Primary Navigation for the CDC Website
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What to Know

Welcome from CAPT Hayes

Profiles in Officership

Office of Commissioned Corps Operations Commissioned Officer Effectiveness Report (COER) Reference Guide

CDC has developed a "Draft Deployment Understanding" for the use of CDC/ATSDR officers and their supervisors. The purpose is to ensure an understanding of the responsibilities and conditions for responding to OFRD calls for deployment.

Information Regarding Uniforms for CDC /ATSDR

The CDC Awards Board and OCCP announce the schedule for the 2008 Commissioned Corps Awards Cycle.

Name formats for officers

Health Tips
Significant changes in the dental program for active duty commissioned officers have been made recently. Officers need to review the new information to ensure that their dental claims are processed appropriately...

Transformation Update
In July 2003, HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson announced the Transformation of the U.S.P.H.S. Commissioned Corps.

This information is intended for CDC/ATSDR officers. See disclaimer.


Page last modified: August 11, 2008