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Mail Management Professional Affiliations/Councils

Derrick K Miliner
(202) 273-3564

Devoanna Reels
(202) 501-3781

Federal Mail
(202) 501-6245

Professional affiliations help build a broad base of support for the mail manager by sharing information and ideas in improvements and cost savings.

1. Mailers Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC)

The purpose of MTAC is to provide technical information, advice and recommendations to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) concerning various aspects of the mail and the mailing industry. MTAC's goal is to assist the USPS in determining the best course of action to improve service and postal operating efficiency. MTAC has grown to include more than 50 mailing industry associations. Membership is generally limited to two people from each association. GSA represents the federal agencies on MTAC. For more Information:

MTAC Program Manager
U.S. Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Room 5301
Washington, DC 20260
Telephone: (202) 268-2079

2. Government Mailers Advisory Council (GMAC)

The GMAC is an active partnership of members from the federal mailing community and the USPS in Washington, DC. Formed in August 1994, GMAC is a forum for sharing ideas, suggestions and solutions to improve mail services. The GMAC has made major strides in standardized addressing and reducing misdirected mail. GMAC's membership includes federal mail managers in the Washington, DC area that are served by Washington, DC post offices. For more information contact:

LaChelle Bynum
Mail Manager, Department of Labor
(202) 691-5344 or email:

3. Postal Customer Councils (PCC)

Local PCC's are a joint Business/USPS venture. This common forum was developed by members of the business community and postal officials to meet and discuss all aspects of the U.S. Postal Service. Mailers can have their questions answered, have new programs explained, voice opinions, and make suggestions to postal officials. In addition, mailers can discuss matters of mutual concern.

For more information, contact a USPS Account Representative or local USPS Business Center for information and assistance. USPS Publication 286 is an excellent source of information on PCC's. To locate this publication via the Internet point your browser to: and search for Publication 286, Postal Customer Council Program.

4. Interagency Mail Policy Council (IMPC)

The Interagency Mail Policy Council (IMPC), one of GSA's interagency committees, provides a forum for a collaborative partnership among federal agencies in mail communications. This partnership will forge new directions and build on the solid foundation of the government's mail communication system. The objectives of this partnership are to increase the efficiency of mail as a critical tool that federal agencies use to accomplish their missions and to reduce the overall cost of mail.

To be included on the IMPC mailing list, please contact Derrick Miliner via email with your name, title, agency and phone number.