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Mail Management Commercial Payment Proccesses

Derrick K Miliner
(202) 273-3564

Devoanna Reels
(202) 501-3781

Federal Mail
(202) 501-6245

On June 5, 2002, GSA published a new mail management regulation (41 CFR 102-192). The two most significant changes from the rule that it replaced are (1) enhancement of the mail center security requirements, and (2) a new requirement to change the way federal agencies pay for mail. Specifically, the rule requires federal agencies to move away from the Postal Service's Official Mail Accounting System and move to accountability and commercial payment processes for postage. The original deadline for this change was October 1, 2003; the deadline was later extended to December 31, 2003.

Many federal agencies found that the deadline was impossible to meet. This part of the website provides guidance on converting to accountability and commercial payment processes as well as guidance for requesting a deviation from the deadline. Please feel free to contact the GSA Mail Policy Team for further guidance and assistance.