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Sail Boats
Boating Facilities Section Database
Facilities Section Database Entry Form
  • Please help us update our database by completing this form and emailing it back to the Marine Board.
  • If you have a different or additional person in your office to whom we need contact information on, please feel free to add the information in the "Additional Comments" field.
    • This page to send a report 
  • Thank you for taking the time to complete and return this information to the Marine Board. It will allow us to keep you more informed.

Contact Name:
Job Title:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Physical Address:
Zip Code:
EMAIL Address:
Fax #
Office #
Cell #
Assistant Name:
Assistant Phone #
Maintenance Name:
Maintenance #
Additional Comments or Related Information
Click below to submit your information
Your Name (Required):
City (Required):
You can also fax or mail this information to the Marine Board:
Oregon State Marine Board
Attn: Jennifer Peterson
435 Commercial Street NE
Salem, OR 97309
FAX# (503) 378-4597

Page updated: February 14, 2008

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