Table 3-4. Predicting Resources

ESI Level Patient Presentation Interventions Resources
5 Healthy 10-year-old child with poison ivy Needs an exam and prescription None
5 Healthy 52-year-old male ran out of blood pressure medication yesterday; BP 150/92 Needs an exam and prescription None
4 Healthy 19-year-old with sore throat and fever Needs an exam, throat culture, and prescriptions Lab (throat culture)*
4 Healthy 29-year-old female with a urinary tract infection, denies vaginal discharge Needs an exam, urine, and urine culture, maybe urine hCG, and prescriptions Lab (urine, urine C&S, urine hCG)**
3 A 22-year-old male with right lower quadrant abdominal pain since early this morning + nausea, no appetite Needs an exam, lab studies, IV fluid, abdominal CT, and perhaps surgical consult 2 or more
3 A 45-year-old obese female with left lower leg pain and swelling, started 2 days ago after driving in a car for 12 hours Needs exam, lab, lower extremity non-invasive vascular studies 2 or more

* In some regions, throat cultures are not routinely performed; instead, the patient is treated based on history and physical exam. If that is the case, the patient would be an ESI level 5.
** All 3 tests count as one resource (Lab).

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