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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Performance Management

Awards By Alphabetical Order: I through R

Innovations in American Government Awards

Sponsored by the Ford Foundation and Harvard University to highlight models of innovative Government in order to encourage replication; to recognize public managers who are the backbone of these exemplary programs; and to provide compelling and credible portraits of the many ways in which Government contributes to public problem solving and the quality of life.

Due:  May of each year
Contact:  JFK School of Government, Harvard University, 800-722-0074

International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) Federal Section Leading Edge Award

To recognize Federal employees in the human resource management for significant accomplishments, and to encourage greater achievement among all Federal employees in the human resource management field. These achievements must have occurred since January 1, 1999.

Due:  Early-September
Contact:  Tina Chiappetta, 703-549-7100

International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) HR Professional of the Year Award

To recognize an individual who exemplifies the highest standards of the profession by promoting and contributing to the transformation of the HR profession through their leadership in the Federal HR community or by their action in effective HR service delivery. The individual must appropriately utilize key HR roles of business partner, change agent, leader, and technical expert to ensure HR policies and/or service-delivery adds value to agency/department operations.

Due:  Mid-September
Contact:  Tina Chiappetta, 703-549-7100

International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) Linda Trunzo Humanitarian Award

To recognize an individual who has demonstrated outstanding humanitarian acts or services occurring outside of their Federal workplace. The contribution must be a selfless personal investment off the job of time and effort in support of someone else that goes beyond the pursuit of personal success and recognition. Nominations can reflect an overall history of humanitarian contributions or a single event.

Due:  Mid-September
Contact:  Tina Chiappetta, 703-549-7100

Roger W. Jones Award for Executive Leadership

Sponsored by the School of Public Affairs at American University to honor Federal career executives who have exhibited superior leadership in organizational achievements as well as in the development of managers and executives for effective continuity in Government.

Due:  December 30th of each year (last business day of December)
Contact:  202-885-2940

William A. Jump Award

To recognize outstanding service in administration by a Federal career employee who has not reached his/her 37th birthday. The winner must demonstrate long-term resourcefulness and adherence to the principles of enlightened public service, integrity, and dedication to duty.

Due:  March of each year
Contact:  Jackie Donnelly, (202) 720-7981
Homepage:  Not available.

The Livingston Awards

Sponsored by the Mollie Parnis Livingston Foundation to recognize and further develop the abilities of young journalists employed or paid by U.S.-controlled print or broadcast media. Journalists 34 years of age or younger may compete for honors in local, national, and international news reporting.

Due:  February 1st of each year
Contact:  Charles R. Eisendarth, 734-998-7575

Manager of the Year Award

Sponsored by the Federal Managers Association to honor an outstanding Federal manager for community involvement, workplace accomplishments and contributions, and active participation in the association.

Due:  Nomination deadline varies
Contact:  Cynthia Miller, 703-686-8700

Miles Romney Achievement Award for Innovation in Personal Property Management

This award recognizes Federal agencies for innovative personal property management practices, new property management practices that maximize the reuse of government assets, and improvements to current property disposition processes

Due: March 31 of each year
Contact: Darlene Stickel, 202-208-4159

National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) Pencil and Gold Screen Awards

To recognize outstanding international Government communications projects and their producers.

Due:  Nomination deadline varies (usually between September 15 and November 15)
Contact:  Mike Sheward, 703-691-0377

National Public Service Awards

Sponsored by the American Society for Public Administration and the National Academy of Public Administration to recognize individuals who exhibit the highest standard of excellence, dedication and accomplishment over a sustained period of time and who are creative and highly skilled career managers at all levels of the public service. Awards are presented annually to public service practitioners who: currently work, or have spent the primary part of their careers working in organizations in the public service; have made outstanding contributions on a sustained basis rather than having performed a single exceptional deed and have managed, created or facilitated significant programs or projects within their area of responsibility to the ultimate benefit of the general public.

Due:  October 1st of each year.
Contact:  Elaine Orr, 202-347-3190 or 800-883-3190

National Society of Professional Engineers Federal Engineer of the Year

To recognize outstanding engineers in the Federal Government.

Due:  Mid-October
Contact:  Erin Garcia, 702-684-2884

William T. Pecora Award

Sponsored jointly by the Department of the Interior and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to recognize outstanding contributions of individuals or groups toward the understanding of the earth by means of remote sensing.

An individual award recognizes achievements in the scientific and technical remote sensing community, as well as contributions leading to successful practical applications of remote sensing. Consideration will be given to sustained career achievements or singular contributions of major importance to the field of remote sensing.

A group award recognizes an organization, or part of an organization, that has made major breakthroughs in remote sensing science or technology, or developed an innovative application, that has a significant impact on the user community or national/international policies.

Due:  Nomination deadline varies
Contact:  Larry Pettinger (U. S. Department of the Interior), 703-648-4519

Pioneer Award

To recognize e-government initiatives that improve products and services to citizens and organizations andare actively inuse. Nominees can be U.S. Federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as successful programs from outside the United States.

Due:  Nomination deadline varies
Contact:  Donna Russel, 703-645-7866

Presidential Medal of Science

Sponsored by the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science to recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, engineering, or social and behavioral sciences.

Due:  May of each year
Contact:  Mayra N. Montrose, 704-393-8040

The President's Quality Award (PQA) Program

To promote and recognize organizational accomplishments that further the Administration's objectives as noted in the President's Management Agenda. The PQA Program recognizes an organization's performance as well as its results. To apply to the Award Program, an organization must be a part of the executive branch of the Federal Government. Organizations should apply under one or all of the following categories:

  • Strategic Management of Human Capital
  • Competitive Sourcing
  • Improved Financial Performance
  • Expanded Electronic Government
  • Budget and Performance Integration

Due:  Check the website for program and application information
Contact:  Charles Kawecki, 202-606-1417

Public Service Excellence Awards Program

Jointly sponsored by the Public Employees Roundtable, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Federal Executive Boards, Federal Executive Associations, International City/County Management Association, National Governors' Association, National Association of Counties, National League of Cities, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the President's Council on Management Improvement to provide a uniform, nationwide means of recognizing quality service at all levels of Government, pay tribute to programs that embody the highest standard in Government and to encourage innovation and excellence in Government; reinforce pride in public service and help to call public attention to the broad range of services provided by public employees.

Due:  January of each year
Contact:  Bridgette Bell, 202-927-4926

Research Achievement Award

Sponsored by the Association of Government Accountants. The award recognizes individuals/organizations who have contributed significantly to the advancement of governmental financial management by conducting a research project.

Due:  March each year
Contact:  Sabrina Bridgers, 1-800-242-7211 x131