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 You are in: Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs > Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs > Award for Corporate Excellence 
Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs
Award for Corporate Excellence


U.S. Government and corporate officials sit and listen to speaker at 2003 Award for Corporate Excellence ceremony, Oct. 15, 2003. State Dept. photo by Michael Gross.(Left to right) Special Representative Frank Mermoud; Secretary of State Colin Powell; ChevronTexaco Chairman and CEO David O'Reilly; U.S. Steel Chairman and CEO Thomas Usher; and Assistant Secretary Tony Wayne at Secretary of State's 2003 Award for Corporate Excellence ceremony.

--10/15/03  Secretary of State's 2003 Awards for Corporate Excellence
--10/15/03  Remarks at the 2003 Corporate Excellence Awards ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--10/15/03  Remarks at Award for Corporate Excellence; E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs; Interactive Session With Posts in Abuja and Bratislava; Washington, DC
--10/15/03  Remarks at Award for Corporate Excellence; Roger A. Meece, Charge d'Affaires, U.S. Embassy, Nigeria; Via Interactive Satellite Broadcast; Washington, DC
--10/15/03  Remarks at Award for Corporate Excellence; Jay Pryor, Managing Director, Chevron Nigeria Ltd. and Mid Africa Business Unit; Via Interactive Satellite Broadcast; Washington, DC
--10/15/03  Remarks at Award for Corporate Excellence; Ronald Weiser, U.S. Ambassador to the Slovak Republic; Via Interactive Satellite Broadcast; Washington, DC
--10/15/03  Remarks at Award for Corporate Excellence; Christopher Novetta, President, U.S. Steel Kosice; Via Interactive Satellite Broadcast; Washington, DC
--10/15/03  Remarks at Award for Corporate Excellence; Mikulas Dzurinda, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic; Via Interactive Satellite Broadcast; Washington, DC
--10/15/03  Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility, 2003
--10/15/03  Photo Gallery

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