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 You are in: Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs > From the Under Secretary > Remarks, Testimony, and Releases from the Under Secretary > 2005 Remarks, Testimony, and Releases from the Under Secretary 

Eleventh Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Dr. Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs and Head of U.S. Delegation to COP 11
Remarks to the Opening Plenary
Montreal, Canada
December 7, 2005

Mr. President,

I would like to thank the government of Canada for hosting this important conference.  We remain committed to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Its ultimate objective underpins the full range of U.S. actions.

To address near-term and long-term aspects of climate change, we are:

  • reducing greenhouse gas intensity by 18 percent by 2012;
  • making major investments in science and technology; and 
  • cooperating internationally to develop an effective global response.

Between 2000 and 2003, U.S. emissions fell nearly 1 percent, while our economy grew by 1.2 trillion dollars and our population increased by 8.6 million. We lead the world in funding climate science - $2 billion this year. And we are spending $3 billion this year to accelerate the commercialization of cleaner energy technologies.

New legislation includes $11 billion in incentives for wind, geothermal and solar power, clean vehicles, clean coal technology, emissions-free nuclear power, and renewable bio-fuels. Our international efforts reflect the consensus that an effective response to climate change must include all countries.

Our common challenge is to address climate change while promoting development. Success requires placing climate actions in a broad agenda that promotes economic growth & energy security, reduces poverty & pollution, and mitigates emissions. G8 leaders endorsed such an approach during July’s Gleneagles Summit. The G8 outcome demonstrates that international support exists for taking actions that are both good for people and good for the environment.

Technology is the common currency. And partnerships focusing on diversified approaches are the best way forward.

We value our fifteen bilateral partnerships with both developed and developing countries. We also value the multilateral initiatives we have launched: the Generation IV Nuclear Initiative; the Global Earth Observation Initiative; the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum; the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy; and the Clean Energy Initiative.

These partnerships are making a difference. To give a few examples, we are: cooperating with India to capture carbon dioxide; collaborating with Uganda to clean indoor air; exploring hydrogen technologies with Brazil; developing next-generation nuclear energy with the United Kingdom; exploring renewables with China; and teaming up with Mexico to capture methane.

We look forward to the January launch of a new Asia-Pacific partnership on clean development and climate change. Our partners Australia, China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea represent nearly half of the world’s economy and population.

We believe these partnerships represent a constructive and effective means of working together. And we are pleased that they contribute to our efforts under the goals of the Framework Convention.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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