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Beneficiary Data
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Benefits Paid by Type of Family

Updated November 14, 2005
Beneficiary Data Data on monthly benefits, grouped by "family," are available through this form. You may select the type of family from among 23 types, the sex of the worker (or the sex of the surviving spouse if the worker is deceased and the spouse is receiving benefits), and reporting frequency (monthly, quarterly, or annual). You may also select the reporting period to limit the years for which data will be displayed. Data are unavailable prior to 1991.
What to expect A time series will be presented in column format as follows:
  • the number of families in current payment status at the end of the selected months or years;
  • the corresponding average benefit amount per family;
  • the average number of beneficiaries per family; and
  • the corresponding average benefit amount per beneficiary.
  1. Select type of family
  2. Select the sex of the worker or surviving spouse
  3. Select reporting frequency (monthly, quarterly, annual)
  4. Select range of years (optional)
  5. Click on "Go" to submit request

Sex of the worker or surviving spouse

Select frequency (data at end of period)

Select range of years (optional)


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