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Senator Boxer Introduces "Caring for an Aging American Act"

March 26, 2008

The U.S. population is rapidly aging.  In fact, the fastest growing age sector is that aged 85 and older.  And as our population ages, the need for medical, health and social service specialists trained to deal with the needs of the elderly is growing.

I have introduced legislation, The Caring for an Aging America Act, intended to help address the critical shortage in health care workers trained to meet the needs of older Americans.  Today in the U.S., there are just over 7,000 physicians who are certified geriatricians.  By 2030, 36,000 will be needed.  Other health professions are just as far behind.  Only 5 percent of social workers are trained in aging issues and only 3 percent of advance practice nurses specialize in geriatric care. While the need is great, the health care workforce is not being trained in geriatric care.

My legislation would establish loan repayment programs for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, psychologists and social workers who complete specialty training in geriatrics or gerontology and who agree to provide full-time service to older adults for a minimum of two years.  This incentive would help to fill the need for these specialized positions.  My bill would also expand career advancement opportunities for frontline workers who provide hands on care to many seniors who need long-term care. My legislation would also create an advisory panel to advise Congress on the workforce issues related to an aging population.

The aging of America is occurring very quickly.  To ensure that we have properly trained medical and other specialists to provide the best care to an older population, we must act quickly.  You can count on me to work to pass this legislation.

Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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