Picture from The Dept. of the Interior, War Relocation Authority. Nisei in Uniform.














They Work for Victory, pg. 6

Colorado Secretary of State Walter F. Morrison, compiler. Abstract of Votes Cast at the General Election, November 7, 1944.

Department of the Interior, War Relocation Authority. Nisei in Uniform. Washington D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, nd.  Governor’s Council of Defense Collection. RCC 1208.

Garrison, Lloyd A.,  Superintendent of Education, Community Management Division, Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Final Report (Education Section).

Granada Relocation Project, War Relocation Authority. Amache. 1944. Governor’s Council of Defense Collection. RCC 1208.

Havey, Lily. On-line Presentation of Paintings. Colorado State Archives. Denver, Co.

Japanese American Citizens League, They Work For Victory: The Story of Japanese Americans and the War Effort. Salt Lake City: The Japanese American Citizens League, nd.  Governor’s Council of Defense Collection. RCC 1208).

Amache Photograph Collection. Colorado State Archives. Denver, Co.

Records of Governor Ralph L. Carr. Colorado State Archives. Denver, Co.

Amache Homepage
Section I: Short History of Amache Japanese Internment Camp
Section II: Documents from Governor Ralph Carr's Administration (1939-1943)
Section III: The Amache Camp in Documents
Section IV: The Amache Camp Documented Through a Report on the Educational System

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Amache Watercolors by Lily Havey                                                  Japanese Internment Camp Links
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Last modified December 12, 2006