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Lousiana office of USDA-NASS

About Us

The National Agricultural Statistics Service's (NASS) Louisiana Field Office is the U.S. Department of Agriculture agency responsible for collecting, compiling and publishing statistics on Louisiana agriculture. The Louisiana Field Office has cooperative agreements with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Louisiana State University and the Louisiana State University AgCenter, and Southern University. The mission of the office is to provide farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses with timely, unbiased, reliable statistical information.

The agricultural statistics published through the Louisiana Field Office are used by farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses in making production and marketing decisions. These statistics are also widely used by farm organizations, colleges and universities, transportation companies, machinery and equipment companies, banks and other lending institutions, policy makers at all levels of government, foreign and domestic buyers of agricultural products and others.

As do all NASS Field Offices, the Louisiana Field Office conducts a comprehensive survey program through which we contact farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses for information throughout the year. The information collected through these surveys is analyzed carefully and used to prepare estimates for major crop and livestock commodities within the state. The Louisiana Field Office is also responsible for collection and estimation of economic and environmental statistics. Survey data of all types are collected, analyzed and summarized at the state level. State-recommended estimates are then forwarded to NASS headquarters in Washington , D.C. where the national commodity or subject-matter statisticians subject the data to further analysis and review. The National Agricultural Statistics Board is then responsible for establishing and disseminating state and national level estimates on scheduled dates throughout the year.

The Louisiana Field Office is located in the Louisiana Agriculture and Forestry building at 5825 Florida Boulevard in Baton Rouge . The office has 15 full-time employees. In addition to the full-time staff, the office has a crew of enumerators who are responsible for most of the survey data collection done through the office. These employees are contracted through the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA). Some NASDA enumerators do telephone data collection from the office in Baton Rouge . Others work from their homes throughout the state conducting personal and telephone interviews.

All data from farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses collected through the Louisiana Field Office are kept completely confidential. Confidentiality of information is protected by law, through Title 7 of the United States Code.


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