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October 8, 2008    DOL Home > CFBCI > Compassion at Work Highlights 2001-2008   

Compassion at Work Highlights 2001-2008

The goal of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is to foster a prepared, competitive, safe, and secure workforce. As part of the Department's work to extend that goal to all Americans, the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI) exists to help more Americans overcome barriers to employment, fi nd jobs, and stay employed through the unique work of local faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs).

DOL has invested in results-driven partnerships with FBCOs since 2001 that have touched the lives of countless struggling Americans, with a special focus on individuals facing the greatest barriers to employment. Internationally, DOL-funded partnerships with FBCOs have withdrawn or prevented more than 1,000,000 children from being engaged in exploitive child labor around the world. Innovative programs at DOL have produced the following results:

  • 150,645 hard-to-serve individuals have been assisted in DOL-funded programs at FBCOs to help them overcome barriers to employment and reach their long-term career goals;
  • 87,128 men, women, and young people have been placed in jobs, training, or education;
  • The President's Prisoner Reentry Initiative has achieved a recidivism rate signifi cantly less than half the national average;
  • Small FBCOs participating in two DOL pilot programs harnessed more than 150,000 volunteer hours in their DOL-funded projects.

DOL has created or strengthened more than one dozen grant and pilot programs in order to build government- FBCO partnerships that serve the chronically unemployed, ex-offenders, homeless veterans, disabled jobseekers, at-risk youth, jobseekers who lack access to DOL-funded services, and many more.

  • The President's Prisoner Reentry Initiative and DOL's Benefi ciary-Choice Contracting program are reducing unemployment and recidivism among ex-prisoners;
  • DOL pioneered intermediary grant models and awarded grants to 65 intermediary organizations, which have sub-awarded funds to more than 500 small FBCOs serving a wide range of individuals in need;
  • States participating in the SHARE Network Initiative have opened more than 95 "Access Points" located in FBCOs in low-income neighborhoods to expand access to publicly-funded employment services;
  • DOL also pioneered a mini-grant model that has awarded grants to 247 grassroots FBCOs in 42 states from 2002-2007.

In order to build public-private partnerships that continue to transformed lives, DOL has:

  • Updated its regulations to ensure equal treatment for all organizations and trained more than 1,400 nonprofi t and public workforce system leaders on how to comply with those regulations;
  • Provided training and technical assistance to more than 4,745 FBCO and public workforce system staff on a wide variety of issues;
  • Awarded 1,365 grants worth $742 million to FBCOs from 2002-2007.

On June 26, 2008, DOL released its final report on the vital role played by the President's Faith-Based and Community Initiative in advancing key national goals through the Department since 2001.

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