the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP).
Click here to prepare a benefit estimate

Page updated: May 22, 2008

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