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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 26, 2007

50th Anniversary of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Fifty years ago, on July 29, 1957, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was created by a group of states that shared President Eisenhower’s vision of a body to “devise methods whereby nuclear materials could be allocated to serve the peaceful purposes of mankind.” Fifty years after Eisenhower articulated this vision, the IAEA has grown to play a major role in preventing the misuse of nuclear technology for non-peaceful purposes.

Nuclear Safeguards, Security, Health & Development

Through its role as the world's nuclear inspectorate, the IAEA applies nuclear safeguards at over 900 facilities in more than 145 countries. Its inspectors now play a more prominent role in investigating illicit nuclear supply networks and detecting undeclared nuclear activities. Agency inspectors are working to address, and keep the international community apprised of, proliferation threats.

The IAEA strengthens security for nuclear materials, reducing the risk that such materials will fall into the hands of terrorists and others seeking to acquire or facilitate the acquisition of nuclear weapons. The Agency’s Nuclear Security Plan provides guidance to states on means to strengthen their nuclear security plans and capabilities. Additionally, the IAEA helps the international community verify the peaceful use or storage of nuclear material from dismantled weapons and surplus military stocks of fissile material.

The IAEA helps improve human health around the world through important nuclear medicine assistance and agricultural programs. Through its Technical Cooperation Program, the IAEA provides more access to peaceful nuclear technologies (approximately $70 million to over 100 member states annually).

United States and International Support

The United States is committed to working with the international community to sustain the work of the IAEA. The United States continues to support the IAEA’s mission, contributing 25% of the IAEA’s annual budget as well as additional funding to support the Agency’s crucial safeguards mission. In a 2004 speech at the National Defense University, President Bush noted the need to “ensure that the IAEA has all the tools it needs to fulfill its essential mandate.” On the Agency’s 50th anniversary, the United States calls upon the international community to redouble its effort to ensure that the IAEA can continue to address the threats and challenges of our time, continue to respond to its member states’ needs, and continue to operate in an efficient and effective manner.


Released on July 26, 2007

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