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Department of Human Services

Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Logo.




         Oregon Trauma Systems





     square red Our Mission
square red About Oregon Trauma Program
square red Trauma Registry
square red  State/Area Trauma Advisory Boards (STAB & ATAB)
square red Trauma Staff
square red T.E.A.M. Courses
square red

Trauma Education Opportunities

square red Trauma Statutes and Rules
     square red

Trauma Coordinator/Registrar Corner  Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Logo.  



















Our Mission


The trauma program is responsible for development, implementation, and ongoing monitoring of the state's trauma system, including establishment of system standards, designation of trauma hospitals to care for injured patients, and collection of trauma registry data. The Health Services's Trauma Program ensures that high-quality community resources are readily available to respond to individuals who are traumatically injured in Oregon, and is responsible for the monitoring of that care.

View Oregon Trauma System Statutes and Rules





About the Trauma Program

     square red Background: Description, History, trends... 
square red Participating Hospitals
square red   List of Trauma Hospitals PDF File(128K)
square red   Map of Trauma Hospitals PDF File(208K)
square red   Designation / Level of Care
square red  Trauma Systems Reports & Studies
square red Trauma Emergency Assessment and Management (TEAM) courses
square red Emergency Medical Services for Children
















Trauma Registry

  square red Objectives 
square red Download trauma form
square red  Order trauma bands
square red Order flow sheets
square red Data Request Process











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State Trauma Advisory Board (STAB)

      square red Upcoming STAB meetings
square red Minutes from STAB meetings
square red  STAB members
Patient Management Recommendations
STAB  Vacancies
square red Hospital Administrator Vacancy Announcement PDF File(21K)
square red Level 1 Neurosurgeon Vacancy Announcement PDF File(18K)
square red Anesthesiologist Vacancy Announcement PDF File(18K)
















Area Trauma Advisory Board (ATAB)

  square red

Upcoming ATAB meetings 









Trauma System Reports & Studies

       square red









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