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Senator Boxer: Historic Higher Education Act Passes Senate

August 1, 2007

I’m happy to forward to you some of my thoughts on the recently passed historic Higher Education Act of 2007. Countless young people can count on a brighter future because of the opportunities that this legislation will provide. You will find my statement below.

Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator


Making College Access and Affordability a Top Priority

Last week, the United States Senate renewed its commitment to making college more affordable and accessible by passing the Higher Education Access Act of 2007, comprehensive legislation that increases federal student aid, caps student loan payments, and forgives student loan debt for those who enter public service jobs.

Now more than ever, having a college education is imperative to success in today’s global economy. More than 6 out of 10 jobs now require some form of post-secondary education or training. Yet the rising cost of a college education has placed it out of reach for many hard-working American families.

That is why it is so important that our federal commitment keeps pace with rising costs. Twenty years ago, the maximum Pell Grant covered 40 percent of costs for attending a four-year college in California. Today, it covers just 30 percent. This bill helps our students when they start out by increasing the maximum Pell Grant award from $4,300 today to $5,100 in fall of 2008 and $5,400 in fall of 2011. This provision is particularly important to California, which has more Pell Grant recipients than any other state.

The bill also goes a long way toward tackling the problem of student loan debt upon graduation. Right now, 46 percent of seniors at four-year colleges in California graduate with debt, owing on average $15,000 in student loans. This bill helps our students by capping federal student loan payments at 15 percent of a borrower’s discretionary income. The bill also encourages public service by rewarding those who choose to work in nursing, teaching, or law enforcement for 10 years by forgiving their remaining debt after that time period.

I was also greatly pleased that the Senate-passed bill included two provisions I have championed for California. The first increases funding for the highly successful Upward Bound program by authorizing an additional $57 million for the program each year for four years. In California, 5,600 students participate in Upward Bound, which provides support such as tutoring, mentoring and counseling on college entrance and financial aid applications to low-income and first-generation college bound students.

The second eliminates a provision in the Pell Grant system that unfairly prevents students who attend community colleges and lower-tuition institutions from receiving the maximum Pell Grant. This fix will help more students make ends meet so they can focus on their studies and their future.

No one should be denied the opportunity to go to college simply because of cost. This critical legislation will help countless students in California and across the nation realize the American Dream by expanding access to higher education.



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