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Community Development Programs
Funding processes
 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program
Due to the federal source of funds, this program has a funding process specific to the program.
Safe Drinking Water Loan (SDWL) program
Due to the federal source of funds, this program has a funding process specific to the program.
Non-Federal Funding
see below

Non-federal funding programs
Applications for all non-federal funding programs managed by the Community Development Division are accepted year-round. So that you can avoid reviewing all the different funding programs' eligibility criteria and unnecessarily completing multiple applications, the department will invite you to submit an application after making a preliminary determination of the most appropriate funding program(s) for your project.
Step 1 (application invited)
The application process begins by contacting the regional coordinator for the area in which your proposed project is/will be located. The regional coordinator will obtain some basic information from you about the proposed project and will either complete a Project Notification & Intake form or send the form to you for completion.
Using the information on the Intake form, the department will then make a preliminary determination of the most appropriate funding program(s) for your project. When other state and federal agencies have funding programs that may be applicable to the project, the regional coordinator will schedule a "One-Stop" meeting to provide you with an opportunity to discuss the project with additional potential funders.
Once the department has identified the most appropriate funding program(s) for the project, an application will be invited and the forms will be provided to you.
In the case of Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund, only projects that have submitted a Letter of Interest to DHS may be invited to submit an OECDD Safe Drinking Water application. (For detailed information regarding the SDWRLF process, please contact the regional coordinator for your area.
Step 2 (application submitted)
When the department receives your application, we will conduct a programmatic analysis to ensure the project meets the eligibility criteria for the funding program and, in most instances, also will conduct a financial analysis to determine the applicant's ability to repay a loan and to verify the sufficiency of the collateral proposed to secure repayment of the loan.
Step 3 (award)
A letter will be sent to you, notifying you of the award amount, the terms and any conditions placed on the award. Shortly thereafter, contractual documents will be sent to you for signature.
For most funding programs you are allowed to begin work on the project once the award has been made and prior to our contract being signed, as long as you meet the requirements of the funding program.
If you are considering beginning work before our contract is signed, please contact your regional coordinator for guidance, because there are several items to consider:
  1. Since cash cannot be disbursed until our contract has been executed, you will need to have other sources of cash available to pay bills until such time as the contract is executed and reimbursement can be made.

  2. Your governing body may be unwilling (and in some cases, unable) to incur expenses for which a contract, containing all the terms and conditions attached to the funding, has not been executed.

  3. The contract will contain a provision that the grant/loans funding is subject to the availability of funds in the funding program.

Page updated: August 25, 2008

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