Public Health Service Engineers
"Engineering for Life"
Vision Statement: To provide national and
international leadership in public health

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Chief Engineer
Strategic Plan
Career Development
E & A Handbook
Healthly People
History of PHS Engineers
Engineering Recruitment
Mentoring Program
Emergency Preparedness
EPAC Welcome Package
Other Conferences

Job Opportunities For Engineering Students Job Opportunities For Graduating or Graduated Engineers Career Opportunities For Current Civil Service  And Commissioned Corps Engineers

  2008 Award Winners

Newsletter - February 2008 (click here to view past newsletters)
We need your help in bringing you the stories you want to read.  Please consider submitting an article for an upcoming issue or let us know when you or a colleague have reached a milestone, been recognized for an accomplishment. submit article

Mission of PHS Engineers

PHS engineers play a vital role in the overall PHS mission to protect and advance the health of the nation:

  • Provide sound engineering expertise in the support of specific agency objectives
  • Use engineering skills to safeguard the public and to research and identify solutions to the many health-related problems that face our nation
  • Remain on the cutting edge of engineering disciplines and technology as we face the health and environmental challenges of the future
  • Provide assistance directly to the American people in the form of professional consultation and the provision of health-related facilities

Contact Information

This web site is maintained by the Information Subcommittee of the Engineers Professional Advisor Committee.

Chief Engineer:
EPAC Chairman: