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Sail Boats
Facility Funding Sources
User Pays, User Benefits
State Boating Dollars- Facility Grant Program Funds
Federal Boating Dollars Clean Vessel Act Funds
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
User Pays, User Benefits
Boating facilities maintenance and development in Oregon are paid for through several different funding sources, and all are related to boating. These sources include state boating dollars coming from registration fees and marine fuel taxes, federal Clean Vessel Act dollars distributed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and federal Sport Fish Restoration dollars distributed through the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife via the U.S. Fish & WIldlife Service.

State Boating Dollars- Facility Grant Program Funds
  • Sources of revenue - State boat registration fees and marine fuel taxes paid by recreational boaters. 1997/99 Biennial budget $5 million. The grant program also provides statewide planning, technical and permit assistance.
  • Eligible participants - Cities, counties, park and recreation districts, port districts, and state agencies. Funds are awarded each fiscal year to priority projects. Matching fund program: 75% state and 25% by local or state agencies.
  • Eligible projects - Acquisition and construction of public recreational motorized boating facilities, such as: boat ramps, boarding floats, restrooms, access roads, parking areas, transient tie-up docks, dredging and signs.
  • History - established in 1971 by the Oregon Legislature (ORS 830.150). In 27 years more than $34 million has been invested in more than 900 projects across the state.

Federal Boating Dollars Clean Vessel Act Funds
  • Sources of revenue - Federal recreational marine fuel taxes. Funds are distributed each year to the State Marine Board by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service based on a national competitive grant process.
  • Eligible participants - Public: cities, counties, park and recreation districts, port districts, state agencies and private marinas open to public use. Funds are awarded at the start of each federal fiscal year to priority projects. Matching fund program 75% federal and 25% by the State Marine Board.
  • Eligible projects - Boat waste collection facilities: signs, pumpouts, dump stations and related support facilities. The Marine Board also uses a portion of the funds on planning, technical assistance and education activities. All developed pumpout facilities are free, no charge for public use.
  • History - established in 1992 by Congress (Clean Vessel Act of 1992). Since 1992 the State Marine Board has invested $980,000 in 19 pumpouts, 19 dump stations and two floating restrooms.
  • For additional information on the programs above, contact the Facilities Program Manager, State Marine Board,PO Box 14145, Salem, OR 97309-5065 or call (503) 373-1405, ext 252.

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Sport Fish and Restoration Program Funds
  • Sources of revenue - Federal recreational marine fuel taxes and angler excise tax on equipment. Funds are distributed each year to the Department of Fish and Wildlife by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service based on the number of fishing licences sold and water surface area. At least 12.5% must be spent on boating facility projects.
  • Eligible participants - Cities, counties, park and recreation districts, port districts, and state agencies. Funds are awarded at the start of each federal fiscal year to priority projects. Matching fund program 75% federal and 25% by the State Marine Board.
  • Eligible projects - Acquisition and construction of public recreational motorized boating facilities, such as: boat ramps, boarding floats, restrooms, access roads, parking areas, transient tie-up docks, dredging and signs.
  • History - established in 1950 by Congress (Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act of 1950), reauthorized in 1985. In the past 10 years the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has invested more than $4 million in 150 boating projects across the state.
  • For additional information on this program, contact the Realty Manager, Department of Fish and Wildlife, 3406 Cherry Ave. NE, Salem, OR 97303-4924, (503) 947-6140.

Page updated: August 31, 2007

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